Thursday, 19 March 2009

12 Reasons It's Better to Be Gay

Oh sure, we can't get married, we can get fired for no good reason at all and there are angry pastors claiming we're all going to burn in the eternal pits of damnation (so long as they're not there, that's fine, by the way). But if you asked if we could trade being gay for being straight, we'd laugh in your face. Here are 12 ways that being a homo beats the pants off the breeder lifestyle any day of the week.

1. The Sex.
By far, the best part about being a gay dude is that sex is totally easy. I know this sort of propagates the whole 'gay men are sluts' meme, but it's the god's honest truth. Men like sex and so, stick two of us together and sex comes pretty easily. It's a fact of life that lots of gay men, meet, hook-up and become friends and when we tell this to our straight friends, they're very jealous.

If you really want to depress your straight friends, explain that your partner will never withhold sex until you do the dishes or take out the trash or what not. Never happens.

Oh – and nobody ever gets accidentally pregnant!

2. Double the wardrobe.
This is an old Seinfeld joke, but as a closet full of ex-boyfriends' clothes (we trade!) attests to, you don't just get the boy, you get his fashion, too. There's something incredibly sexy about seeing the guy you're into hopping into your jeans.

3. We're more open-minded.
Look, I'm a blond-haired, blue-eyed white boy who grew up in middle-class suburbia. I'd like to think that I would be a tolerant, open-minded person regardless of my sexuality, but being gay has done a lot to make me a better human being. There's a world of difference between sympathy and empathy and knowing what it's like to be treated differently simply because of who you are. It opens your mind to the casual racism and classism in this country.

4. We can ask for directions.
Lost your way? No reason to demand you know the right way to go, just pull over and ask a gas station attendant. Can someone explain to me why straight guys can't do this?

5. We do not presume every straight person wants to sleep with us.
Without fail, at some point in the friendship of every straight pal I've ever had, they've alluded to the fact that I must secretly want to bang them. I used to explain to most of them that they aren't my type, but after one-too-many bruised egos, I've learned to keep quiet and just smile.

6. All these awesome people.
Sexuality crosses so many boundaries that when you're gay, you're bound to meet people who are not like you. In seeking out people who are like you, you inevitably meet people who are not like you at all. One of my first friends at college was this gay guy named Don. We bonded over a love of Kenneth Branagh and the Dewey Decimal System, and when I dumped my first college boyfriend, Don was worried I was doing it to be with him and divulged to me that he was a female-to-male transsexual. At 19, this blew my mind and I had all sorts of questions: "Why would you go from being a straight woman to being a gay guy?" ("All the good ones are gay"), "But, it'd be so much easier!" ("Yeah, but I've always seen myself as a boy—sexuality is independent of gender") and while we didn't find love, we became best friends. I don't know that's something that would have happened if I were straight.

7. The Toaster Oven.
As you all know from your own coming out experience, one of the great gay thing about being gay is all the toaster ovens you get when your recruit new gays to the cause. The only down shot of this is that, at this point, I'm eating toast morning, noon and night.

8. We're not threatened by strong-willed women.
In fact, we love them and idolize them. If you're a gal who knows what she wants and is willing to claw and fight to make it in a man's world, gay men will be there cheering you all the way. The straight boys will cower in fear and call you a bitch. Bitch? Honey, you have no idea.

9. It's easier to be yourself.
We don't envy our straight male buddies. There's a lot of discussion about female gender roles being constricting, but most guys don't even talk about it; it's just "drink beer, watch football, dress slobby." One of the great things about the gay rights movement is that it's making it easier for straight guys to be themselves and express non-standard interests. For gay guys, it's just expected. Want to unrepentantly sing musical theater songs in the shower? Go for it. For instance, I'm a nerdy bookworm. I talk about the NYTimes Books Review section with my friends. I drag friends to art gallery openings—and until this moment, I never really thought twice about what people might say about it.

10. It is much easier to get cast in a reality TV show.
Oh, so you juggle, are related to the British crown and live on the back of your motorcycle? Awesome. We're gay and have snappy catchphrases. Do you really want to compete?

11. We have friends everywhere.
Go to any major city and ask where the gay district and you'll have an instant network. Gays are all about creating their own families and, for the most part, we take kindly to strangers. In fact, a lot of the time, we don't even have to try. How many times has someone come up to you and said, "Hey, you have to meet my friend, Kenny! He's gay too!" which can get really old, but how many straight guys have a cavalcade of girls trying to set them up? Exactly.

12. To the kids, we are the coolest members of our family.
Everyone loves the guncle. You bring the coolest toys, you listen to what the kids say and when they come over, they get treated like royalty. While some of the adults in your family may judge you, to the kids, you are God—God with a frozen hot chocolate.

13. We are inherently fun.
It's right there in the name: "Gay." There's an expectation that gay folks are good times, and while we get depressed like the rest of the world, for the most part, we're happy to oblige. If you want to do something, it takes on an instant cool cachet, simply because you're a big 'mo who must know what he's doing. It doesn't matter if it's stock car racing or ballet, you come with an instant stamp of cultural authority that you can use to your endless amusement.

