Sunday, 12 September 2010

A Place in the Sun

Montgomery Clift
Montgomery Clift rolling cigarette
during shooting of 'Red River', circa 1948

The Advocate: There are so many biographies of Montgomery Clift and numerous websites devoted to him. What was the biggest surprise you learned about him while researching your book?
Amy Lawrence: I was most impressed by Clift’s canny understanding of his own image. Many biographers depict him as refusing to participate in the Hollywood star system, but that didn’t mean he was ignorant of it. He understood how an actor’s image was built and maintained. In giving interviews or choosing roles, he knew exactly how to shape a performance to achieve the effect he wanted — and to resist the efforts of others to simplify a character. For instance, he was aware that screenwriters and directors often wanted to make the hero perfect; Clift wanted to make the character human, complicated, and not always admirable.

Q: Clift is often spoken of in context as a “gay actor” or in conjunction with Marlon Brando and James Dean. What do you see as Clift’s singular legacy?
A: Brando and Dean both thought of Clift as singular. Brando saw Clift as his only major competition, and Dean saw him as a model, an ideal to emulate. Unlike those performers, Clift’s best work has not become dated. In Red River, From Here to Eternity, A Place in the Sun, I Confess, and half a dozen others, his performances are impeccable. At his best he is never mannered or predictable. His performances are subtle, intelligent, graceful, and deeply empathetic regardless of the character’s flaws.

Q: How did Clift’s being gay — or bisexual, as some suggest — when it was still taboo affect his drinking, drug taking, and ultimate downward spiral?
A: The homophobia of the time, which intensified nationally just as Clift’s career was beginning in the late 1940s and early ’50s, certainly exerted pressure on Clift. A serious relationship with choreographer Jerome Robbins in the ’40s threatened both their careers when Robbins was blackmailed into testifying before the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings regarding communists and other “subversives” in Washington and the entertainment community. I would be hesitant, though, to cast Clift as a “sad young man,” “self-loathing homosexual,” or fit him into any other category into which gay men were sorted from the 1950s to ’70s. Alcoholism affects everyone, and in the postwar period heavy drinking was routine across the board. By the time Clift’s drinking became full-blown alcoholism, it was impossible to disentangle from his devastating car accident, the prescription painkillers he needed at the time, and his professional fear regarding the damage done to his face. In the latter part of his career, his drinking and drug taking were so dominant in his life that he couldn’t function without them. Paradoxically, at the point when he worked with unsupportive or openly hostile homophobic producers and directors, the drugs and drinking sustained him as much as they destroyed him.

Q: You write about the fan magazines of the 1950s that frequently used sexually suggestive headlines such as “Who Is Monty Kidding?” How well known was the truth about Clift’s sexuality during that era?
A: Clift worked in a period when fan magazines were challenged by scandal magazines, each promising “the truth” about stars’ private lives. Ironically, even the scandal rags did not want any “truth” firmly established because that would rob them of the chance to repeatedly tantalize readers with the next promised exposé. Biographical information suggests that people who worked with Clift always “knew” in exact proportion to what they wanted to know. Fans likewise. Everyone minimized the complexity of Clift’s emotional relationships — with men, older women, young women — in order to maintain the image of the actor that appealed to them most.

Q: A recent article in Newsweek suggests audiences can’t accept gay actors as romantic leading men when we know the truth about their real-life sexuality and uses Rock Hudson as an example. How do you think this applies to Clift, who had such intense chemistry on-screen with Elizabeth Taylor and other actresses?
A: When audiences think they know something about an actor’s personal sexuality it becomes available as a touchstone to spectators watching a performance but is never mandatory. People judging a performance often appreciate it most the more it varies from what we think we know about the performer — casting against type, nice people playing psychos, beautiful actresses playing ugly. If we think of Clift as an actor, then his persuasiveness as a romantic lead opposite Taylor, Olivia de Havilland, or Jennifer Jones increases our appreciation of his skill as he seems to become inseparable from the role.

Another issue is history itself. As new generations are introduced to Clift and Hudson, they often react to the performers without knowing any biographical information about them. They are also less invested in “the truth” than those who experienced a change in their perception through revelations and the exposure of secrets. The freer sexuality of Brando or Dean, for instance, has not come to dominate their images.

Q: How do you think Clift would have fared personally and professionally if he began his career today, with the intrusion of the Internet and paparazzi?
A: The intrusion of the media today is offset by the openness of some gay performers — though not romantic leading men just yet. As Tom Cruise’s career shows, it is possible to withstand rumors and media speculation if you have the power and the will to do so. Because Clift was never as closeted as Rock Hudson, I don’t believe he would fight terribly hard to maintain the illusion of offscreen heterosexuality. He might be more likely to take a Keanu Reeves approach, where the actor neither courts nor tries to dispel the fantasies of any fan. In several roles in the severely repressive 1950s he even courted audiences to read his characters — and maybe himself — as gay in the casually flirtatious scenes in Red River, the rejection of heterosexual relationships in I Confess, Suddenly, Last Summer, and Freud, the material on gay Army life that acts as a subtext throughout From Here to Eternity, and the relationship with Frank Sinatra’s character in the film.

Source: Advocate, The Most Beautiful Man in Film


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Ted said...

Bitch Back

Dear Ted:
Who's most famous in order out of the three: Toothy Tile, Nelly Fang and Nevis Divine?

Dear Fame Whore:
Toothy, I'd say, but probably not for that much longer. With Nev as a close second and Nelly's star rising by the day in third place.

Dear Ted:
What's Fey Oiled-Tush been up to lately? You said his jewels didn't impress some old dame in Hollywood, but what's he really like? Do you think if FOT ran into a bunch of fans or strangers he could charm the pants off of them, or is he a colder personality not unlike Cruella St. Shackles? Is he the type who like little boys like Jackie Bouffant, or do you think he's more interested in the manly man type like Topher Hairy-Tuchus?

Dear Feeling Fey:
Whew! So many questions, detective! In order: Trying to regain his glory, sweet, yes, no, used to, bingo.

