Friday, 22 January 2010

Splendour in the Grass

Heath Ledger
Heath Andrew Ledger

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind...

- William Wordsworth


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Anonymous said...

Everybody believe BT exist here ? just asking.

Most sure do.

Anonymous said...

For them it was a baby friend they see often around Jake and their entourage.

Not often, there was no reason for that, and Reese's kids were used for photo ops only from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Ava is old enough and smart enough to know the deal.

What deal? That Jake was Reese's friend and colleague?

Anonymous said...

Kids know everything, they are smart enough to figure thing out.

I'm sure 9 year old didn't figure out anything about gay closeted man with hidden baby.

Anonymous said...

Jake and Reese taking BT with them to PAris and probably London as well had to be PR approved

PR is employed and paid by Jake, he doesn't need their approval.

Anonymous said...

I totally believe there is a Baby Tile, and I totally believe Jake and Austin are real shits for hiding him or her and teaching them to be ashamed of who they are.

Blue star, it's a boy!

Anonymous said...

It's absurd.

Anonymous said...

"Most sure do."
nobody is perfect.

Anonymous said...

What's absurd, 3:19 PM? Being in the closet and having a kid?

Anonymous said...

Question for those who don't believe there is BT - What would it take to make you believe?

Anonymous said...

Most regular posters here don't believe in any BT bullshit. The one's that do are mostly OMG posters that invaded this blog yet again.

There in no BT . Some blonde wandering around Paris is now the nanny because she looks like one of the many blonde PA's that Jake likes to collect, HA! Nevermind that according to believers BT was born in Oct 2007 which would make that infant in that video at least 10 months old. I have several children and I can tell you that is no 10 month old unless it's a premmie. I would say 4-5 months tops which means it was born around March 2008.

That stroller in the park is different than the stroller being unpacked, that one is a traveling stroller, and that is the only stroller you would take with you if you are traveling. And yes I have put my six year old daghter in a stroller when traveling or shopping because she gets tired and cranky and so do I. It's also a lot easier than walking around holding her hand or looking around to make sure that she is still near you and not wandering off.

Anonymous said...

3:30: An announcement from Jake or his PR, or a sighting, tweet/twicpic with Jake with a toddler year old that is not his niece.

Not this tinhat bullshit with generic blondes with big sunglasses, "footprints" on shorts, ha or "spitup" on shirts, Ha!!

I want to see an actual child.

Anonymous said...

Invaded this blog?! Nonsense, no one is forcing anyone to change the mind. OMG posters are more than welcome, this is TBs blog, too.

Anonymous said...

3:38 Hi Trolly!

Anonymous said...

There has not been an "invasion" by people over at OMG. I know trolly and UV like to think there are only five people who think Jake is gay, and now, I guess only five peope who think BT exists. People over at OMG have been talking about BT for a couple of years now. No, the difference is that some people over here saw things that changed their minds.

Anonymous said...

"Question for those who don't believe there is BT - What would it take to make you believe?"

A pic of jake walking hand in hand with an other little kid than his niece.

no seriously, should I believe Jake and austin, remaining firmly in the closet, would have a child and then would do like he/her doesn't exist?

because Ted ? no
because you think having found "the key" in some pics with a mysterious woman bringing babe ? no.

Anonymous said...

3:38: Yes, I had enough with the tinhattery that was the LOTR fandom and their shit. It's the same thing but there were more of them, they had tons of sites and LJ's and invaded DL, they even had their own section on DL to keep them away from the rest of the gossip! Ted joined in after the fact. At least with this it's only confined to here, OMG and Ted, once in awhile someone may post about BT on DL , not sure but i'm sure it will never reach the heights of that shit.

Anonymous said...

Jake is gay, nothing tinhattery abut that (as you know).

Not a troll, really said...

I think (hope) some posters here are intellingent, non delusional grown ups. To them I pose a couple of questions. Would you explain why you believe Jake is gay? Do you believe everything Ted C. writes, if not what do you believe? Do you think Reese was a bearding situation or just an uhappy (most of the time) connection?

Anonymous said...

Fuck off trolly, those questions have been answered a million times. Read all the archives.

Anonymous said...

Would you explain why you believe Jake is gay?

Three years of bearding.

4:10 said...

Here's what I think and I realize I'm probably in the minority or the only one.

First off, I don't believe Jake is straight. Do I believe Ted saw Austin and Jake teary eyed in a restaurat? I do. But still to that day, IDK if he saw what he wanted to see and exaggerated. I do think, however, that it's entirely possible that Jake and Austin were/are more than friends.

The only time I felt Jake may be attracted to a man was Heath (and maybe Heath was attracted too to a lesser extent though), but it is entirely possible that it (the attraction) was a result of the filming and harmless. There sure was mutual respect and admiration as well.

I don't think Kirsten Dunst was his beard, I think they were dating for real. He seemed in love with her.

As for Reese Witherspoon. I felt their relationship was so off most of the time, especially at the end. Was she a beard? Very possible. But maybe it was just a mismatch? Maybe he thought he landed the big fish at first? She was pretty popular back then and a fresh Oscar winner.
Then she got dumped for a younger, prettier woman. And then there was pretty, up and coming star Jakey G., who showed interest. I think she used him from the start and he wised up, unfortunately some years later.

This is my honest opinion.

Anonymous said...

BT Nanny pics

Anonymous said...

But maybe it was just a mismatch? Maybe he thought he landed the big fish at first?

Pay attention to Jake's Rome 2007 reeking body language and compare it to Jake and Jen pictures or Jake and Kirsten pictures. That should be enough.

Anonymous said...

What Splash captures? Have no time to find the reference, please repost the link. Thanx!

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that Jake has a blonde child, when he's brunette.