Source: Queerty


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Anonymous said...

Not true at all.

Anonymous said...

^^That's why she's in a Martin Scorsece movie, right?

Anonymous said...

Stunned into silence. :)

Anonymous said...

Everyone has the right to express their opinion.

Anonymous said...

Michelle and Anne are better actors than Maggie. Sorry to bust your bubble.


But I was in The Dark Knight! So there!! The second highest box office grossing film of all time!!!

Anonymous said...

They need to make it clear that it's an opinion, and not come off as dictating fact.

Anonymous said...

I think Maggie is every bit as good as Michelle and Anne, and better than Jake.

Jake is seemingly now allowed to be seen with all kinds of people he wasn't seen with before, probably because pr realized if they continued with another year of just reeke Jake would probably have hardly any fans left. And funny how we're getting pictures with Ramona now that we're not getting any pictures with the Chin's rugrats.

Anonymous said...

Let's put our wish list in for pics of Jake and Matilda! :)

Anonymous said...

I think Maggie is every bit as good as Michelle and Anne, and better than Jake.


Anonymous said...

I think Maggie is every bit as good as Michelle and Anne, and better than Jake.

Oh great, everyone is better than me.

Anonymous said...

Let's put our wish list in for pics of Jake and Matilda! :)

I don't want to sound nasty, but I don't think it'll happen, because I don't believe they see each other.

Anonymous said...

You are entitled to your opinion. :)

Anonymous said...

PR, this is for you:
We want pics of Jake and Matilda!

Anonymous said...

"Let's put our wish list in for pics of Jake and Matilda! :)"

I have no desire whatever to see Jake with Matilda. Whatever for? Oh, right, he's her "godfather" -

The wish to see them together is the wish to connect J more solidly with H.

Aint gonna happen

Anonymous said...

We see pics of Matilda with Heath's old buddies all the time.
But the thing is, we don't even hear or read anything about Jake seeing Matilda, nothing.
Jake was Heath's friend, probably not the closest, but still. This doesn't mean he's friends with Michelle too, though.

Anonymous said...

Wrong. It just would be nice, that's all, because he's her godfather. We'll see if it will happen or not. I think it will, in time.

I'm glad that PR has finally cottoned on to the fact that it's much more realistic for him to have a life outside of Reeke and her rugrats, which totally cancelled out his appeal. Lord forgive me, I do NOT see what the big deal is with her brats, they are just HW kids like any other.

Anonymous said...

I have no desire whatever to see Jake with Matilda. Whatever for? Oh, right, he's her "godfather"

I think it's just the fans of both guys and the people who know Jake is the godfather, who want to hear/see something. Most fans don't know and don't care.

Anonymous said...

But the thing is, we don't even hear or read anything about Jake seeing Matilda, nothing.

We didn't hear or read anything about Jake seeing Ramona for a long, long time.

Anonymous said...

Jake is seemingly now allowed to be seen with all kinds of people he wasn't seen with before, probably because pr realized if they continued with another year of just reeke Jake would probably have hardly any fans left.

In total agreement on this point. Maybe jake's pr (and Jerry Bruckheimer) have realised that although Reeke may be doing Reese some favours (although not many really) its absolutely killing Jake's image / fan base / appeal and basically making him into a laughing stock for those people who still even remember who he is. These people have a very, very pricy film riding on Jake still being an 'it' boy, hopefully they're slowly beginning to get the point that Reeke does nothing for Jake and he's best as far away from that mess as possible.

As for a wish list, I'd just like to see more of Jake with Austin please (yeah I know, deluded romantic).

Anonymous said...

I think Jake, Michelle, Anne etc are all friendly with each other and that there's no drama going on, unlike some people would like to believe. They all connected during BBM but then went on with other things, so what. It doesn't make them enemies. Look at your own lives, do you really keep the same friends and level of closeness after you or they enter into other stages and interests in life, after you move on to another city, another job? Yes sometimes, but damn few friends move with us throughout our changes, and we with theirs. It's just a fact of living and knowing people. People's priorities and routines shift, interests change and time gets away, people lose touch, which might be what happened to Jake, Michelle, Anne, whoever, but it doesn't mean there was a falling out or that they purposely avoid each other. People just get busy living, that's all.

Anonymous said...

I became such a cynic that I distrust everything Jake does. After only having Reeke, Reeke and only Reeke, then the sudden apparition of his friends and family photographed with him must mean a PR strategy. After the Jaustin pics we got the Reeke European tour, so after these pics with Ramona, probably some sort of Reeke over-the-top/vomit-inducing “family pics” with the beard’s kids come next. It's as if he is timing the photo ops to balance them.

Anonymous said...

If someone passed away tragically, no matter where I was, I'd make contact again, especially for the family.

Anonymous said...

Great post 2:31 PM, I agree with everything you said. :)

Anonymous said...

^^and goddaughter.

Anonymous said...

