March 30, 2010
There’s been a lot of commotion regarding Ricky Martin’s recent coming out statement on his official website. As with most things in life these days, I learned about the news on Facebook. So, I immediately posted about the news as well and quickly joined in the jubilee of queerness and pranced about the office like a middle school-aged boy who accidently touched hands with his classroom crush. I even committed the blasphemy of comparing the news to that of Health Care Reform and the release of Apple’s iPad (insert sound of angel choir here).
And then, of course, there was the storm of cattiness that followed the news. As a queer Xicano, I admit that sarcasm is built into my genetic code. The survivor of four Christian-themed religions and 500+ years of white supremacist occupation, I find humor, irony and disbelief in most things. Still, yesterday I just wanted to celebrate.
I agree that the fact that Ricky is gay is not all that shocking. Queer men and not long speculated or asserted that he shook his bon bon far too well to be straight. Plus, for us jotos/maricones/patos, there was the added benefit of dreaming him up queer, which somehow put us that much closer to his arms.
Still, as the catty remarks continue, as people boast about how they knew and think he should have done this 10 years ago, or sassy queens dismiss the news as inconsequential, I say, look beyond our borders (geographic, cultural, and age-based) and take a minute to honor the fact that for many, Ricky’s coming out is groundbreaking, perhaps even life-saving.
![Ricky Martin](
Ricky Martin at the 2010 Billboard Latin Music Awards
April 29, 2010
April 29, 2010
So Ricky was doing more than living la vida loca; he was, in fact, a loca. To the trained eye, this is just confirmation that our gaydar runs on more than hormones and dreams.
Hormones, dreams and cattiness aside, I challenge the ungleeful remarks about Ricky’s coming out.
As with most performers who began as Spanish-language artists, Ricky began over 10 years ago. The Barbara Walters interview (assuming it was Barbara, I can never tell who is behind that cloud of light) did have me on the edge of my teenage self, hoping he’d come out and proclaim his gayness, but it wasn’t his beginning. Ricky’s career began decades ago.
Long before the Latin Explosion, which was more of a Latin Spark, Ricky had left his imprint on the Spanish pop scene of the late 80’s and early to mid-90’s. Back when Thalía and Paulina were still artists and relevant, before Gloria Trevi’s traumatic (for her and her fans) imprisonment in Brazil, and before Alejandra Guzmán would be hospitalized for too much botox on her behind, there was a cultural movement in Latin America.
As a pre-teen growing up in a rural town of 300 in northern México, Thalía, Paulina, Gloria, Alejandra and Ricky were my window into another world. Their performances pushed, albeit at times gently and censured, the boundaries of repressive cultural norms. From flowers wrapped around a microphone to songs about teen pregnancy and abortion, these young performers were resisting and embodying another realm of cultural possibilities. Ricky gave boys the excuse (and perhaps reason) to shake our hips in ways that would otherwise be condemned as obscene.
The dismissal of Ricky’s coming out seems to be rooted in an U.S.-centric perspective where we have the opportunity to stop celebrating any queer image on TV and offer our critique. There is so much gayness these days that we can spend our days and dissertations balking at how a character isn’t gay enough, is too gay, is too white, etc. And although we don’t actually have the type of representation GLAAD and I would like to see, we have a whole lot more than we did in México in 1992 (except, of course, Ricky gently caressing his long hair on stage… oh, and Locomía).
I am not critiquing the fact that we spend so much time criticizing queer portrayals in the media. To the contrary, I am celebrating the fact that we can. In fact, I’d go further and ask why queer people of color media performance and productions are so weak, lame and superficial. Having once curating a queer people of color cultural arts program, I know we can do better.
What I am critiquing is that our criticisms of Ricky’s coming out has us falling into the pitfall of imagining and defining all things queer through a U.S. lens. I even joked about the fact that he used the term “homosexual” to define himself. And now, in retrospect I find that identifying as a “fortunate homosexual” was much more powerful than a simple “gay.”
Perhaps for the jaded queen living in urban U.S., the oversaturation of gayness in the media has deemed Ricky insignificant and worthy of our dismissal. For that frightened and confused 12 year old in rural Chihuahua, it’s monumental.
My coming out process was stumped by the fact that I could not even imagine my queerness, let alone live it. At the time, the saturation of gayness was mostly strictly white. It wasn’t until queer brown men like Jaime Cortez and Emanuel Xavier fearlessly (or perhaps fearfully) exposed their work and their bodies to the sun of public criticism, that I was able to imagine myself.
Whether U.S. fags approve or not, Ricky is a prominent figure here, and more importantly, in Latino América. Ricky’s coming out makes it possible for young boys in countless homes to imagine themselves as something other than confused.
For this, I say to Ricky: gracias. And, you know where to find me.
Source: Guest post: "Why Ricky Matters" by Lorenzo Herrera y Lozano
Ricky Martin on Twitter
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finger lickin good said...
Thanks for this. I do really appreciate it as I feel like I’ve been a bit on the defensive the past two days. . I would have to say first of all. No one should judge when, if and how another individual should come out. I resented everyone who told me to. When I finally did it was my time, for me and no one else, because I wanted and needed to… Taking advice from a queeny twenty year old to come out of the closet is just as bad as someone’s mother telling you to stay in. Clearly the people who were close to Ricky Martin knew back in the day and what the hell else mattered? Was it his duty? Should be be expected to be a gay rights activist now? No. I sincerely thank him for doing this now, though a bunch of bitches out there say its too late.. I love him for it and once more thank YOU for this post.
nzglambert007: RT @LupieStardust: Watching last Friday's Jonathan Ross! Adam Lambert and Jake Gyllenhaal! Now, if they could just, you know, make out.