Babies/toddlers/kid's hair changes colors all the time.

Anonymous said...

I believe Jake is gay and in a long term relationship with Austin. I think both Kirsten and Reese were beards. Kirsten was a better beard because he had more chemistry with Jake but looking back now after Reeke, all their pics were the same staged style than Reeke's pics and their relationship was reported in tabloids with the same PR words than Reeke. I have more experience now to see Jake/Kirsten was the same manufactured BS than Reeke only 'cuter'.

I also believe Ted and that there is a BT.

Anonymous said...

BT Nanny pics

In the other three pics w/o the baby, was the baby already born?

I noticed she has make up on in the other tree pics, her lips appear fuller too. And her breasts do seem fake. She appears pale in the "baby pic" in the others she's tanned.

Could be the same woman, I'm not sure.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, I'm not sure, the baby woman and assistant seem to be the same woman.

You know if there is a baby, I can not believe it can be kept a secret for so long. Jeez, he's not unknown and after PoP he'll be even better known I think.

destiny said...

Thanks 4:24. Seeing all the pictures together like that, clearly the same woman. She even dresses the same in all of them, with deep v-neck shirts showing off her very prominent collar bones.

Anonymous said...

I noticed she is dressed with the same style in all the pics too. It's definitely the same woman. Everything matches.

Thanks 4:24 PM for posting the side by side pics.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so it seems Jake has a hidden baby. This is crazyness. That man is crazy.

I'm not sure I can support a homophobic gay man who mistreats children.

All this time I gave him the benefit of a doubt, but I think that's it, I quit him finally. I'm don't even like him as an actor anymore. Up until BBM he was interesting to watch and even though Zodiac is a good film he was nothing special. The rest... not impressed at all.

OT- said...

No pregnant person should be denied healthcare just because they are a man.


reposting said...

In the other three pics w/o the baby, was the baby already born?


PA / nanny driving Mr Gyllenhaal:

LAX 06-18-2007
LAX 06-25-2007

Anonymous said...

Isn't anyone else disturbed that he is playing with the life of a child? And those who play along are just as fault. In my opinion Jake Gyllenhaal is not normal. His family should have stepped in, because those aren't actions of a normal thinking, mature human being. I'm shocked I can tell you. To me BT was a joke that I laughed off, but seeing these pics is quite shocking.

Anonymous said...

If there is BT, I'm sure he is loved and has a great life.

Anonymous said...

^^A great life? Are you kidding me?
He is keeping that kid a secret and hiding it. Give me a break, please.

Jake needs psychological help ASAP.

Anonymous said...

He is keeping that kid a secret and hiding it.

BT is a small kid, secret and hiding doesn't exist in his world.

Anonymous said...

Hair and eye color doesn't always directly point to the parents or to their current coloring, it's not that simple. The parents themselves each carry a host of genetic history; a child could look exactly like one of their close or distant relatives on either side, depending on the mix of dominant and regressive genes. Also, everyone's hair and eye colors change thru-out life, and there's a few anomalies that can't even be explained, like why most babies are born with the exact opposite hair color that they end up with. Many black haired babies turn into blonds and white haired babies get to be redheads or have brown or black hair. What coloring you have as a baby is not a great indicator of what you'll look like as an adult.

But having said that, it wouldn't be surprising at all to find that Jake insisted on a natural platinum blonde, blue-eyed donor mother with proven results of having dominant genes. What is with that guy..all his PA/assistants have been blonde, Kiki whatever she was, and his beard was blonde..natural or bottle blonde, as long as they're blonde. I find it especially interesting/disturbing that all his assistants have been blonde. I wonder if it's a psychological thing he has, maybe linking brunettes with having more "power" because his sister, mom and probably 95% of his female relatives are brunette? Idk. It's weird though IMO.

Anonymous said...

BT is a small kid, secret and hiding doesn't exist in his world.

Give me a break. Jake and all this "fandom" is sick.

Anonymous said...

"Jake needs psychological help ASAP."


Don't we all?

Anonymous said...

"Don't we all?"

Probably we do.

Anonymous said...

What is with that guy..all his PA/assistants have been blonde

Not true.

Puff said...

BT is a small kid, secret and hiding doesn't exist in his world.

Well not in the adult way! *BT runs and hides in his secret fort with the dragon who has magic powers*

Anonymous said...

"Not true."

Ok, give us links with pics of Jake with brunette/red/black-haired assistants.

Anonymous said...

My opinion on Baby Tile - I don't know if there is a child or not, all I think is that it's possible. I'm not going to judge, comdemn or read anything into it until we hear more about it, if we ever do.

Watch Carefully said...

OK, People, I've been looking at some things and made some interesting discoveries.

Follow along, if you will. Open the Paris pics and the Paris vid, side by side. Pic 31 and 00:33 on the vid are the same moment. You've got J&R, pink shirt lady, white shirt/black bag guy, and, VERY IMPORTANTLY, the four people in the back ground walking the other way. Look at the shadows on the ground; white shirt guy's shadow is about to cross R's feet. It's all the same, yes? Yes.

Now look at pic 29 with BT and Nanny Blonde. White shirt guy's shadow is still behind R's feet; he has not yet passed her, as he has by the end of the vid. That shot should have been taken some time during the course of the vid, right. True, Ava and Nanny Brown could have moved out of the shot, but not the four people in the back ground. THEY ARE GONE! Only to replaced by the yellow shirted guy with the red bag that reads "HEAD" Where did he come from? He's no where in the vid. Remember to look at the shadows--white shirt guy is still behind R in the pic with BT, but has moved past her by the end of the vid. Plus, at no time in the vid does R look up to her left.