Dear Ted:
I know movie reviews are subjective and can vary greatly. But some times, a really crappy movie gets released by a big studio with a big-name actor attached to it that most critics will still slam, but inevitably there will be one lone, but high-profile, critic that will give it a perfect score. Is there any gossip in T-town about movie critics being on the take by some of the bigger studios?

Dear I'm Bored Already:
Sorry, babe, but this one's the oldest story in the book: Besides gay leading women and men, that is. Yes, even whole blogs (not mine) are paid off for good reviews today.

Dear Ted:
What are the criteria for a person to be placed in the hallowed hall of Blind Vice Superstars? Specifically?

Dear Initiation:
Repeat offenders, mostly. Or really juicy Vices that Team Awful loves (ya know, like Kristen Stewart's).

Anonymous said...

One of the questions I asked Frost in the e-mail is this part of a photoshoot (of course it is, he wouldn't post a personal pic on his site, it's unprofessional)

Of course I asked if it were Jake's legs, if not thne who?

I hope he answers and not ignore like he did SK's e-mails

Anonymous said...

12:16 PM = Since you obviously didn't bother to look at the picture or just love to play stupid - those LEGS ARE AROUND ANOTHER MAN and that's gay.

12:37 PM, you are such a sore loser :)

Anonymous said...

12:16PM, I'm not going to flame you, but, imo, that really is an ignorant statement you made.

12:16PM said...

12:42 PM, please do, what is ignorant about men who like to wear woman's clothing and have sex with men? Well?

Anonymous said...

I hope he answers and not ignore like he did SK's e-mails

You are SK? You are SK's friend? You are SK's partner? No? Then how could you know anything about her e-mails?

Anonymous said...

12:40PM, why would you waste your time and why do you want to drag Frost into this nonsense? He's not going to tell you whose legs those are and the militant believers at OMG aren't going to believe him even if he did say they weren't Jake's legs. They would just chalk it up to a PR conspiracy.

12:47 PM said...

P.S. Maybe you believe our trolly?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing igorant about it silly fangirl at 12:16pm,but there are men that like wearing women's clothing and have sex with woman and like it and have no interest in sex with men.

Look it up, I know it doesn't fir your rigid view of sexuality since you most likely have had little or no sex but it's ignorant and homophobic to think that all men that wear woams clothes are gay.

Now go read some slash dear so you can really "understand" gay men, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

12:47 I used to post on OMG, I have a folder of her e-mails including the e-mails to Frost and Ted.

She sent Frost an e-mail and he didn't respond.

Anonymous said...

12:42 PM, please do, what is ignorant about men who like to wear woman's clothing and have sex with men? Well?

WTF? LOL. You have serious reading comprehension problems. NO ONE said there is anything ignorant about men wearing women's clothing. And no one said there is anything ignorant about men having sex with men. In fact, the word "ignorant" doesn't even make sense in those contexts. WHAT IS IGNORANT IS YOUR INSISTENCE THAT YOU CAN IDENTIFY WHOSE LEGS THOSE ARE FROM THAT PIC AND THAT YOU CAN ALSO IDENTIFY THEIR SEXUALITY.

Anonymous said...

12:48 PM #2, NO ONE SAID "all men that wear woman's clothes are gay", read comments, they are there for all to see that you are making shit up.

Anonymous said...

She sent Frost an e-mail and he didn't respond

I don't blame him. Why would he want to be dragged into such insanity?

Anonymous said...

12:53 PM, learn to read and look up "speculation" and "discussion".

Anonymous said...

Why would he want to be dragged into such insanity?

There is no point in asking him anything - he would never ever admit it was Jake.

Anonymous said...

I used to post on OMG, I have a folder of her e-mails including the e-mails to Frost and Ted.

Bad move.

Anonymous said...

Proof Anne wore a wig. New candids from NYC, out and about with her pretty long hair.

The Fashion Spot

Anonymous said...

12:53 PM, learn to read and look up "speculation" and "discussion".

Sorry, but I can read just fine. In fact, I'm the one who used the word "speculation." Maybe you missed some of these posts, though, where some people obviously are insisting they have "proof":

No one is believing - we have photographs, evidence, proof.
September 16, 2010 10:55 AM

We have no evidence that Jake does either [wear women's clothes]
I think we do.
September 16, 2010 11:04 AM

this picture could be a proof of Jake's gayness.
September 16, 2010 11:06 AM

Anonymous said...

But being there I took the chance watching JGL performing "Bad Romance" again, what a lovable guy....!

Awww, he's so loveable, and a really handsome face. I thought his version of Bad Romance was great. :)

Anonymous said...

But being there I took the chance watching JGL performing "Bad Romance" again, what a lovable guy....!

A great use of youtube! :)

Blogger keeps eating the post with the link, so just cut and paste if you're interested said...

criticWIRE @ Toronto: Grading All The Films

The 2010 Toronto International Film Festival is winding down, culminating this Sunday with the announcement of the fest’s awards. As critics and bloggers begin to finish up their TIFF coverage, indieWIRE has asked them to submit their thoughts to our “criticWIRE poll,” which compiles grades and review links from every single film that is screening in Toronto, from Darren Aronofsky’s “Black Swan” to Tom Hooper’s “The King’s Speech” to literally hundreds of others. Below are links to each film’s individual page, which lists all the grades, and to indieWIRE‘s own review (if applicable, of course). Currently, 24 critics have submitted grades and links to reviews from TIFF. Check back over the next five days as the number of critics and number of films graded expands.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 1:39 - interesting. :)

Anonymous said...

Jake and Anne - icky or hot?


Anonymous said...

Definitely hot. :)

prairiegirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

12:47 I used to post on OMG, I have a folder of her e-mails including the e-mails to Frost and Ted.

She sent Frost an e-mail and he didn't respond.

You're full of SHIT Jack.

It also looks like you forgot to take your meds today.

prairiegirl said...