9 minutes ago
I don’t know who watches glee, but the part with Kurt and his father tonight was pitch perfect and beautiful. Too bad many fathers are not like this
Can't watch Glee - what did the father do? I'm sure Stephen was like that :)
MaggieG_Online: Maggie Gyllenhaal & Peter Sarsgaard back on stage in “Three Sisters” (expand)
16 minutes ago
DisneyMoviesUK: Jake Gyllenhaal sgning autographs for fans at teh Russian premiere of #PrinceofPersia
4 minutes ago
Posted on OMG by Special K
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Our finds for the day: two beautiful grass-fed bison tenderloins, some cubed lamb meat (for a Moroccan dish I've been wanting to make), purple asparagus, giant spring onions that remind me of the ones we used to grow in England, eggplant hummus, some rolls, strawberries, blueberries, and a gorgeous big zucchini. We also got some good people-watching, from the other parents with eager kids, to older couples, to the One Tree Hill stars (Sophia Bush, Austin Nichols, Jana Kramer) bumping into Busy Phillips (Cougar Town) while Jeanne Trippelhorn (Big Love) walked by with Leland Orser (ER). Liam got really unhappy right at that point, and Austin Nichols seemed sort of stressed out by it. Well, that's not fair -- maybe he felt sorry for him, or was fascinated by the twins, but either way, he kept glancing over at my poor crying boy (he was hungry and we were waiting in line). Liam obviously didn't appreciate the fact that I needed to eavesdrop on their conversation, which did initially appear to be about work, because he kept me busy enough that I couldn't hear even though they were standing four feet from me. Actually, I think he was just helping me mind my manners. Eavesdropping is so rude.
“One of the great parts of the book was that it was political without being political, that it tells a story of two guys creating a family without having to shove the politics of that experience in America down audience members’ throats,” said Scott Elliott, the director of the musical and the artistic director of the New Group. “But we were also conscious of the delicacy of turning a popular book, particularly one man’s deeply felt memoir, into a piece of theater.”
“A musical needs a great big protagonist with a great big want — a hope or goal that is so overwhelming that the protagonist is moved to sing about it,” Mr. Lechner said. “The dream of having a family is about as big a hope as you can get.”
But the creators also determined that while adopting a baby would form the arc of the plot, the musical would hold audiences only if the story was about far more than the step-by-step process, anxieties, politics and gallows humor of the book’s will-we-get-a-baby narrative. At the heart of the musical, they decided, would be a love story between Dan (played by the two-time Tony Award nominee Christopher Sieber) and his younger, relatively new boyfriend, Terry, whose seemingly one-night-stand of sex turns into a relationship after they bond over their mutual interest in Gore Vidal.
NY Times
“I don’t think about the memoir much now, but every day I live with the experience of adopting D.J.,” Mr. Savage said. “It was the most harrowing experience of my life. And being a father has been the happiest. Is that the stuff of a satisfying musical? I don’t really know, but I hope audiences think so.”
"A lot of things threaten us, all the time, and we tend to not listen to our own hearts, to make choices that are about you what other people think is cool or what other people say is cool.
"The moral lesson of this movie, for Dastan, is to follow his own heart and influence other peoples around him, like his brothers and his family, to follow theirs too. "When you do, and when he does, and he helps the other people around him, it all works out for the best.
"Ultimately, it’s not painless, but it’s for the best. And, I hope that kids and families can take away that, if they listen to their heart, they’ll never really go wrong.
Jake Gyllenhaal Has Positive Message
Really good article about Ricky Martin. Thanks, Jackie :)
Anne Hathaway finally found a lover who's avoiding jail.
The Hollywood star's bit-actor beau swiped a mural from a Manhattan construction site in broad daylight on Saturday -- but yesterday, Adam Shulman thought better of his actions, phoned the owner, apologized and returned the artwork.
"I got my art back. I'm happy," said owner Ken Hart, president of H&H Builders, who's not pressing charges.
Hart's construction company is renovating a building at 13th Street and Ninth Avenue, where Shulman ripped off the mural, painted on a plywood fence by street artist Mr. Brainwash, whose real name is Thierry Guetta.
NY Post
Dear Ted:
What's up with Jake Gyllenhaal? I used to really enjoy his interviews, I thought they were funny and genuine, but I'm finding his interviews for Prince of Persia kind of robotic, not to mention reserved despite all the attempts to be funny. I'm also not finding the frat boy humor funny. Making gagging gestures when Jonathan Ross jokes about kissing his male guests while interviewing Adam Lambert? Recoiling when your colleague on The Daily 10 tried to give him a comforting hug during a joking routine that included tissue and fake tears? By the way, the contrast between Jake and Adam on Jonathan Ross was like night and day. Where's that "it" factor, the star quality that Jake used to have gone to?
—Worried Jake Fan
Dear Great Pretender:
That's exactly what I've been saying, babe. I thought after Gyllenspoon was no more, the real Jake might stand up, but that so hasn't been happening—for now, at least. Don't know if that's his choice or Disney's, but I'm not buying the über-man that's being shoved down our throats.