They had a do-over because Ava approached Nanny blonde and BT. But this time with "HEAD" ;)

Anonymous said...

"Isn't anyone else disturbed that he is playing with the life of a child? And those who play along are just as fault. In my opinion Jake Gyllenhaal is not normal. His family should have stepped in, because those aren't actions of a normal thinking, mature human being. I'm shocked I can tell you. To me BT was a joke that I laughed off, but seeing these pics is quite shocking."

please those pics prove nothing!

Anonymous said...

Pic 29, Jake looks very tense, because Baby Tile was too close to him. Check all the Paris pictures from the park visit and you'll notice he's tense in pic 29.

Anonymous said...

3. A male animal that does not mate during the breeding season

^^includes gays who breed only during in vitro fertilization

Anonymous said...

Ok, give us links with pics of Jake with brunette/red/black-haired assistants.

Cannes 2007

Anonymous said...

BT Nanny pics

Please someone send this too Ted and tell him we figured it all out. You know that if everyone here started spreading all the evidence across the internet, more important people could get wind of it...

Anonymous said...

Please someone send this too Ted and tell him we figured it all out.

What do you expect Ted to do? What can Ted do?

Anonymous said...

BT is born in september 2007 right? the pics in paris are from august 2008! anybody think the babe seems younger?

Anonymous said...

What do you expect Ted to do? What can Ted do?

Admit that TT is Jake.

Anonymous said...

5:26PM, WOW I did everything you said and that is an impressive analysis. You are into something for sure! THANKS!

Anonymous said...

"Pic 29, Jake looks very tense, because Baby Tile was too close to him. Check all the Paris pictures from the park visit and you'll notice he's tense in pic 29."

why going out with him, publicely in paris then ?

Anonymous said...

BT is born in september 2007 right? the pics in paris are from august 2008! anybody think the babe seems younger?

No, I think it looks about 10 months old. Although I don't have kids and don't have much contact with kids, so I can't tell for sure.

Anonymous said...

"BT is born in september 2007 right? the pics in paris are from august 2008! anybody think the babe seems younger?"

BT was born in October 2007 and the Paris pics are from July 2008. The age of BT then, fits the size of the baby in the pic.

Anonymous said...

BT is born in september 2007 right?

We don't know. In October 2008 Ted said that BT is too small to walk.

Anonymous said...

why going out with him, publicely in paris then ?

Didn't we just conclude that Jake is a wacko? Who hides a baby from the world anyway? Only people who are seriously nuts.

Anonymous said...

"BT was born in October 2007 and the Paris pics are from July 2008. The age of BT then, fits the size of the baby in the pic."

humm I would say the babe in the pic is less 6 months.

Florida Tom said...

Anonymous said...
Isn't anyone else disturbed that he is playing with the life of a child? And those who play along are just as fault. In my opinion Jake Gyllenhaal is not normal. His family should have stepped in, because those aren't actions of a normal thinking, mature human being. I'm shocked I can tell you. To me BT was a joke that I laughed off, but seeing these pics is quite shocking.

His family should of tried to convince him not tohave a baby if he has. But I believe mama was involved ib the plan to beard from the beginning and probably incouraged it. Prove me wrong Jake I am talking about your Mom.

Anonymous said...

"we just conclude that Jake is a wacko? Who hides a baby from the world anyway? Only people who are seriously nuts."

it's isn't funny anymore.

Anonymous said...

even if he’d said he had him on his own like Ricky Martin said. He would have even been able to remain closeted. The fangirls and the general public buy what is fed to them without thinking twice. PR would spin a story about him wanting to be a father on his own or something like that.

Perhaps now Jake will adopt a child since his relationship with Reese didn't work out, and he really wants kids but doesn't know when he will meet the right woman.

Anonymous said...

5:43 PM, I had the same thought that Mama G. supported it, but daddy G. didn't. Could be one of the reasons they split up.

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps now Jake will adopt a child since his relationship with Reese didn't work out, and he really wants kids but doesn't know when he will meet the right woman."

That would be a perfect PR explanation that the general public would buy in a second and would allow Jake to be open about having a kid even after Reeke.

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, I'm not convinced that there is BT, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to have a baby and having a baby which you will love and support.

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, I'm not convinced that there is BT, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to have a baby and having a baby which you will love and support.

But how do you explain the assistant and the blonde lady in Paris who are (imo) the same person. Whose baby is it then?

5:26PM/watch carefully said...

5:36PM Thanks for following along! For those who know how to take screen shots, please do! This is important to see.

Jake said...

I think the longer they hide the kid, the worst it’ll be if the truth comes out. But how can Jake explain he has a 2 year old kid now after Reeking for so many years? Austin could say an ex-girlfriend got pregnant and now he is raising the kid, but if Austin admits he has a kid it’ll be more difficult for Jake to be seen with the baby. Another option could be Jake saying he adopted a baby on his own?

Shit. I guess we didn't think this thing through very well, did we Austin? Damn. Mom, Dad and Maggie and your parents were right, we should have listened to them. What do we do now? Fuck, we're getting ourselves deeper and deeper into this mess. It's all your fault. I never should have gone along with this. You and your great ideas.

Anonymous said...

5:36PM Thanks for following along! For those who know how to take screen shots, please do!

I will, I just need to clear my head first!

Austin said...

ME?! You were the one with pangs in your vagina.

5:49 PM said...

But how do you explain the assistant and the blonde lady in Paris who are (imo) the same person. Whose baby is it then?

I don't have an explanation, I just can't believe that Jake would have the balls to have a child in the closet :)

Anonymous said...

I don't have an explanation, I just can't believe that Jake would have the balls to have a child in the closet :)

This isn't about balls, it's about immaturity and lack of common sense.

Anonymous said...