I promised I'd keep my big mouth shut and look what I did. Pardon me.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here’s my question: does anyone else remember the stories about Jake and Anne hating each other? They previously worked on Brokeback Mountain together, and I have strong memories of Jake insinuating that he thought Anne was a major a–hole.

I always noticed something, I couldn't put my finger on it, but I don't think Jake was too fond of Anne during BBM promo. Actually he almost ignored her totally.

Anonymous said...

I never heard of that. Never.

Anonymous said...

The celebitchy article is odd. But this comment made me lol:

Didn’t realize she had a disease. Sounds a little like a sluttier version of Sweet November now.

Anonymous said...

Anne will be very happy to hear that, if she ever reads what Jake supposedly said about her during BBM filming.

destiny said...

^^ No Destiny, I'm worked up because of the stupidity that gets slug around as facts by some, such as the Legs and Austin picture. Then try and pimp it around the net as a factual picture of a known actor who is hiding in the closet to try and generate discussion about it on a well known entertainment/social site. This may support your agenda of outing in the closet actors even though you don't know "WHO'S" legs they are.

It's "WISHFUL" thinking that they are Jake's legs and anyone who says they are his legs needs help too. This includes YOU.

I love how someone who clearly can't grasp the concept of opionion and free speach just loves to tell everyone else what to think and write. And that old hoary "you need help" line, please. You really think anyone cares?

As someone above said, everyone is free to express their opinion on the internet, including the opinion that Jake is gay and that Reeke was one big phony lie. Just the way the JIS crowd was free to run around declaring what a wonderful couple Reeke was, and what a wonderful stepdad Jake was to her kids (funny how everyone turned on Reese after it was all over).

Anonymous said...

Troll is sure worked up over those legs. Cant deny what is staring him in the face. Saying that Jake would never pose for a picture like that shows how little he knows about Jake. RJ Downey did not call Jake wild for nothing.

Anonymous said...

I think people who see Jake as a guy who is wearing women's clothes and who is hiding children for years, may be the ones who are a tad unrealistic as well. If you are a fan of an actor for years, you usually have an idea of what kind of person he is.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2:32. Even if we don't know these people, you get a feel for their lives from what you see and learn from pics and interviews.

In all the time i've been a jake fan, i've seen him in a dress ONE time, and that was for a SNL skit that is no longer available for viewing except maybe at IHJ. To think that he would shave his legs, dress up in a dress and heels, and sit with his legs wrapped around Austin's neck - his skinny, girly legs that he never has on display at any other time in his life - well, that's just weird to me. I can't imagine him ever being careless enough to do something like that, not to mention the fact that it seems out of character for other reasons as well.

It's kinda like the giant hooplah made over the baby siting in Paris. I don't see how anyone could think he'd be dumb enough to hide his secret baby except for that one time, when he took him out on a photo shoot???

Jake might not always make the smartest decisions personally or career wise, but he's not the walking dead either. I think his brain is functional enuf not to do anything quite that stupid.

Anonymous said...

As someone above said, everyone is free to express their opinion on the internet

IA. But insisting that the picture itself is irrefutable "proof" and "evidence" that those are Jake's legs is ridiculous. That's not simply expressing an opinion. Btw, being highly skeptical that you can identify those legs as belonging to any specific person does not mean that someone is part of the "JiS crowd."

Anonymous said...

you usually have an idea of what kind of person he is.

What's the big deal about Jake having some fun and maybe taking a provocative picture in a woman's dress and slingbacks? What kind of person does that make him? How about a fun-loving tease who has no hang-ups about his sexuality. He seems like a fairly uninhibited sort of guy and a bit of an exhibitionist. We all know he's a flirt. Remember him on SNL and someone reminded me over on the other blog that Jake went on stage with Rufus W. in the summer of 2007to speak the words to "Between My Legs." Ted has said on innumerable occasions that Toothy loves danger. He's awfully pretty too. No one is saying he walks around the house all day in drag. Just that he probably has his moments when getting in touch with his feminine side has its appealing.

Anonymous said...

^ I meant...has its appealing side.

Anonymous said...

In Other News of the Ridiculous:

In the latest issue of US Magazine, everyone will be thrilled to discover that Reese is having a Fine Romance! Yet another exciting pic of her with her dude, out shopping this time, 'cause they need some more stuff. And here's the caption: "She likes that he is more mature than past boyfriends," a pal says of RW, (with beau JT in LA Sept 3.)

So just in case anyone was worried that she wasn't all happy and well taken care of now, you can put your cares aside. Reese is in good, capable, mature hands. (big happy sigh) S.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Jake also talk about how others might call him a princess instead of a prince when he was doing PR for PoP? Yeah, I guess I can see Jake doing a racy photo like this for sure. It's interesting that the person with legs wrapped around Austin is cropped. I suspect that is because of the gender of the "attacker." If the person were a woman, I would hardly consider the shot provocative at all.

Anonymous said...

Jake never shaved his chest hair or legs. He never wears some hipster stuff just regular dude clothes. He's a sports fanatic too. Him loving to shave his legs and chest and wearing woman clothes would be out of character... to me.

Anonymous said...

He seems like a fairly uninhibited sort of guy and a bit of an exhibitionist.....

Yes, and that's why he bearded with RW for 2 and a half years??

Anonymous said...

Didn't Jake also talk about how others might call him a princess instead of a prince when he was doing PR for PoP?

He probably refered to the TT and/ or JiG believers.

Anonymous said...

I've seen pics of JBG with his legs shaved, back when he was riding with Lance A and Mathew M all the time, but he was riding miles and miles on his bike every day... or very often. I don't know his sched of course. Anyway, the legs in that pic have no muscle tone. They aren't biker's legs. IMO. S.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree. Jake is pretty. Those thick lashes, beautiful hands and let's not forget, as Ted says, his gams are highly overlooked. If those are Jake's legs, I think that makes him even hotter. Walking on the wild side is a turn on for alot of people.

Anonymous said...

I've seen pics of JBG with his legs shaved, back when he was riding with Lance A and Mathew M all the time,

Take a better look, they weren't shaved.