Dear Ted:
I'm a big Awful Truth fan- it helps me cope between classes—but this is my first time writing in. I totally loved your take on the Newsweek incident. I get that they want to drum up readership by having something scandalous, but seriously? The fact that Jonathan Groff is gay has zero effect on me at all. I love Glee and that guy is talented and hot, being gay doesn't change either opinion I have on him. I have no problem with gay playing straight or vice versa. That's why they're actors. They act. I support your and Kristin Chenoweth's shaming of this homophobic gimmick. On a lighter note, I'm a huge Blind Vice fanatic. In exchange for my rant, do you have any more dirt/hints on Nelly Fang? Anything and everything would be much appreciated. Stay awesome Ted!
Dear Preach On:
Articles like that are exactly why Toothy, Nelly or any of our BV faves don't have a shot at setting precedent and coming out. Not that Nelly really needs to come out. Just needs to fess up that he's a sexual being and swings both ways in his private life. No biggie.
Dear Ted:
Back to the Shafterella Shostein Blind Vice, how would you describe Shafterella's preferences? Gay or Bi? A corollary to this question is when did her ex-husband find about her activities which involved sweaty thighs and short skirts?
Dear Vintage Vice:
Don't think her ex-hubby minded it all that much. They both tend to go the Bi-Bi-Bi route. Tres chic!
Bitch-Back! Jake Gyllenhaal is No Prince
By the way, the contrast between Jake and Adam on Jonathan Ross was like night and day.
*At least she didn't mention tops and bottoms!*
Thanks Jackie - a great post. :)
made up some strange revisionist fiction about Heath
What fiction was that? Just curious.
*looking for her baseball bat*
Great post - it needed to be said, thanks! :)
"The moral lesson of this movie, for Dastan, is to follow his own heart and influence other peoples around him, like his brothers and his family, to follow theirs too. "
Jake keeps spouting trite, meaningless platitudes. I'm beginning to doubt he's ever had an original thought in his head.
Is this the same guy who was in BBM? Maybe being around Heath, Ang and Annie pushed him to be the best he can be. Now he's back to being banal.
And no, I don't still love him, lol. I'm just here waiting for him to come out.
Come on, Jake's interviews aren't bad :)
“I’ve known her for most of her adult life and I know she’s straight,” said Sarah Walzer, Kagan’s roommate in law school and a close friend since then. “She dated men when we were in law school, we talked about men — who in our class was cute, who she would like to date, all of those things. She definitely dated when she was in D.C. after law school, when she was in Chicago – and she just didn’t find the right person.”
Walzer, half amused and half appalled to be discussing her friend’s sexual orientation, agreed to be interviewed after Kagan’s supporters decided they should tactfully put an end to the rumor, which White House officials had already tried to squelch in background interviews with reporters. She said she decided to talk to POLITICO because the discussion of Kagan’s personal life has become a “distraction.”
she just didn’t find the right person
Oops, bad choice of words ;)
"And no, I don't still love him, lol. I'm just here waiting for him to come out."
Stop waiting, you waste your time babe!
What Comes In, Must Come Out!
Elle_Higgins: Also saw preview for prince of persia. Unf unf. So glad gyllenbert is real. Here's hoping jake takes adam to the opening.
3 days ago
Stop waiting, you waste your time babe!
lol. I'm not 8:57, but since you're on this blog you could tell yourself the same thing :)
Is anyone else having trouble linking to the The Awful Truth site? Everything else on E comes up except that page.
Jake will come out, he just needs to decide on a date :)
Is anyone else having trouble linking to the The Awful Truth site?
"Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player."
Is anyone else having trouble linking to the The Awful Truth site?
"Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player."
Okay, thanks, then it's not just me. I don't have Java turned off and I do have the latest Flash player, so idk what's up with that.
Doesn't work for me either, everything was OK 3 hours ago.
Jake dancing and hiting on Russian chicks last night at the after party in Moscow:
More like hitting on girls!
Jake Gyllenhaal is hitting on girl
Macho man!
He looks like a fool dancing like that.
Oh my goodness, Jake is so straight he so didn't know he was being filmed! Uh huh.
Reminds me of Elaine's dancing :)
White men really can't dance. Russian women are hot and he is part Russian!
he is part Russian
That explains hiting on Russian chicks ;)
Don't drink and dance! lol
Gemma's there too, she looks less drunk tough.
Is anyone else having trouble linking to the The Awful Truth site?
UK site works fine, US doesn't.
No wonder Jake and his dance moves pissed DSF off. LOL
He's a horrible dancer! It looks like the video is in 2 parts, the first looks like a after party/dinner for Pop with Jake, Gemma, etc and the 2nd looks like Jake sans Pop Co. went somewhere else to party. You just see his BG in pt.2 but nobody from Pop.
2nd part - isn't that Gemma in the black dress on the right?
He's a horrible dancer!
Looking forward to Damn Yankees!
2nd part - isn't that Gemma in the black dress on the right?
Yeah, that's her. She turns towards the camera near the end, she's dancing and smoking.
Bad girl!
Where's Gemma's fiance????
At home, in UK? Jake's husband is in US, hanging out with girl friends ;)
Reminds me of Elaine's dancing :)
"Sweet Holy Moses!"
"More like a full-body dry heave set to music."
"Sometimes you can't help these people till they hit rock bottom."
Elaine Benis Dances from Seinfeld
Who cares about Gemma, he aint' dancing or hitting on her in the video.
Jake is hitting on every female in the video. WHAT A MAN!
You just see his BG in pt.2 but nobody from Pop.