^^This happens when a person who is not very mature and (or)mentally stable has too much money on his hands...

destiny said...

I am deeply disturbed at the the thought that Jake and Austin are doing this to their own child. You don't do that to your child.

And what are they going to do when BT is older? Keep him or her under house arrest?

Anonymous said...

but in life there are always incidents and exceptions to the rule.

IA. Many of the greatest discoveries in science and turning events in history, were by accident.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how BT looks like, he wears a striped shirt in the pic.

There's blue stuff in his stroller, that's why I think it's a boy. I wonder what his name is. Jacob jr. ?

Anonymous said...

And what are they going to do when BT is older?

We don't know, so we should wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Ted has been saying from the beginning that Jake wants to get caught. He is not happy doing this. With all the pressures from TPTB, and real issues of privacy, I can see how he went down this road. Albeit with a lot of reservation. He wants his kid with him, he'll play by their rules, but he just might get caught--which is what he wants.

Anonymous said...

the joke of the year really!

Anonymous said...

the joke of the year really!


Anonymous said...

have guess

Anonymous said...

have guess

I think you're not happy that Jake ruined his life and maybe career because of his actions. I personally am not happy that he indeed seems to have a toddler this way. But what can you do?

Anonymous said...

have guess

Jen doesn’t mind being Jake's ‘cougar’?

Anonymous said...

It's a bad awakening for the Jake/Anne, Jake/Michelle shippers today. LOL.

Anonymous said...

"I think you're not happy that Jake ruined his life and maybe career because of his actions. I personally am not happy that he indeed seems to have a toddler this way. But what can you do?"

I can't be happy or unhappy really. all that is just fun to me.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me if this has been discussed, but is the guy in the white shirt with the backback in the Paris video Austin?

Anonymous said...

"It's a bad awakening for the Jake/Anne, Jake/Michelle shippers today. LOL."

I prefer them to the crazy BT belivers , by far.

Anonymous said...

all that is just fun to me.

I think there are funnier things to do than analyzing the life of a stranger. But what do I know? ;)

Anonymous said...

I prefer them to the crazy BT belivers , by far.


The pics didn't convince you, did they? ;)

Anonymous said...

"The pics didn't convince you, did they?"


Anonymous said...

"I think there are funnier things to do than analyzing the life of a stranger. But what do I know?"

it's people speculating which is fun. Don't care of jake life.

Anonymous said...

"Forgive me if this has been discussed, but is the guy in the white shirt with the backback in the Paris video Austin?"

I don't think it's Austin. You can see the guy in this pic

Anonymous said...

And what are they going to do when BT is older? Keep him or her under house arrest?

Has anyone ever considered that keeping the existence of BT quiet is temporary? Just because Jake has not publicly acknowledged BT now does not mean he never will. It could be they have chosen to keep quiet about BT's early years, not his whole life. Once the knowledge of BT is out, it cannot be taken back. He will always be followed and papped, true and false stories in tabloids will always be done, his life will become publicly documented, whether by full blown frenzy or tiny mentions of "Jake Gyllenhaal's child." It can NEVER be undone.

I liken it to being in the early stages of being in love, when it's a wonderful giddy secret that you keep to yourself. Sure it's great when you let everyone know and make the announcement and tell the world but you have to admit, there's a little something, a deliciousness that gets lost when you do. I think for now, Jake is relishing the joy of BT and the little privacy of it that he has while he can.

Florida Tom said...

Destiny I do think they know they have limited time

Florida Tom said...

Def not Austin. What the hell is goofy reese always looking at. Does she see UFOs or something.

Anonymous said...

had to be PR approved

I keep reading comments that say "PR/Evelyn/Disney would NEVER allow it." First of all, PR/Evelyn/Disney are NOT God. Second, Jake like most people, is NOT a robot. Third and most important of all, did you always do what God and others told you to do? Nope, me either and I doubt Jake is an exception as well.

destiny said...

LOL TomM. What really cracks me up is the way she puts her hand on her hips and sashays away when she gets up from her chair and tries to act casual about it at the same time. who does that!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever considered that keeping the existence of BT quiet is temporary? Just because Jake has not publicly acknowledged BT now does not mean he never will.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, 6:44 pm...I was just coming back to say that I had seen the pics and it's def. not Austin. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Yes, 6:46 some of us have considered that. :)

Anonymous said...

I looked at the pics at 4:24: The noses and lips appear to be different: The PA has a long, straight almost perfect nose, probably had work done. The woman in the Paris pic nose is not straight or long it amost looks like a piggy type nose. The lips: The Pa has full lips, the woman in the Paris pic has thin almost non-lips and it has nothing to do with lipstick. There are tricks woman use to make their lips appear fuller, if the PA was doing that you sure don't see it, looks like her lips.

The collar bone: The PA has a very promenent collar bone , the Paris woman has a normal one and you can compare the two where the coallar bone meets the hollow patch, it's off.

Also the PA is very flashy, perms, clothes, etc. Even when her hair is in a ponytale it looks done. The Paris woman's hair looks like a rats nest.

That baby appears to be no more than a few months old, it's tiny with the woman craddling it's tiny head. No way that baby is ten months old.

if they went out of their way to try and delete Ava from her they, would have just deleted her from the stills.

Anonymous said...

Many black haired babies turn into blonds and white haired babies get to be redheads or have brown or black hair.

I have a cousin who was born with pitch black hair and turned out to be natural blonde and blue eyed. Her parents both have brown hair and green eyes. Couple years ago we were looking at old photos and we found one of our great-grandfather when he was in his 20s...and she's the spitting image of him, coloring, facial features, everything! LOL we couldn't believe it.

Anonymous said...