Anonymous said...

He probably refered to the TT and/ or JiG believers.

Or, maybe the people who know him best.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and that's why he bearded with RW for 2 and a half years??

No, he bearded because he was in the closet.

Anonymous said...

I think some want Jake to be someone they want him to be. If it makes some posters happy to believe it's Jake on Austin's shoulder, so be it. For me it'd be out of character for Jake though. In the end no one can claim anything for sure.

Anonymous said...

Or, maybe the people who know him best.

People who know him best think he's a princess?

Anonymous said...

I promised I'd keep my big mouth shut and look what I did.

Look where? :)

Anonymous said...

I see Jake as a soft guy with an edge, but nothing overly eccentric. And I see him as a daddy type, family guy.
I could be way off though.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you missed some of these posts, though, where some people obviously are insisting they have "proof"

People saying "I think" and "could be" aren't saying that they have a proof, and aren't insisting on anything.

Anonymous said...

I know nothing whatsoever about Jake Gyllenhaal.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here’s my question: does anyone else remember the stories about Jake and Anne hating each other?

No, but I remember an old Anne's interview where she said nice things about Jake - Jake making her laugh, telling a joke about drunk homosexual.

Anonymous said...

I know nothing whatsoever about Jake Gyllenhaal.

Nah. That's an exaggeration. I bet you know a little, at least. ;)

Anonymous said...

"People who know him best think he's a princess?"

I think the people he trusts, who know him best might very well tease him about his slightly prissy ways. Have you even been around gay guys? I have. Because I am one. We love to use words like princess, girlfriend and queenie with each other. So, yes, I can see those who might know him best, calling him a princess.

Anonymous said...

Well, there were reports that Jake was difficult to work with. Maybe he let his little princess out? ;)

Anonymous said...

I've seen lots of pics where his legs look shaved. Here is one:


Anonymous said...

They look shaved in the picture.

Anonymous said...

I think people who see Jake as a guy who is wearing women's clothes and who is hiding children for years, may be the ones who are a tad unrealistic as well. If you are a fan of an actor for years, you usually have an idea of what kind of person he is.

Are you trying to say that wearing woman's clothes is some kid of bad or immoral behavior? What kind of person that makes them?

Anonymous said...

Here they are clearly not shaved:


Anonymous said...

Are you trying to say that wearing woman's clothes is some kid of bad or immoral behavior? What kind of person that makes them?

Immoral or bad. LOL. Give me a break! I just said, I don't think Jake's the type who likes to wear lady clothes, that's all.

Anonymous said...

People saying "I think" and "could be" aren't saying that they have a proof, and aren't insisting on anything.

There is no need to qualify any statement with "I think" or I believe," because it's obvious that when someone makes a comment that the content is hers or his personal opinion/speculation. It doesn't detract from what is being presented, if they don't add, "In my opinion". People can make up their own minds how persuasive the evidence or statement is.

There wouldn't be any blogs, if only people who had first hand photographic evidence were allowed to discuss a topic. And, even if you had so-called "proof" of anything, you are still going to get differing opinions.

Anonymous said...

I just said, I don't think Jake's the type who likes to wear lady clothes, that's all.

You said "if you are a fan of an actor for years, you usually have an idea of what kind of person he is." So what kind of person is Jake, why he isn't the type to wear lady clothes?

Anonymous said...

From September.

Here they are clearly not shaved:


From July.

In the fist his legs appear to be shaved, in the one from July not.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there were plenty of biking pics where he hasn't shaved. I've seen some pics where it was totally obvious he'd shaved, but of course i couldn't find any of them at the moment and i have to go to work now, so no more jake-surfing. There is a guy at work who bikes and shaves his legs, so i don't take any meaning from it accept that it means he's serious about his biking.

Just for the record, I don't think there is anything wrong with guys dressing up in women's clothes. I happen to love to wear my husbands underwear!! :) I haven't read any comments here that implied anyone had an issue with that, just that many of us don't think it's in character for jake. The fact that other commentors take that and try to stir it up into an argument is so tiresome. :(

jmo. s.

Anonymous said...

Men who are serious bike-riders often shave their legs. That photo of Austin was taken back during the period of time when Jake was often seen on a bike and when he was in-between film roles.

Anonymous said...

." So what kind of person is Jake, why he isn't the type to wear lady clothes?

LOL, God, IDK. I just don't see him as someone who wears lady clothes. IDK why. Maybe I'm wrong.
Who cares. If he does it, fine by me. Moving on. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

That photo of Austin was taken back during the period of time when Jake was often seen on a bike and when he was in-between film roles.

When was the photo taken? Do you have a date?

Anonymous said...

if you click the pic it gets bigger and then it's real clear that his legs are shaved here. it's the same biking pic i already posted above. s.

Anonymous said...

When hair begins to grow back on legs there are all kinds of textures that can be captured on film. You don't just have smooth legs one day, then hairy ones the next. It does take time for the hair to begin to grow back you know.

If Jake is gay, which I presumed most people here think he is, then this kind of photo hardly seems over the top at all. He has talked many times about how comfortable he is being naked and a lot of his humor has sexual overtones. RDJ admitted that Jake has a sweet side, but he also said he can be a badass; a Steve McQueen type. Let's get real, Jake is no choir boy. One of the many things I love about him!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wet, dark and wild!

Anonymous said...

Wet, dark and wild!


Anonymous said...

Let's get real, Jake is no choir boy.

Hardly anyone (if anyone) is a choir boy in Hollywood. But Jake seems less of a "bad boy" or rebel in comparison to some of his colleages. JMO.

Anonymous said...

You never read about hard drug use and hardly about heavy partying or whoring around.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't know how to measure "bad boy" behaviors on a "Hollywood" scale, but I would suspect that having a private photo session with a trusted friend and possible boyfriend you have known for ages in the Biblical sense many times over, is not what I would call bad boy behavior, at all. Titillating, yeah. But, behaving badly? Naw.