There's a Russian article that says it was a private party held at a club for the POP gang. There was also lots of booze, that explains it.
Private party with paparazzi video?!
Ricky's coming out is enlightening, if belated.
Private party with paparazzi video?!
Exactly. How strange, isn't it. Since when are paparazzi invited at private parties? ;)
Since Jake is hitting on girls!
Oh my goodness, Jake is so straight he so didn't know he was being filmed!
mte. lol, at one point he looks almost directly at the camera ;)
He looks like a fool dancing like that.
Sigh. Yeah, he does. The entire thing had a very weird vibe to it.
Since Jake is hitting on girls!
Ding ding ding!
Oh boy, Jake gets more heterosexual by the day!
I think we can thank Jerry's wonderful influence for that.
No wonder Jake and his dance moves pissed DSF off.
LOL, I can almost see it. Jake acting like he owned the place, dancing on the bench, throwing his arms in the air, jerk DSF going to him and Jake losing his shit. Where are the paps when you really need them? And I don't mean the ones on Jake's/Disney's payroll. ;)
DSF - I don't believe for a second that Jake danced in that Montreal restaurant.
Who is that girl in pic 11 with Jake in his car?
Same girl? pic 27
Someone working for Disney or the party host.
And can speak English and Russian.
I'm glad Jake is gay, Russian women are famous here for spreading venereal diseases.
DSF - I don't believe for a second that Jake danced in that Montreal restaurant.
There is dancing at Garde Manger, it's a loud atmosphere, not your typical restaurant. I read about it during the DSF hoopla, you can google it if you don't believe me.
Posted on WDW
Jake features on two British TV shows tomorrow (Thursday):
08.30-09.25 GMTV with Lorraine (for sure)
18.25 Live from Studio Five (I think)
I'm sure (gay, straight, bi whatevs) Jake uses condoms.
I'm sure Jake didn't need condoms, viagra or coke while in Moscow.
Eastern European girls are pretty and pretty easy to get. Tacky.
Oh dear, he looks like some sad western business man trying to hook up with a high class Moscow escort. Sad and rather tacky.
High class male escorts were off limits.
Maybe it was a pay-off with Jerry B. Shank around for a few hours in public with the girls (and be filmed doing so) and 'Ivan' will be waiting for you back in the hotel room.
Why would Jerry care what Jake is doing at an after party?
Maybe because Jake is promoting Jerry's 200 million movie?
Well I'm pretty sure Jerry B would be a bit cheesed off if Jake was filmed shanking it up with ivan, Boris and the other cute Ruskie that comes when you take advantage of the 3 male escorts for the price of 2 offer from Craigski Listski.
Maybe because Jake is promoting Jerry's 200 million movie?
And he does a good job so far. But I doubt he forced Jake to flirt with those women at the party.
Someone working for Disney or the party host.
It's Jake's driver, his bodyguard, Jake and this girl in the car. Where were they heading after the party? To the hotel?
But I doubt he forced Jake to flirt with those women at the party.
Jerry didn't force Jake to beard, either - Jake knows the game and knows what's he expected to do.
It's Jake's driver, his bodyguard, Jake and this girl in the car.
That answer was about the girl, not Jake's bodyguard.
Where were they heading after the party?
Huh? What kind of question is that?
Sigh. Yeah, he does. The entire thing had a very weird vibe to it.
Oh dear, he looks like some sad western business man trying to hook up with a high class Moscow escort. Sad and rather tacky.
Absolutely. Reminds me of of a job I had years back in which I sometimes had to go out with Japanese businessmen to private Japanese karoke clubs, the kinds with the "hostesses." The business men (all married) would get very drunk and flirt and get touchy with the women. It was gross, disgusting and sad.
And funny how Jake has no problems putting his hands on every woman, and vice versa, but then some would have us believe he was recoiled from that interviewer for invading his private space.
Every day just brings even more disgusting behavior from Jake.
Who is that girl in pic 11 with Jake in his car?
I think it's the same girl in this video (behind Jake on the right) with her bangs pulled up. She must be someone on Jake's staff.
Wondercon interview
Then why did you do it, Destiny?
Wondercon interview
Yes, could be the same lady.
Same girl? pic 27
Picture 11 and 27 are two different women.
I only went to those places a couple of times, after that I always pleaded that I was "too tired" to go. Going out to places like that is very much tied up with the Japanese business culture, and until I went I didn't know what they were really like.
By the way, if that is what people want to do, I have no issues with it. But it would be wrong if people felt forced to do it. I certainly wasn't engaging in that kind of behavior, and the American men who'd go along would drink, but they didn't treat the women that way either.
Jake didn't have to act that way at the party, even if it was fully of "hostesses" or paid escorts. Just his going, dancing and drinking would have been enough.
Oh, that's right, he did have to hit on all those women, otherwise someone might think he's a f*ggot*
And funny how Jake has no problems putting his hands on every woman, and vice versa, but then some would have us believe he was recoiled from that interviewer for invading his private space
Yeah, I had the exact same thought.
There is dancing at Garde Manger, it's a loud atmosphere, not your typical restaurant.
Oh, I totally believe he was dancing on the bench on Garde Manger! That part was never in dispute and has nothing to do with the fact that DSF is a jerk. Why wouldn't Jake have been dancing? He's certainly not shy and he loves to be the center of attention (on his terms, of course).
DSF was just jealous because Jake got all the ladies' attention, maybe even the one of the "lady" DSF was with.
take advantage of the 3 male escorts for the price of 2 offer from Craigski Listski.