The collar bone: The PA has a very promenent collar bone , the Paris woman has a normal one and you can compare the two where the coallar bone meets the hollow patch, it's off.

Sorry, no idea what you're looking at, but collar bone is a perfect match and that does look like 4 pictures of the same woman.

Anonymous said...

Ok, give us links with pics of Jake with brunette/red/black-haired assistants.

Cannes 2007

LOL that's Jake's PR person, Carrie Byalick.

Anonymous said...

In October 2008 Ted said that BT is too small to walk.

Which IMO would technically include being in the womb.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what his name is. Jacob jr. ?

If it is, you know why: so Jake can be called Big Jake.

Anonymous said...

The woman in the Paris pic nose is not straight or long it amost looks like a piggy type nose.

No, it doesn't. Pic 1 and 3 - same nose.

Anonymous said...

7:21: What happened to her lips in a year and don't say it's lipstick, i took a good look. The PA has lips the Paris woman has almost no lips. The PA has a perfect, fake looking nose the Paris woman's nose looks average almost pig-like, explain that.

Anonymous said...

This site used to be witty and so accurate in a large number of things until the invassion of BT believers.
Now it's a fucking joke.A very unfunny one...

A hidden kid, people? That bullshit is worst than the story of Richard Gere putting a hamster in his ass.
Did Ted C. invented that one too?

Anonymous said...

7:17 PM - I'm not sure about the lips and nose either. The PA has a long straight nose and her lips are fuller too, especailly the lower lip and her hair seems more well groomed too, shinier. I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Pic 1 and 3 - same nose.

She has thin upper lip in all pictures, and has closed mouth and no make up in Paris.

Anonymous said...

Face shape and hair is perfect match.

Anonymous said...

She has thin upper lip in all pictures, and has closed mouth and no make up in Paris.

In the second pic her mouth is closed too.
In the pre baby pics she's so well groomed, the Paris lady looks like a mess.

Anonymous said...

This site used to be witty and so accurate in a large number of things until the invassion of BT believers.

We have speculated about everyting, why we shouldn't speculate about BT?

Anonymous said...

The PA obviously has a full lower lip, the woman in Paris has a very thin lower lip.

Anonymous said...

In the pre baby pics she's so well groomed, the Paris lady looks like a mess.

What that has to do with anything?! She is taking care of the baby in Paris, that's a bit more demanding than driving a car.

Anonymous said...

The lips: The Pa has full lips, the woman in the Paris pic has thin almost non-lips and it has nothing to do with lipstick.

Ever hear of collagen and lip fillers? Lips come and go...

Also the PA is very flashy, perms, clothes, etc. Even when her hair is in a ponytale it looks done. The Paris woman's hair looks like a rats nest.

LOL ever hear of taking care of a baby? No necklaces to grab, no clothes that aren't going to mind getting spit up on, and no time to do hair all fancy-like.

Anonymous said...

LOL ever hear of taking care of a baby? No necklaces to grab, no clothes that aren't going to mind getting spit up on, and no time to do hair all fancy-like.

But isn't she just a fucking assistant? She does't even have time to color her hair? Man is she in demand then. Paris woman is acting very motherly if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

The PA has a perfect nose, the bridge on her nose is flawless, the Paris woman's nose, you can see a mark/dent in the bridge. Is it from the sunglasses? It doesn't appear so. Also it appears pug , the tip you don't see that in the PA pics, you can also see the nostrils a bit on the Paris woman, not the PA. The lake of lipstick and her closed mouth hasnothing to do with her thin lips, you would still see them, the PA's lips are full and that would be w/o lipstick as well.

Face shape and: nothing out of the ordinary and hair? well they are both blonde, that's it.

Her mouth is close n the 2nd pic and she has full lips, there is no outline to indicate she was trying to make her lips look fuller.

That baby is only a few months old

Anonymous said...

The PA has a perfect nose, the bridge on her nose is flawless, the Paris woman's nose, you can see a mark/dent in the bridge.

Same nose, different angles.

Anonymous said...

Face shape and: nothing out of the ordinary and hair?

What, lol? Face shape is identical because that is the same woman.

Anonymous said...

Ever hear of collagen and lip fillers? Lips come and go...

Ok, that's possible that she had her lips filled in the L.A. pics.

Anonymous said...

^^her boobs aren't real either and the nose is done too.

Anonymous said...

7:48 what are you talking about? Yes a person working for an LA PR firm dealing with a myriad of clients would dress nice, wear necklaces, wear makeup, have time to do their hair etc., and maybe even feel the pressure to get lip injections. However, that same person working as a nanny for a parent with a demanding baby/toddler and who stays for the most part inside a home with hardly any outside contact, wouldn't.

blonde assistant/nanny said...

"No more coloring the hair, no lip injections, no make up.
Gyllenhaal you have to pay me well for taking care of your spawn"!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey is that Austin hiding under the blanket in the back of Jake's car? Yes. It is.
I just knew Jake was hiding Austin under that damn blanket all the time.

No he's not, that's not Austin.

Yes it is. I know it's Austin. I can tell by his long curly hair.

No, Astin has straight hair. It's not him I tell you.

It is Austin

Anonymous said...

"^^her boobs aren't real either"

How on earth can you tell that from the assistant car pics?! There's no half-cantalopes pushed up and out for everyone to see.

Anonymous said...

Admittedly Paris woman seems to have an awsome body for someone who squeezed out a puppy just a few months ago.

Anonymous said...

Hey is that Austin hiding under the blanket in the back of Jake's car?

Damn trolly, you always reveal yourself! You aren't fun! lol

Anonymous said...

"No more coloring the hair, no lip injections, no make up.
Gyllenhaal you have to pay me well for taking care of your spawn"!!!