Anonymous said...

Gay whoring is done in the closet.

LAOD said...

I saw this movie at a screening in NY last night, it was realllllly good! You get to see a lot of full frontal nudity from Anne Hathaway, and I do mean A LOT!!! But no where near enough nudity from Jake!! :(´

Just Jared

Anonymous said...

I remember someone saying (IMDb?) that there is NO full frontal nudity.

Anonymous said...

4:03 PM, looks like someone doesn't know what's full frontal nudity.

Anonymous said...

People saying "I think" and "could be" aren't saying that they have a proof, and aren't insisting on anything.

But where is the "I think" and "could be" in this post from this a.m.? The 10:55AM poster goes so far as to say s/he doesn't just "believe", but rather has "proof." Maybe you don't phrase things that way, but someone is pretty obviously insisting s/he has proof:

No one is believing - we have photographs, evidence, proof.
September 16, 2010 10:55 AM

Anonymous said...

Don't play stupid 4:14. It is implicit in every post that it is the opinion of the poster only. "I think" and "my opinion" is redundant. If you can't grasp that concept, go play somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

4:14 PM, "No one is believing - we have photographs, evidence, proof" is about discussing a photo, in contrast with "he has/had a secret relationship with Austin, one or two kids and sleeps with directors to get roles" where we have only second hand "evidence". I'm not saying that the comment is clear, just that WFT2 posters (almost) never insist that they have a real proof.

Anonymous said...

It is implicit in every post that it is the opinion of the poster...

Nope, sorry, it's not implicit when the poster specifically goes out of their way to say it is not merely a belief. I'm not the one playing stupid, lol. Looks like someone is trying to backtrack but doesn't want to admit it. :)

Anonymous said...

No one is believing - we have photographs, evidence, proof" is about discussing a photo

Yeah, I understand it's about the photo. But even if the photo is a tangible thing as opposed to interpreting words, it still isn't "evidence" of any kind because there is no way of proving whose legs those are. That's the point.

Anonymous said...

Nope, sorry, it's not implicit when the poster specifically goes out of their way to say it is not merely a belief.

That didn't happen - you need to read all comments, starting with 10:42 AM in this case.

Anonymous said...

Jake has talked about outrageous Halloween costumes implying that they were sexual in nature so that he could not reveal what it was in public. He talked about it on Ellen. I recall seeing him with shaved legs when he was biking but also again when he was over the heavy biking with Lance. It was on dave cullen site.I dont remember when but I did say to myself odd that his legs are shaved since I have not see him biking lately. Around the legs photo time Im sure. He has mentioned more than once that he likes to walk on the wild side. Are we forgetting the public sex already or maybe newcomers do not know about that side of Toothy. Being caught in public is a major reason he is now closeted.

Anonymous said...

Troll is sure worked up over those legs. Cant deny what is staring him in the face. Saying that Jake would never pose for a picture like that shows how little he knows about Jake. RJ Downey did not call Jake wild for nothing.

^^ Sounds like M from OMG. Waiting for some juicy tidbits from Ted M? You'll be old as dirt when Ted post anything New about Jake. Trust

Anonymous said...

What's the big deal about Jake having some fun and maybe taking a provocative picture in a woman's dress and slingbacks? What kind of person does that make him? How about a fun-loving tease who has no hang-ups about his sexuality. He seems like a fairly uninhibited sort of guy and a bit of an exhibitionist. We all know he's a flirt. Remember him on SNL and someone reminded me over on the other blog that Jake went on stage with Rufus W. in the summer of 2007to speak the words to "Between My Legs." Ted has said on innumerable occasions that Toothy loves danger. He's awfully pretty too. No one is saying he walks around the house all day in drag. Just that he probably has his moments when getting in touch with his feminine side has its appealing.

Special, Is that YOU baaaaby?
Come on out of the Closet Gurrrrl and put a name on it. Okaay

Anonymous said...

I promised I'd keep my big mouth shut


Anonymous said...

LOL!!! The Jaustnites are always pleased when they rile up those phantom trolls: we must be right! The trolls are nervous, LOL!!

In reality I bet the "trolls"are the Jaustinites and deep down they know that there is no BT, no Jake and Austin, knows Ted is full of shit and spend their time wishing OTH will go off the air NOW and sticking pins in their Sophia Bush voodoo dolls that was replaced from the Reese voodoo dolls, LOL!!!

PS: Serious bikers shaved their legs, just because you have found pics of Jake on IHJ that have him with shaved legs and not biking doesn't mean he wasn't biking that week, he isn't papped 24/7 you know.

Anonymous said...

I promised I'd keep my big mouth shut...

What did Prairiegirl post?

Anonymous said...

I have. Because I am one. We love to use words like princess, girlfriend and queenie with each other. So, yes, I can see those who might know him best, calling him a princess.

September 16, 2010 3:17 PM

bullshit. only fey sissy and fem gay guys do this. Apparently you have only been around these types of gay guys. There are masculine and ruff / scruffy gay guys who have absolutely nothing to do with talk like that.
Stop stereotyping. And some can't stand talk like that. And believe it or not, some gay men don't watch Americas Next Top Model. Did you know this?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

In reality I bet the "trolls" are the Jaustinites

Not true. Jaustinites believe Jake and Austin are gay + trolls are posting on WFT, OMG and WFT2 since 1996.

Anonymous said...

1996? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

bullshit. only fey sissy and fem gay guys do this. Apparently you have only been around these types of gay guys. There are masculine and ruff / scruffy gay guys who have absolutely nothing to do with talk like that.

Ted implied one year that Jake went to a Halloween party in Weho dressed as Cher.

There are friend-locked pictures out there of Austin dressed up as a Golden Girl for Halloween.

Jake clearly enjoyed dressing up as a woman and belting out a Dreamgirls' song on SNL.

Anonymous said...

The year Jake supposedly dressed up as Cher, he refused to talk about his costume when asked on one of the morning shows.

Anonymous said...

How the hell would Ted Know?