LMAO! very good
Jake is not a good dancer. LOL.
Oh, I totally believe he was dancing on the bench on Garde Manger! That part was never in dispute and has nothing to do with the fact that DSF is a jerk.
DSF is a jerk and a liar.
And funny how Jake has no problems putting his hands on every woman, and vice versa, but then some would have us believe he was recoiled from that interviewer for invading his private space
There is private space and there is private space!
Ramin Setoodeh, Newsweek's ire of gay Hollywood, is being attacked by Broadway and television vets for dissing Sean Hayes. Last night he went on television to defend himself. It did not go well — not because his fellow guests attacked him, but because it's as if he didn't even bother researching his case studies. Which is sad, because his case studies are television shows, and how hard is it to buff up on those?
On The Joy Behar Show, Setoodeh says the only reason we can believe Neil Patrick Harris' heterosexual Barney character on How I Met Your Mother was because we were introduced to him back when Harris was "straight." And "it's a television character" that is "over the top, funny, humorous character" and not a "romantic lead where women actually are supposed to believe him as a heterosexual character." So what gay actors can play straight? Setoodeh doesn't know any, because "the type that can play straight, we probably don't know that they're gay, because they've kept it a secret." And if they stop keeping it a secret? They suddenly become unbelievable!
But we'd argue these gay actors do, in fact, go straight-for-pay quite convincingly. And it has little to do with their sexuality, and everything to do with their acting chops. (There's a difference, Setoodeh says, between gay actors playing characters who happen to be straight, and gay actors whose straight characters are framed as romantic interests.)
• Cheyenne Jackson: Danny, 30 Rock
• Matt Bomer: Neal, White Collar
• Neil Patrick Harris: Barney, How I Met Your Mother
• John Barrowman: Patrick, Desperate Housewives
• Cynthia Nixon: Miranda, Sex and the City
• Jonathan Groff: Melchior, Spring Awakening
• Wanda Sykes: Barb, The New Adventures of Old Christine
• TR Knight: George, Grey's Anatomy
• Jodie Foster: Erica, The Brave One
• Ian McKellen: Everything he's ever done
And of course, Rupert Everett in … Shrek The Third.
Surely you know more than we. Let us know in the comments.
GspotLA: I would way rather see Jake Gyllenhaal in The Prince of Penis XXX!
6 minutes ago
Popped collars, go-go dancing atop heavy equipment, nudity, lip-dubbing in the showers. These are all things to be extremely concerned about if gays are allowed to serve openly in the military!
Though it appears the straight guys have beat them to it.
Writes the video's creator:
"Created by Codey Wilson and his elite step team of volunteers. Don't give us a hard time for this, please? We're just a few good men trying to enjoy ourselves and get this deployment over with. No one is gay... that we know of. Not that there is anything wrong with that! (political correctness) As a young aspiring film maker I was forced to release this early due to our friend in Afghans high school lip sinked music video. You know you love it. Enjoy it. Spread it. Live it. Lastly, ignore the copy cats that will soon follow and keep your taste for original creativity. Much love from the east!"
More dancing!
Thanks for posting!
Prince of Persia is a rip-roaring great time at the movies, a summertime treat that "reverses time" to when flicks were just plain fun. Mixing old-fashioned content and state of the art effects, this Jerry Bruckheimer production trades ‘pirates' for ‘princes' to revive the swashbuckling, sword fighting spirit of the sort Douglas Fairbanks or Errol Flynn specialized. An impressively coiffed Jake Gyllenhaal stands tall as the dashing Prince who joins forces with an exotic princess to safeguard a precious dagger that can reverse time. While the younger audience will be more familiar with the storyline's originating video games (rather than the early Hollywood adventure classics it resembles), this handsome Prince should be another Bruckheimer hit, if not on the blockbuster level of his sequelicious Pirates booty-although it's obvious the mega-producer is hoping to steer this into a new franchise.
And if they stop keeping it a secret? They suddenly become unbelievable!
guybranum: Repeated non-denial denials from the White House is making Elana Kagan the judicial Ricky Martin. #livinglavidadowdy
4 minutes ago
Users on the imdb board that have seen the film are SAVAGING it. I cringed after reading some of the reviews. Oh my.
They enjoy being nasty.
BlindGossip – This amusing actor – who stars in at least one big movie coming out this year – is becoming more and more open about his gender preference. He’s not one of those guys who interviewers ask about his sexuality. Maybe it’s because he behaved himself during the time he was married (yes, to a woman). Maybe it’s because many of his characters are larger than life. In any case, he’s recently been hitting on a male pop star with whom he has a prior work connection. It will be interesting to see who he brings to his movie premiere(s). It certainly won’t be the pop star, who plans on staying in the closet for at least a few more years.
Blind Gossip
Mike Myers and Justin Timberlake?
That first Blind Gossip guess made me laugh :)
And funny how Jake has no problems putting his hands on every woman, and vice versa, but then some would have us believe he was recoiled from that interviewer for invading his private space.
Alright already! So I was wrong. I was wrong, wrong,wrong. lol.
It was just my impression that I gave this morning, that's all. I didn't say it was 100% absolute truth.
I was sure wrong about that theory.
Elaine Benis Dances from Seinfeld
LMAO! Jake, you look great next to Elaine :)
Friday Jake gagged on JR , yesterday he was weird with the interviewer on Daily 10, today they leaked a video of pussyhound Jake hitting on every female around him. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Jake in a threesome (with girls) maybe? Gotta step it up a little, Jakey. You're not straight enough yet!