Thank god I'm out of that fake Hollywood office rat race. I can finally relax and not have to do the friggin hair and makeup shit every morning.

Anonymous said...

How on earth can you tell that from the assistant car pics?!

Puhlease, it's totally obvious in pic 3 (green vest) that her tits are fake.

Anonymous said...

8:01 Lips filled in L.A. and a year layer in Paris unfilled!! They look deflated and flat.

7:54: Different nose, we get to see the PA nose at different angles and it doesn't look like the snout on the other woman. The PA's nose looks fake by the way not the Paris woman as does her boobs and the perm is a bit much and looks like it came out of a bottle.

Nanny former assistant said...

And the nails..thank god I don't have to have my nails done every friggin damn week and worry about chipping the red polish off. Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Watch Carefully said...
OK, People, I've been looking at some things and made some interesting discoveries.

Pictures and video don't match, so HEAD bag picture was probably taken few seconds after video was finished. (I'll check it again.)

Anonymous said...

7:54: Different nose, we get to see the PA nose at different angles and it doesn't look like the snout on the other woman.

Same nose, check out pic 1 and 3.

Anonymous said...

4:10 at 4:22, I agree with your assessment totally. I alo think Ted wanted some of Jake and Jake brushed him off. Ted is relentless and he now has a captive audience. Jake you should have done him, maybe he would have kept his mouth closed or Opened******

As for the poster who posted about the LOTR fandom, was it really the large and f***** up?
Supposedly both stars were gay and in love. Viggo and Orlando. Hmmm they have come out yet have they. Why is it that all the neg. gossip about the HW men are that they are gay? And then the gay fans go crazy over it and try to out them. They act as if it's a negative thing also. Confussion

Anonymous said...

Has any of you been in the Luxembourg Garden in Paris? I had, just 3 months ago. The only way to take these pictures is from the outer ring of the garden, which is on a higher level than the center of the garden. The photographer was certainly hired for this occasion, given precise instruction where to stay etc. Or was this a French paparazzo, who knows, it wasn't signed.
This is why I think J's people would not allow a picture with the nanny to be published. So that is not the BT.

Anonymous said...
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DADT said...

President Obama to call for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal, adviser says


Anonymous said...

BT Nanny, just 2 pics

Anonymous said...

This is why I think J's people would not allow a picture with the nanny to be published.

This is hardly the first thing J's people fucked up.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

But how do you explain the assistant and the blonde lady in Paris who are (imo) the same person. Whose baby is it then?

Why don't you ask the blonde, surely she knows, don't you think*&%(*%%**#

Watch Carefully said...

8:17PM, the HEAD bag picture could not have be taken after the video finished because the guy in the white shirt is still behind R. Look at his shadow behind her feet. In fact, they re-staged it with most of the same players with the same actions--but not all. The other two pictures in that mini-series (30 and 31) match the video perfectly, but not 29, the one with BT. By the end of the video, white shirt guy has passed them, and pink shirt lady is starting to pass them as well.

People forget about the assistant for a sec and look at those three pictures next to the video.

Save all three (29, 30, 31) please, oh picture saver!

Anonymous said...

BT Nanny, just 2 pics

We need to get Gil Grissom, Tony DiNozzo, Dr. Reid and Penelope with some facial identification software on this real quick!

Anonymous said...

I don't have an explanation, I just can't believe that Jake would have the balls to have a child in the closet :)

This isn't about balls, it's about immaturity and lack of common sense.

Wow, No you didn't just type that comment.
Immaturity? common sense?
and you're running around looking at pictures of a womans baby, believing the most ridiculous BS ever and you you say what?
I don't believe you typed that?

Anonymous said...

I suspect that several have already sent this Ted as per usual.

The pics at 8:29 points out even more differences: Th ears looks different, the PA's stick out a bit, the other appears to be flat and the eyebrows on the PA are so high and arched , you can't see the Paris woman's eyebrows and they both are wearing sunglasses, different types but you still would see them.

The PA's nose is long and mostly pointy. She has a botoom lip, the other no.

Their simalirities, but to me they are not the same.

She is craddlin that infant like it's hers.

Anonymous said...

The pics at 8:29 points out even more differences

Only to you.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I suspect that several have already sent this Ted as per usual.

Why would we? Because babblers would do it?

Anonymous said...

I've been both a nanny and a mother and you love and take care of babies just the same. If you'll notice, that side of the snugglie is unfastened. It doesn't take a mother's love to make sure a baby doesn't take a spill to the ground. She may also be shielding his face a bit.

Anonymous said...

(I've been both a nanny and a mother and you love and take care of babies just the same. If you'll notice, that side of the snugglie is unfastened. It doesn't take a mother's love to make sure a baby doesn't take a spill to the ground. She may also be shielding his face a bit.)

and this says it's Jake's babytile?
too many afternoon hot tarties for you.

Anonymous said...

I sent Ted all this info earlier, he will probably spin it into a BI.

Thst baby looks newborn , if she wanted to sheild the baby she would have had the baby in the stroller with the cover down.

She was holding the baby's head because at that age they have no control, it has to be no more than a couple of months old. No mother or nanny would walk around with the snuggle unfastened with a new born, he was strapped to her pretty tight.

Anonymous said...

8:59 PM - Stupid trolly, it was your "argument" that a nanny wouldn't hold baby like that.

Anonymous said...

I sent Ted all this info earlier

What info? That there is BT? LMAO!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

9:02 A nanny wouldn't you childless gasbag, you know zero about being a Mom.

9:04: I sent it to him to let him know that this is what's left of the TT fsns, but i'm sure he already knows that already.

He uses what's left of the bat shit crazy "fans" to get info for his TT BI's , not news at all.