And if so, it was for Holloween and a comedy sketch.
There is a difference.
Justin Timberlake dressed in drag and played Classic Peg on SNL. It's comedy!!!!
Some are insinuating This is what Jake does. Then go as far as talking about men wearing women clothes. Who cares. gesshhh

Anonymous said...

1996? I don't think so.

Yes, 1996 and WFT, I was there.

Anonymous said...

Men gay and straight dress as women on halloween.

I bet Jake made the Cher story up after jake's appearence on Ellen, closet cases don't go around dressing like Cher in WEHO on halloween.
Pics were not friends locked, they were meant to be seen just like those pics of Austin, Sophia and his family were "leaked", some people are too gullible and don't know when you have been had.

Anonymous said...

WFT was around in 1996???

Anonymous said...

Oops, 2006 :)

5:46 PM said...

Wrong century!

Anonymous said...

Pics were not friends locked (Austin dressed up as a Golden Girl for Halloween)

Yes, pics were and still are friends locked.

Anonymous said...

The point is not whether gay or straight men dress up at Halloween. The point is that someone is insisting Jake and Austin would never ever get caught dead in a dress, and that anyone who does something like that is not masculine. Talk about a stereotype!

Ted probably heard about Jake from people who were at the party.

Anonymous said...

Those photos were not and would never be "leaked" the way the Sophin photos were for one big fat glaring reason--no Sophia at a time when the love birds were supposedly already hot and serious.

Anonymous said...

I saw the "locked" photos, and yet I shouldn't have since I wasn't friended, I saw several including some pics from Austin's b'day with people I didn't recognize and a pic of Jake and Austin sitting on a couch, I think that was at a mutual friends house, I saw that one back in 2006

If his friends or whoever posted the pics wanted them to be private, I shouldn't have been able to see them

Anonymous said...

If his friends or whoever posted the pics wanted them to be private, they wouldn't post them on the Internet.

Anonymous said...

a pic of Jake and Austin sitting on a couch

What? Never saw and never heard about such photo.

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing Austin in a wig on halloween on that cobrasnake site, he's a DJ and had a lot of party pics posted. I also saw pics of that Katz-Frost guy in a wig on hallowwen there, and pics of Austin and Matthew Katz Frost looking druggie. A Few of those pics showed up on Austin media as friends-locked by Hulija which is odd since they weren't friends locked on the cobra site.

Anonymous said...

Anne is less pretty but she can invade the screen.
Imagine an actress with Michelle's looks and Anne's intensity.
That would be the perfect co-star for Jake G.! :)

Anne is fine. Regarding looks and as an actor. She and Jake have fine chemistry as friends. Hopefully they'll be believable as lovers too.

I'm not sure if I want to see Jake with Michelle in a movie together. Also not sure if they'll have chemistry, although she seemed to have a lil crush on Jake (judging by the pictures I've seen posted here). Women can crush on charming gay men too.

Anonymous said...

I remember someone saying (IMDb?) that there is NO full frontal nudity.

I can't imagine there is full frontal nudity either.

Anonymous said...

^^Maybe the poster didn't even see the movie.

Anonymous said...

Pics from the 'Devil' Premiere, featuring the American Tom Hardy


Anonymous said...

Logan Marshall-Green is one year older than TH and a bit taller. They are pretty similar. TH is sexier though. ;)

Atticus said...

I'm hungry!

Atticus said...

The year Jake supposedly dressed up as Cher, he refused to talk about his costume when asked on one of the morning shows

My blackmail pics of Daddy in that getup kept me well fed for years.

Atticus said...

No one is saying he walks around the house all day in drag.


NY said...

LOL Destiny, have you called 1 800 DIAL DMV lately???!!

Anonymous said...

Atticus said...
No one is saying he walks around the house all day in drag.



OT LOL said...

Some New York drivers are getting a shock when they call a toll free number for the Department of Motor Vehicles. On some DMV pamphlets 1-800-DIAL DMV is connecting people to a sex hotline called ‘Intimate Encounters.'


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Atticus watch out for getting stepped on with Daddy's sharp stiletto heels and having his long feathered boas getting caught in your collar.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What movie could Gemma Arterton be talking about?

"'I pulled back a bit from the Hollywood thing because you can end up spending six months promoting those big projects and you have to lie through your teeth and smile about how wonderful whatever it was really was. I'm not saying never again, but I just can't do it all the time. I get depressed. I feel like I need an outlet.'

And that would be the stage, which doesn't pay anywhere near as much as Hollywood, but which she finds therapeutic.


Anonymous said...

^ LOL. Lying through her teeth about PoP.

Jerry and Jake said...

What movie could Gemma Arterton be talking about?

Clash of the Titans! Duh!

Anonymous said...

a pic of Jake and Austin sitting on a couch

Did anyone else see that picture?

ha! said...

They (Jake and Ryan G) are too similar, both look like nice, clean cut mama's boys.

Word had it the elusive Ryan Gosling wouldn’t be coming to TIFF this year.

This seemed strangely appropriate, given that his blue-collar character Dean in Blue Valentine, a marriage meltdown drama garnering raves since its Sundance debut, is a man who isn’t quite there.

Higher forces intervened to get Gosling to T.O., which is just one of the many places this actor, born in London, Ont., calls home. A certain mama, resident of Burlington, saw that nearly every other big-time actor was forsaking Los Angeles for Toronto this week, so why not her Oscar-nominated son?

“Yes, I couldn't stay away,” Gosling, 29, sheepishly admits. “My mother wasn't having it!”
Q&A: Love is blue, but Mom is boss for Ryan Gosling

Anonymous said...

It looks like more and more of the younger actor generation (those around 30) have small to zero interest in the whole Hollywood machinery or holding their faces into the paparazzi flashlights.

I hope Jake has learned the lesseon after the Reese fiasco.

Gemma Arterton was also part of James Bond and Clash of the Titans, she obviously meant the whole experience of being a part of a blockbuster.

Mrs Gosling said...

Mama knows best!

Naomi said...