6:08 PM, stop, you are scaring me!
Miley Cyrus gave a 44-year-old gay director a lap dance. Isaac Mizrahi grabbed Scarlett Johansson's boob. Gay men and straight girls: Keep stray hands, butts, and body parts to yourselves. Just because there's no sexual tension doesn't mean it's OK.
Among the greatest pitfalls of the gay guy-straight girl friendship (right after the odious phrase "fag hag") is the notion that, because they do not want to fuck each other, gay men and straight women can violate each others' personal boundaries. It happens all the time. It is unwelcome.
Straight girls, I don't care how many times you saw Megan Mullally squeeze Sean Hayes' ass on Will and Grace. Just because you're directing your skankadoodle energy at a man who will not take you up on the offer doesn't mean your skankiness does not count—or that he wants to be subjected to it. Do not touch gay acquaintances' butts. Do not grab their junk. Even if you have one of those relationships where nonsexual pawing is the norm, think of the innocent onlookers—think of the children, forced to flee the room with covered eyes when 16-year-old Miley bumped and grinded with 44-year-old Adam Shankman. Even if Miley and Adam knew nothing illegal was about to happen, it's still gross for the rest of the world to witness a child dirty dancing with a man old enough to be her father. Oh, who are we kidding, old enough to be her grandfather. She's a Cyrus, after all.
Gay guys, I don't care how curious you are about the strange orbs beneath my neck, the ones you never get to touch, and it's not fair, because straight guys get to, and so do lesbians! You may not think of my body parts sexually, but I do, and as long as they are attached to my body, nobody touches them but me, my doctor, and straight guys I want to fuck. (And, fine, a bi chick once, but that was only in college.) Even if you work in the fashion industry and are giving me advice about the bias cut of my dress, you may not touch my butt, stroke my thigh, or pinch the fat on my hip. Drunkenness is not an excuse. Not even if I'm at a gay bar. Gay or straight, if you grab a lady's boob without permission—or an underage girl's butt on the dance floor—you're a perv.
This is preschool stuff: Keep your hands to yourself. Sit on your chair, not upon a neighbor. Do not lift your skirt in front of boys. Do not show your wee-wee to the girls.
Oh stop, Jake is so straight that this blog is in complete denial. That video is Jake drunk and being himself a straight dude who is getting some whenever he wants. Ted is so busted and so are all of you. Get over Jake is not Toothy and he's not gay. So you can spin it anyway you want but he's straight and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. Ted is laughing his ass off at all of you because he knows Jake is not Toothy nor gay. You and all "jake is toothy" losers have to finally admit it.
Just because you're directing your skankadoodle energy at a man who will not take you up on the offer doesn't mean your skankiness does not count.
6:18 PM, eating up whatever shit Jake's PR spits out, I see. Well, enjoy then.
6:18 PM, thanks for the laugh! LMAO
What was it Ennis warned Jack about in the short story?
"You'll get beaver fever doin' that." ;)
6:18, seek help. Seriously, dude, the only people laughing are those that are laughing at you and your hysterics. You must be the one that created that "Jake is straight" blog a while back, lol.
made up some strange revisionist fiction about Heath
What fiction was that? Just curious.
I'm not the poster who wrote that but I wonder how much of what Jake said about Heath he really meant and why he said it now. The part about them talking a few times a month is fiction IMHO.
6:46 PM, sorry but I don't think Jake lied about Heath.
Why not? He lies about other things.
Why not?
He has no reason to lie about a dead friend.
He has no reason to lie about a dead friend.
Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. Although I think friendship with Heath is good PR, Oscar winning actor, talented and loved, died young and all that, our generation's James Dean.
Why can’t Jake be bi?
He looked like he was at a prom.
Every day just brings even more disgusting behavior from Jake.
U R right Destiny. Damn what a tough few days. I never thought Jake would make himself look so bad. That dancing bit sure looks as if he was in a room with a bunch of hired make me look str8 hookers.
That dancing bit sure looks as if he was in a room with a bunch of hired make me look str8 hookers.
Let the poor man have some fun. He was drinking and having fun. He wasn’t doing something terrible. I’m sure if someone video taped you when you were out you would all look like a pure angel. (It did not look like he knew about being taped.) It went against PR image. He isn’t marketed as a “player” so I don’t think it was his people.
I'm just aghast at all of the racist remarks, sexist remarks, etc. And all because of an actor. I agree, let the poor man have some fun. I don't know what planet some of you live on, I really don't, to react in such a prudish way.
poor man
Please. Out of the 6 billion or so people in the world, I'd say Jakey G ranks pretty low on the list of people that need sympathy.
That dancing bit sure looks as if he was in a room with a bunch of hired make me look str8 hookers.
LOL, and sadly true.
(((PG))) didn't mean to be so harsh when I made my remark about Jake and his privacy. It is a good argument, just not my view of it.
"Every day just brings even more disgusting behavior from Jake."
Usually gay men are disgusted by straight men behavior when they are drunk and have every girl in the room at their feet.