Anonymous said...

9:12 PM, trolly please stop embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous said...

I just bought some new diapers for BaByTile. When I go out to LA I'm gonna take them to Jake cause Jake and Austin invinted me over for Dinner. they say that I can babysit BabyTile while they go out on the town. I just bought my ticket out west yall. I'll talk to yall when I get back. Byyeeee

Anonymous said...

This is odd. Not saying that it *means* anything, but in the section of the vid/pics of the alleged BT/nanny, Reese is carrying her purse over her right shoulder. She almost always has it over her left, just like how it is in the other sections of the vid/pics - on her left.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How many others here and on OMG sent Ted this stuff starting yesterday?

No one, just you.

There is no need to send anything to Ted - TED TOLD US about BT.

Anonymous said...

Is this Jake playing with Anne's girls in "Nailed" (or whatever the movie is called)?
One could imagine he's too shy for such realism.

10 seconds

Anonymous said...

Yes but we did all the detective work, i bet Ted didn't know about Paris but he does now!

I'm not the only one that sent him the stuff, i know of 3 others, guess who????

Anonymous said...

Is this Jake playing with Anne's girls in "Nailed" (or whatever the movie is called)?


Anonymous said...

Yes but we did all the detective work, i bet Ted didn't know about Paris but he does now!

What's so special about Paris?

Anonymous said...

Yes but we did all the detective work

True, but all we did is confirm what Ted knows since 2007.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the only one that sent him the stuff, i know of 3 others, guess who????

UV, FL and Cherita.

Anonymous said...

Reese is carrying her purse over her right shoulder. She almost always has it over her left

That was some kind of reeking signal!

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong 5:26 pm, I believe in BT and he was most likely there. However I see holes in your analysis. As much as cynical I am about PR, I don't want imaginations to run wild and accuse falsely.

Now look at pic 29
but not the four people in the back ground. THEY ARE GONE! Only to replaced by the yellow shirted guy with the red bag that reads "HEAD"

The vid and 2 of the pics are all at different angles. In the pics, if Jake and Reese (front and center, head-on) are at the 12:00 position facing directly towards 6:00, then:

pic 29 is taken from 6:00
pic 30 is taken from 6:30
pic 31 is taken from 7:00
(IMO the photog moved to his left after #29 to get clearer shots)

The vid barely starts out from a 6:00 (more like 6:10 !) position but as J&R continue on, the angle of the vid camera migrates to 8:00.

^^my point is this: Pic #29 is the only one that caught the "HEAD" guy in the yellow shirt because of its straight on angle. He was out of range for the vid and the other 2 pics.

Plus, at no time in the vid does R look up to her left.

Yes she does, at 00:33 when she looks up and over to Grungy!Jake.

Like I said I totally believe in BT it's just that I don't want any vid/pic coverup/conspiracy theories to get out of hand.

Anonymous said...

Is this Jake playing with Anne's girls in "Nailed" (or whatever the movie is called)?
One could imagine he's too shy for such realism.

10 seconds

Huh?! I don't see Jake in the clip called "geraldine pailhas 04" What movie is this?

Anonymous said...

There is a band called The Academy Is that has been around for a few years but they aren't mainstream/top 40. They had a song that got decdent airplay called "About A Girl" and the lead singer was part of the "Snakes On A Plane" song. Anyway they aren't mainstream like I said but they have a dedicated fanbase and following and get a lot of press in magazines like Alternative Press, etc...

Why am I bringing this up? Well there were a lot of rumors about the lead singer William Beckett having a daughter. He has a girlfriend since high school and some fans happened to find a church bulletin online announcing the birth of a daughter. Church bulletin disappeared off the website. The fans continued talking about William's possible baby and even asked on live radio if he had a child. He said that they were crazy rumors and that was "wikipedia nonsense."

Now the child is about two and William did an interview a few months ago where he confirmed that he really did have a daughter. He said he wanted to keep her out of the spotlight and protect his family.

So I guess I could see how someone like Jake or Austin, who are much more well known, could decide to keep their child out of the spotlight, especially with all the crazy paps around. Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz have said that their son is TERRIFIED of flashing lights and the paps.

Anonymous said...

Huh?! I don't see Jake in the clip called "geraldine pailhas 04" What movie is this?

I think that was a joke :)

Anonymous said...

THe key to finding baby tile is the other Dad. Jake wouldn't take his kid to Paris with Reese, Austin wouldn't allow it. That kid if it exists has been tucked away in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Now the child is about two and William did an interview a few months ago where he confirmed that he really did have a daughter.

Very interesting.

William Beckett said...

Link to a scan of the interview where he confirms he has a daughter.

Anonymous said...

Austin wouldn't allow it.

LOL as if you know what Austin would "allow"

Anonymous said...

Jake wouldn't take his kid to Paris with Reese, Austin wouldn't allow it.

Reese was irrelevant.

Jake would take BT to London, Paris, Morocco and London again. If there is BT I bet Jake is the father.

Anonymous said...

Link to a scan of the interview where he confirms he has a daughter.


Anonymous said...

^^I think that was a joke :)

Huh?! I don't see Jake in the clip called "geraldine pailhas 04" What movie is this?

I think that was a joke :)

C'mon.. you know whenever you reply without a quote some other comment will jump in between! Murphys Law. ~might as well do the quote in the first place

Anonymous said...

"Austin wouldn't allow it.

LOL as if you know what Austin would "allow"

As if you know what he or Jake are doing or thinking? What makes my scenario any less plausible then anyone else's?

Anonymous said...

Jake was out of the country for 6 months, filming PoP - it was easier for Austin to visit Jake and BT.

Anonymous said...