I agree!

Ryan and Jake said...


Anonymous said...

"'I pulled back a bit from the Hollywood thing because you can end up spending six months promoting those big projects and you have to lie through your teeth and smile about how wonderful whatever it was really was. I'm not saying never again, but I just can't do it all the time. I get depressed. I feel like I need an outlet.

She's earning millions for the kinds of films she's doing. Lying a little about how great everything was, isn't that hard of a prize.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Gosling said...
Mama knows best!
Naomi said...
I agree!

Good! Now tell Jake not to beard anymore :)

Anonymous said...

Lying a little about how great everything was, isn't that hard of a prize.

Can be hard if you appreciate true values in life.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying never again, but I just can't do it all the time.

Nice to hear. Gemma is a real person, not a Hollywood phony.

LOVE the costumes! said...

Yesterday, the Pope paid a visit to St. Mary's University in Twickenham, UK, which happens to be the town where social networking site Gaydar is headquartered.

Greeting the pope in protest were three scantily clad "Gaydar Warrior Angels".

The Telegraph reports:

"Martin Beckford has filed this colour from Twickenham: 'A stream of guests arriving at St Mary's University College to see the Pope were surprised to find three half-naked homsexual men donning gold wings before launching their protest. The trio, who called themselves Gaydar's Warrior Angels, said they wanted the Church to be more accepting of homosexuality. On the narrow road outside the college stood about 20 protestors, most individuals rather than representing groups.'"

'Gaydar Warrior Angels' Protest Pope's Visit to Twickenham, UK

Anonymous said...

Michelle and TIFF:

In Blue Valentine, opening December 31, Gosling and Michelle Williams play a broken couple gasping the last breaths of their relationship, interlaced with touchingly romantic scenes from their courtship. Williams, who narrowly missed TIFF between wrapping the Toronto-shot, Sarah Polley-directed Take This Waltz and starting rehearsals in London for My Week With Marilyn (she plays Monroe), has been attached to this project for eight years, stretching back to when she was playing Jen Lindley on Dawson’s Creek.

Q&A with Blue Valentine director: Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams’ latest “like a documentary of two people falling in love”

Anonymous said...

Q&A with Blue Valentine director: Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams’ latest “like a documentary of two people falling in love”

Thanks for the link. They worked on the film for 8 years, wow. Ryan G. said it was always him and Michelle for the roles from the very start.
Aww and Ryan looks like he doesn't want to be there, maybe he's dissapointed that Michelle didn't attend.

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that if you fall for someone on set which maybe happened to you a few times before and one of those relationships was very public, you want to avoid a certain reputation of falling for colleagues. Then you maybe push someone away who might be right for you, just because of some other people's opinions. It sucks.

PoP said...

Tweet: Watched PRINCE OF PERSIA last night. I loved it. They did a great job and Jake Gyllenhaal did an amazing job. I definitely recommend it.

Anonymous said...

Who on WFT 2 bought the PoP DVD?

Anonymous said...

Jake checking: Still a handfull.

Anonymous said...

I think Jake gave his all physically for this role and had high hopes, it's a shame it didn't do better in North America.

Anonymous said...

Sir Ben and Jakey

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that if you fall for someone on set which maybe happened to you a few times before and one of those relationships was very public, you want to avoid a certain reputation of falling for colleagues.

Michelle is a smart woman, I'm sure she doesn't give a damn about "reputation of falling for colleagues". Why should she?

Anonymous said...

Q&A with Blue Valentine director: Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams’ latest “like a documentary of two people falling in love”

Interesting - thanks! This sounds like something I'd enjoy. Nice picture, too. The little girl looks like she really could be Gosling's daughter :)

Anonymous said...

With Gemma

Anonymous said...

Awwww :)

Anonymous said...

Michelle is a smart woman, I'm sure she doesn't give a damn about "reputation of falling for colleagues". Why should she?

I think she gives a damn.

Anonymous said...

Ben, Gemma, Jake

Anonymous said...

The little girl looks like she really could be Gosling's daughter :)

Totally. :)

Anonymous said...

I think she gives a damn.

Why should she? Adults date people they like, and don't care what their friends, family, colleagues or neighbors think about it.

Anonymous said...

^^True, and she's hardly the only actress who's become involved with a co-star. I think it must happen sometimes; actors are very attractive, magnetic people on many levels, and to kiss them in a movie love scene must set off sparks sometimes. ;)

Anonymous said...

You make it sound like dating a co-star is something bad or immoral.

Anonymous said...

Who on WFT 2 bought the PoP DVD?

So many negative things are connected to PoP that I'm not sure I want to watch that movie.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, the immorality infer-er again. Personally, I don't judge it one way or the other. It is what is is. No different than dating someone at work, although in fairness to the poster who questioned it, you don't want you coworkers knowin' ya bizness all the time. :)

Anonymous said...

No different than dating someone at work

Movie actors work together only for a few months (average).

Did Adam Lambert's Ugly Hat Cause a Fight With Photographers? said...

Well I can't say so definitively, but I'm pretty sure anyone owning this hat would be excused for having anger management issues, because jesus, that thing is a travesty. And the leeway for getting violent extends even further when somebody is taking pictures of you actually wearing the hat. In public.

Adam Lambert "was partying on the beach [in South Beach] with friends when he got annoyed with one particular snapper for getting too close," as Radar proudly exhibits. "'He was on the beach with about six people,' said an eyewitness. 'They were all rocker types. Some of them were in the water but Adam was sitting in a chair playing about with his friends, telling jokes and having a few drinks. 'After about an hour he told the photographer who was near him to go home – the photographer said he couldn't until Adam left. 'Then all of a sudden Adam leapt at the guy he’d told to go away. The photographer tried to get away but Adam grabbed at him. 'Adams friends pulled the singer away and they went back to their hotel – in the end nobody looked hurt.'"

Yes but WAS THE HAT OKAY?!?!

Adam said...

Yes but WAS THE HAT OKAY?!?!


Anonymous said...