Jake is straight and a manwhore it appears. So get over it already. If it was PR, don't you think a leaked tape in America or England would be more mainstream? Jake's persona is the nice sweet guy who wants the white picket fence with a girl and children. But he's just as wild as Kirsten, Disney won't be happy with that video. And the code words "frat boy" is so obvious as to who is emailing Ted and posting on ONTD that Jake is gay. It didn't work because the posters on ONTD ignored you. Knowing Ted, his spin on the Russian video will be Jake's just having fun. I believe Ted knows Jake is straight and Ted is just using you guys to keep people believing Jake is Toothy because when the real Toothy is revealed Ted will say he never said Jake was Toothy. Ted's comments about Jake are not about his sexuality but how he changed from the carefree young actor he used to be into a male version of the robotic Reese. Ted will love the Russian video because thats the old Jake, straight and fun.
22:24, are you so desperate to keep trying to sell your bargain basement novel? You're bouncing back and forth between OMG and WFT2.
That lame misinfomercial of yours gives even trolls a bad name.
That's alright, Destiny, I've got the idea loud and clear now in the past couple of days including that one.
I'm the fool. I get it.
Jake's behavior in Russia is as convincing as his pathetic behavior at Coachella. It's amazing how sexually unconvincing he is with women both on and off screen. Like lots of gay men, however, he loves to pal around with his straight female friends, especially if they are unattractive or famous.
The latest effort to make Jake look straight is as lame as leaking a sex tape deliberately. He looks more than uncomfortable with those women. Like he used to look with Reese. Look at the awkward hand placement. And why so many women. Where is everyone else. It's like Disney hired the women to throw themselves at him for show. Half the ONTD comments are that Jake looks gayer than ever in that video. Dorky, but gay.
"Half the ONTD comments are that Jake looks gayer than ever in that video."
True. ONTD post
Gay is OK! :)
Jake features on two British TV shows tomorrow (Thursday):
08.30-09.25 GMTV with Lorraine (for sure)
18.25 Live from Studio Five (I think)
So Jake should be back in UK?
Jake Gyllenhaal and Gemma Arterton look picture perfect at the premiere of their new movie, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, in Moscow, Russia on Tuesday (May 11).
“The Jake Gyllenhaal workout plan…starts with growing long, long hair,” the 29-year-old actor recently joked with Entertainment Tonight Canada. “Very long…gorgeous greasy locks and then washing every day….Wash, shampoo, then condition. Washing works the biceps and then the triceps by conditioning. And vigorously rubbing all of your body with soap really defines the abs and the pectoral muscles. And if you do squats while you’re bathing — that’s it!”
Just Jared
EconomicCrash09: Jake Gyllenhaal on the 7pm project tonight....can't HOT
2 minutes ago
Location Australia
RhubarbCustard: The 7PM Project has officially captured my attention. Jake Gyllenhaal is going to be on the show! Yes! Oh, how I've missed him! Haha!
5 minutes ago
Jake Gyllenhaal struggled to fake a British accent. The American actor, who plays the role of Prince Dastan in new movie "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time", admitted getting into shape might have been tough, but faking the British accent was even more demanding.
"The accent definitely. It's daunting trying to do any kind of service as an American to such a beautiful, fluid speech pattern that you all have," he told BANG Showbiz. "We are just barbarians in comparison."
The 29-year-old heartthrob, who stars alongside Gemma Arterton in the action adventure movie, claimed it was only through the persistence of director Mike Newell that he managed to pull it off. He said, "It did help being surrounded by an international crew, but a primarily British cast and somewhat British crew."
"So I would speak, as soon as I got out of the car, I would speak with the accent all day and journey from region to region around England as I spoke to different people. Sometimes I would sound like them in takes and the director Mike Newell would shout, 'Dear boy, that doesn't sound right, do it again!'. I would say the accent was the hardest part to manage."
10:24 PM, you are batshit crazy.
Poor trolly, pissed off as usual! lol
And why so many women. Where is everyone else.
Yeah, that struck me, too. The entire thing was just off. There was nothing natural about it.
I don't care about Jake pretending to like girls, I'm concerned about Damn Yankees - Jake, you need dancing lessons ASAP!
Half the ONTD comments are that Jake looks gayer than ever in that video.
Not really.
Why can’t Jake be bi?
The suggestion that Jake may be bi is a no, no here.
trolly stop playing dumb
7:06 AM
Why are you lying?
Some fangirls used "Jake is bi" while trying to sell "Jake was with Austin, now he's with Reese" fiction. Some people might believe he's bi, but bi men don't need beards for years and years.
Why can’t Jake be bi?
The suggestion that Jake may be bi is a no, no here.
It's not a "no no" to me. I don't think he recoils at the thought of having sex with a woman. But, imo,his behavior of late indicates that he's trying way too hard to look like a straight guy - and straight guys don't do that. They just are.
There's an interesting interview with Ryan Gosling about Blue Valentine. He mentions that they shot from early in the morning till the night and that the director filmed Michelle peeing in real life. Brave.
Back in the day people criticized Heath for preparing for the role of the Joker and "neglecting" his child. But Michelle is a single parent and Gosling mentioned a few times that they were living non stop for a month in this house thogether. I'm sure Matilda stayed with either the nanny or Michelle's sister. But no one accuses her of neglecting the child. People just loved to critisize Heath while he was alive.
Why wouldn't Matilda be with Michelle when she wasn't filming?
Why wouldn't Matilda be with Michelle when she wasn't filming?
I hope she spent enough time with her. She wanted the kid, so I hope she fulfils her mother duties.