About the pictures of Reese, her kids and Jake in Paris. How many of you at the time the pictures first surfaced thought they were the normal arranged Reeke Family fest pictures? Do you honestly think Jake would take a chance of outing Baby Tile knowing Reese was a fame addict?

Anonymous said...

It was very obvious that Reeke were doing "family" photo ops. At that time I never ever thought that BT exists and could be there with Jake.

Anonymous said...

Jake thinks/Reek thought that they could turn their public persona off and on at the flip of the switch. They had a personal pap that traveled with them to pig farms, Coachella, Rome, Morocco, etc., why is it so hard to believe that Jake felt safe having BT and the nanny nearby for when the cameras turned off.

I also wouldn't put it past the little fucker to make sure one shot of BT got in, I think he likes fucking with people's minds, and years later he can tell poor BT see, I it just wasn't Ava and Deacon there, I didn't really treat you any differently.

Watch Carefully said...

10:22PM, don't worry, everything's in hand!

I agree, pictures taken from different angles can give you a different field--which is why I looked at the video and the pictures side by side searching for landmarks to begin with. I say the video and pictures 30 and 31 were taken at approximately the same time and place; everything is consistent. However, 29 was not.

First off, Jake is to Reese's right, not her left.

I'm using the shadows as a bearing. The top of the pink shirted lady's shadow is always to Jake's right (our left), even in 29. She really hit her mark; her shadow, her position behind R's shoulder, are the same in all three pics, and the vid. White shirted guy is off his mark. In 30 and 31, and the vid, the top of his shadow is also to J's right (our left), actually crossing J's feet as he moves past. In 29, it's right behind R's feet--it doesn't even come close to Jake. But again, pink lady's shadow doesn't change, so a wildly different angle can't explain that.

If we are to believe 29 was taken at the same time as the others, we have to agree it was taken while the vid was running, because his shadow is still behind R, and by the time the vid is up, it is long gone. I don't think it was. I think they had those people walk through that area again because of Ava. By that time, the people in the back ground had changed.

30: R, Pinky, and the back of the guy wearing the back pack, are all in line.

31: Again, R, Pinky, and backpack guy, all in a line.

29: R, Pinky, and (WHAT!) HEAD guy, all in a line.

HEAD guy is NOT in that video.

Anonymous said...

This babytile discussion is truly embarassing.
Things must be really slow in gylly land.

I suppose that it's kind of an awkward moment for jake, maggie and peter. All three gave great performances in award nominated films but jake, maggie and peter were not nominated for any of the major awards I think, and none of them are scheduled to present at any of the major awards shows. I guess that they all have to look 'busy' now or something. Oh well .....

Anonymous said...

White shirted guy is off his mark. In 30 and 31, and the vid, the top of his shadow is also to J's right (our left), actually crossing J's feet as he moves past. In 29, it's right behind R's feet--it doesn't even come close to Jake. But again, pink lady's shadow doesn't change, so a wildly different angle can't explain that.

In 29, it's right behind R's feet--it doesn't even come close to Jake.

Camera angle is only one part of the equation - you have to remember that the subjects were moving, not standing still. Of course the guy in white's shadow barely comes close to Reese's feet; he was farther away - he came from her far left and behind. This is shown in pic #29. Also, please take into consideration that although he looks to be closer to the camera/Reese in pic #29, he is not. It is an optical illusion called compression, just like how the lady in pink looks to be 5 feet behind J&R when in fact it's more like 15 feet of distance.

Anyway, the guy came from the far left and behind (#29), then he curved sharply towards his right, behind J&R (pic #30), then he passed Reese on her left side. Pic #31 is when he's about to pass her.

But again, pink lady's shadow doesn't change

Why would it? She stayed in the same proximity behind J&R, neither veering sharply to the left or the right. Of course her shadow remained constant in relation to theirs.

The movement and position of the guy is all confirmed on the vid.

I think they had those people walk through that area again because of Ava. By that time, the people in the back ground had changed.

First of all, Ava remained in the vid and secondly, your analysis of the shadows is grossly erroneous as I explained above. IMO your theory is flawed, preposterous and basically doesn't make any sense, but of course you are free to believe what you want.

Anonymous said...

HEAD guy is NOT in that video.

As explained earlier, the video was taken at a different angle than the pics. The video was about 20-25 degrees to the left of the scene. The HEAD guy was out of the range, about 90 degrees to the upper left.

Anonymous said...

I also wouldn't put it past the little fucker to make sure one shot of BT got in, I think he likes fucking with people's minds

ITA!! (but not with the rest of your paragraph - sorry)

Anonymous said...

best BS ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"A hidden kid, people? That bullshit is worst than the story of Richard Gere putting a hamster in his ass.
Did Ted C. invented that one too?"

LOL Ted C told a lot of shit but this one is the best, I predict the best BV nomination of the late 10 years

Anonymous said...

please if someone can ask Ted how old is BT exactly because I have serious doubt about the babe on pic!

Anonymous said...

please if someone can ask Ted how old is BT exactly because I have serious doubt about the babe on pic!

Don't be shy 4:05 AM, you can ask Ted too, link is right there on his Web page. The more the marrier! :)

Anonymous said...

Posted on OMG by pap the pop

And whay happens when BT is old enough to run and yell daddy??

Hope there's someone with a vid and their microphone is turned up full blast nearby!

Anonymous said...

I suppose that it's kind of an awkward moment for jake, maggie and peter. All three gave great performances in award nominated films but jake, maggie and peter were not nominated for any of the major awards I think, and none of them are scheduled to present at any of the major awards shows. I guess that they all have to look 'busy' now or something. Oh well .....

How can giving great performances be awkward? What do you mean by "looking busy"?

Anonymous said...

This babytile discussion is truly embarassing.


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