Wladyka and Ryan Gosling on the premiere of her film "Blue Valentine" - #Toronto Film Festival

Anonymous said...

Then all of a sudden Adam leapt at the guy he’d told to go away. The photographer tried to get away but Adam grabbed at him.

Bad, bad boy!

Anonymous said...

Wladyka and Ryan Gosling on the premiere of her film "Blue Valentine" - #Toronto Film Festival

LOL. Cute on screen daddy/daughter duo. :)

Anonymous said...

Then all of a sudden Adam leapt at the guy he’d told to go away. The photographer tried to get away but Adam grabbed at him.

Are we going to have posts about someone picking on the poor, innocent papparazzi now? ;)

Adam said...

Battery? Nope. I attempted to grab a camera, no punches were thrown and no one was on the ground.... It was literally harmless. If embarrassment is a crime- thats all I'm guilty of.

Anonymous said...

11:59 AM - are we going to imply that it is OK for celebrity to kick, spit or insult paparazzi?

Anonymous said...

Or video taking?

Anonymous said...

15 men in The Tourist trailer hotter than Johnny Depp

Anonymous said...

Marc Jacobs and Lorenzo Martone have redesigned their relationship. And it looks pretty good.

Fashionistas who attended Jacobs' spring 2011 show on Monday and saw him on the party circuit that night say the formerly engaged couple, who broke up this summer, seem to have remained good friends, as other sources have said, despite whatever circumstances led to their split.

Mr. Heath from heaven said...

Movie actors work together only for a few months (average).

That's why you make your beloved co-star goddaddy of your baby, to keep him in your life. :D

Anonymous said...

Good for Marc and Lorenzo to stay friends. :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

JG Francis who reminds some of us awfully lot of Heath.

Bulge 1

Bulge 2

Jake: "You were so great last nigh...le sigh."

Heath thinking:"That boy is naughty!"

Just felt like posting this. It's all just fun. No offense please.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

New Nat photo shoot:


Anonymous said...

Jake: "You were so great last nigh...le sigh."

What was the word Jake used? Enamored? Yeah, I would describe his look as enamored :) Oh, and "Bulge 1" is definitely enamored, lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and "Bulge 1" is definitely enamored, lol.


Anonymous said...

Just felt like posting this. It's all just fun. No offense please.

:) None taken.

Anonymous said...







Ok, it's enough. LOL.

Anonymous said...

:) None taken.

Thanks. :)

Jake and Cher said...

'Gaydar Warrior Angels' Protest Pope's Visit to Twickenham, UK

OMG, LOVE the feathers!

destiny said...

Those pictures of Bomer are stunning! I'm so glad to see they put him in something besides suits. They're all good too, but I especially love the first one in the tight red sweater. Thud.....

He sure gets a lot of magazine pieces, I wonder how much of that is being so gorgeous and how much of it is having good pr.

LOL the DMV story.

Anonymous said...

He sure gets a lot of magazine pieces, I wonder how much of that is being so gorgeous and how much of it is having good pr.

Probably both. But doing PR for a gorgeous guy must make the job easier :)

Anonymous said...

Matt Bomer in GQ.

Hey, where is Matt as a pool boy picture? :)

Anonymous said...

I don't have time to post it but Ted's BV today is on Oded Goodhead (?) and he mentions Toothy in it (comparing his Gag Me with Coke BV).

Ted said...

Blind Vice: Oded Pulls a Toothy, Only Bigger!

So last time we checked, multi-talent stud dude Oded Good-Head gave his manager the surprise of a life-time by getting serviced in his dressing room by a male fan. Could that be—as we correctly predicted—why Oded was soon thereafter seen going on (and on) about the joys of the female sex in the media?


But, it's getting weirder:

Not only is Oded, a truly handsome and gifted artist, arranging debauched and crazy sex scenes with gals like our beloved Toothy Tile has done (to be fair, Tooth didn't make it a habit like Oded's currently doing), but, he's making a little bit too much out of these hook-ups.

He Twitters things like:

"baby get that sweet stuff back on my box banger"

Or something more Shakespearean, when he's really feelin' the love:

"u k after I blew u wide open @carayzcoochie?"

And, of course, the result is exactly what Oded and his management team want: Good-Head's fans and followers are getting in on it—debating whether or not Oded is going too far. With the chicks, that is. Some famous, some not. Mission accomplished!

Meanwhile, everybody who isn't in the know (and doesn't realize he's talking about boning guys half the time) is staying away from what already quite a few of Good-Head's colleagues are hip to: the fact that Oded's getting sloppier and sloppier about "banging" his boy-entourage on the down low. Like, all the time.

Guess a man's gotta do what he's gotta do, right?

Just start being honest about it on Twitter, jerk. Hey, you may lose your fan-base, Oded, but, you'll replace it with a whole new one!

It Ain't: Will Smith, Robert Pattinson, Chris Brown

Need BV clues? Follow Ted on Twitter!

^^^ said...

Oded Good-Head - Top suspect still 50 cent.

Blind Items Exposed - 50 Cent's tweets

Anonymous said...

Oded BV

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Ted ever expose Jake?We all know his Toothy is Jake.

Anonymous said...

I think he once even exposed Franco (by name) as being into men too.

Anonymous said...

1. Ted works for E!, he can't out Jake.
2. Ted is gay and outing isn't nice.

Anonymous said...

I think he once even exposed Franco (by name) as being into men too.

I'm sure it was "Ted talk" and no one can use it to prove that Ted really said that :)

Jake's PR said...

And, of course, the result is exactly what Oded and his management team want: Good-Head's fans and followers are getting in on it—debating whether or not Oded is going too far. With the chicks, that is. Some famous, some not. Mission accomplished!

Ha! Jake needs a twitter account and a straight ghost writer ASAP!

Anonymous said...

Oded = Jamie Foxx?

Anonymous said...

More likely 50 Cent, check out links and his tweets.

Anonymous said...

Jake needs a twitter account and a straight ghost writer ASAP!

Works for Austin.

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