Thing is, I'm indifferent about her. Her constant whinig about pap attention, but then she stars in films like SI. Paparazzi are part of the job. On the bright side she earns a shitload of cash for doing what she loves. So, stop whining! Jeez. Her "playin" Ms. Innocent, when indeed she's someone you can "get" quite easily, when you believe all the on set hook up reports. Her coming off like such a good mom for dumping druggie Heath for the sake of the kid, when indeed it seems it was him who dumped her (when you read some of her interviews and what Gilliams said). As for her being the "perfect" mom, not sure about that either. I hope it, for the kid's sake.
Isn't it interesting, Michelle broke up with Jonze in April/May 2009, while she was filming BV.
There were rumors Jonze was jealous of Michelle's relationship with Gosling. Did he have a reason for jealousy? Well, there were rumors she was fucked by McGregor in his trailer on the set of Incendiary while she was STILL dating her baby daddy.
Her constant whinig about pap attention
Michelle doesn't whine.
Michelle doesn't whine.
She does.
7:57 AM - rumors started by Lainey Isabel Who Gossip?
LOL Lainey
LMStellaPR: Jake gyllenhal is a cutie #7pmProject
about 3 hours ago
:57 AM - rumors started by Lainey Isabel Who Gossip?
No, Lainey got the rumors from a British gossip site. "Holy Moly", I think.
At the end of their relationship I think Heath didn't even like her anymore:
He probably found out more and more that she wasn't so innocent as he initially thought, that indeed she was a little manipulator.
I'm sure one day the whole truth will come out and Michelle won't look like an angel, like she does now. Mostly both parties are responsible when a relationship ends, like in THEIR case.
Movies have a lot of waiting time. I’m sure Michelle could spend a lot of time with her daughter.
Jake being bi doesn’t mean he was with Reese, it means he will sleep with both sexes. I think he is bi and I thing he had with reese was for the press.
I do wonder if reese was seeing the Toth guy while “with” Jake. Of course that could be fake too.
Heath wasn't a saint either, he did pretty much whoever he wanted, being in a relationship didn't stop him. Rumor was he was into threesomes too.
Heath wasn't a saint either, he did pretty much whoever he wanted, being in a relationship didn't stop him. Rumor was he was into threesomes too.
As I've said, mostly both parties are responsible when a relationship ends, like in their case. I'm just so sick of people giving Heath all the fault. Please.
Jake being bi doesn’t mean he was with Reese, it means he will sleep with both sexes.
The point is that some people tried to use "Jake is bi" as "Jake isn't bearding and lying" argument.
Closeted gays can sleep with both sexes, doesn't make them bi.
Jake being bi doesn’t mean he was with Reese
Bisexual men don't need a beard after beard.
Closeted gays can sleep with both sexes, doesn't make them bi.
Yes. Ricky Martin and NPH both admitted that they did.
So did Elton Was Married to a Woman John.
Bisexual men don't need a beard after beard.
Beard after beard? I don't think Kiki was a beard. The Reeke thing was very off oftentimes though. Could have been a bearding situation or a convenient set up relationship, for him to diminish the gay rumors and be seen with an A-list Oscar winner and for her not to look like a loser after being dumped for a younger gal. Reeke was probably more for image than anything else. I think Jake quit it and Reese devilishly announced it earlier than planned, while he was promoting his film.
^^Reese was the shit in 2006 after winning an Oscar for WTL and before that many saw her as one of America's sweethearts.
Jake was with Austin (and some other men) while "dating" Kirsten - she certainly wasn't a proper girlfriend.
Could have been a bearding situation ...
Reeke was a showmance and nothing else - no questions about it.
Jake was with Austin (and some other men) while "dating" Kirsten - she certainly wasn't a proper girlfriend.
According to Ted. Never heard about other men though.
Reeke was a showmance and nothing else - no questions about it.
No one here knows exactly what went on with Reeke. It's your opinion.
That is the obvious fact, not just my opinion.
According to Ted.
According to a lot of people.
That is the obvious fact, not just my opinion.
Fact? Give me a break!
No, you give us a break with "no one knows anything for sure so I have a point".
According to a lot of people.
Who? Gossip boy who takes his information from Ted or this guy who plans to write a book about all the closeted celebs who gets his Toothy information obviously from Ted too?
9:13 AM, how long do you follow "Jake is gay" gossip?
9:13 AM, how long do you follow "Jake is gay" gossip?
Long enough to know that no one knows anything for sure about this guy.
I know for sure that Jake is gay and I don't need you to agree with me.
I want to hear more about Destiny's entertaining the Japanese businessmen! And why, if it was so appalling, she went back and did it a second time! I know, she needed the money and to keep her job. What a joke. If you don't think some American men, and European men, behave the same way, you live a very sheltered life.
9:21 AM, why are you talking about things you obviously don't know anything about?
I know for sure that Jake is gay...
If you say so.
Yes, I say so and I'm not the only one.
Just like a lot of people knew Ricky is gay long before he gave up bearding.
9:24, I think Destiny is the one who doesn't know what she is talking about, and making racist statements because she's upset about Jake's behavior. It's ridiculous, and I have to wonder about her mental stability.
Racist statements?!? Bullshit and silly attempt to trash Destiny.
Looking at the recent comments here and on OMG, all I can say is the someone or something has seriously rattled the resident troll's cage.
Who'd have thought the sight of Jake drunk drunk dancing with some women would NOT convince people that he was as staight as an arrow could send trolly into such a tail spin.
She needs to be trashed, because she is constantly running amok on the blogs when she's not agreed with.
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