12:31, they haven't moved to other cities or other stages in life, or other jobs - they are in the same circles regularly, same job, may even work together again.

Anonymous said...

^^and goddaughter.

How many here are close to their godparents or were close to them as children? I never was close to my godfather, I don't even like him (I don't like how he treats women, he's very primitive). I don't keep in touch with him anymore. I wish him well, but there's no place in my life for him.

Anonymous said...

Each case is different, that may be the case for you, but we have no way of knowing how it is for others.

Anonymous said...

2:31 PM,

you are right, but Jake and Michelle aren't just ex-colleagues and Jake has a moral obligation to care about Matilda.

Anonymous said...

Let's put our wish list in for pics of Jake and Matilda! :)

I'm holding out for Jake and Baby Tile!! :-* :)

Anonymous said...

I'm holding out for Jake and Baby Tile!! :-* :)

LOL. Actually that's more likely to happen than Jake and Matilda. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think any goddaughter would be proud to have Jake as their godfather, and not want to exclude him for any reason, especially if he knew her late father. I'm sure Jake will hold an honored place in her life, even if he weren't her godfather. :)

Anonymous said...

and Jake has a moral obligation to care about Matilda.

Michelle and Spike Jonze will care about her (I just hope the relationship with Spike will last, so Matilda won't have a new "daddy" every couple years. Crossing my fingers.).

Anonymous said...

Why would Spike Jonz have anything to do with Matilda's care at this point? That relationship isn't serious, I don't think.

Anonymous said...

Matilda has a loving mother and a big family, but Jake still has a moral obligation to care about her.
He made that promise by accepting to be Matilda's godfather.

Anonymous said...

Why would Spike Jonz have anything to do with Matilda's care at this point? That relationship isn't serious, I don't think.

They are more "serious" than Ree$$e/Jake, i assure you that ;)

Anonymous said...

That doesn't make them father material, only time will do that.

Anonymous said...

Matilda Jonze! J/K. OTOH who knows, maybe he'll adopt her?

Anonymous said...

When Jake had discussion with Fincher in Interview, he spoke of his own "maturity" as opposed to some actors he knew who had not matured. I thot at the time perhaps he was referring to Heath.

I think Jake confuses "maturity" with old fashioned family sit-com tv show values.

Anonymous said...

OTOH who knows, maybe he'll adopt her?

That wouldn't change Matilda's surname.

Anonymous said...

I think Jake confuses "maturity" with old fashioned family sit-com tv show values.

What values are those?

Anonymous said...

As a mother, I might not want my new husband to adopt my daughter.

Anonymous said...

When Jake had discussion with Fincher in Interview, he spoke of his own "maturity" as opposed to some actors he knew who had not matured. I thot at the time perhaps he was referring to Heath.

Right. He meant Heath is immature and on the same hand he most likely wore Heath's pullover on the cover. It doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

Ramona is of Jake's own blood, I like to see him with her. There must be much happiness for him in this.

Anonymous said...

Matilda Jonze!

Bite your tongue, ugh.

Anonymous said...

When Jake had discussion with Fincher in Interview, he spoke of his own "maturity" as opposed to some actors he knew who had not matured. I thot at the time perhaps he was referring to Heath.

Don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Ramona is of Jake's own blood, I like to see him with her. There must be much happiness for him in this.

It's so obvious how much happier he sems with Maggie & Ramona than with Reese and her family.

Anonymous said...

I also don't think there are "hard" feelings between Jake and Michelle. I just think he was rather friends with Heath than with her.

I think they were fine though:



Anonymous said...

Ramona looks like young Jakey from the side, Peter from the front.

Anonymous said...

She's inherited the beautiful Gyllenhaal hair. I see Maggie in her too. :)

Anonymous said...

I see Maggie in her too. :)

Me too.

Some comments on ONTD are nasty towards Maggie. I don't get why people think she's ugly, I think she's cute.

Anonymous said...

She is, and is beautiful in lots of photos, I think. I like her a lot. :)

Anonymous said...

Matilda Jonze!

Bite your tongue, ugh.

Nobody should bite their own tongue.
Heath is dead (sadly) and he was no longer in a relationship with Matilda's mother before he passed.

That kid is on the age of start calling daddy to a masculine figure, so if is not Spike it's going to be someone else.
I know it's sad but that's how things turned out :(

Anonymous said...

He is still irrevocably Matilda's father. And that can be explained to a child, when she's of the age to understand.

Anonymous said...

Matilda Jonze!
Bite your tongue, ugh.
Nobody should bite their own tongue.Heath is dead (sadly) and he was no longer in a relationship with Matilda's mother before he passed.

So what? Because her father was no longer in a relationship with her mother she should have someone else's name? LOL!

Matilda is not just another kid, she’s Heath Ledger’s kid. That won’t change no matter who Michelle will date. I doubt she calls Spike "daddy".

Some of you would like Heath to just fade away. Sorry, not gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Lord forgive me, I do NOT see what the big deal is with her brats, they are just HW kids like any other."

The minivan majority wants Jake desperately to be their stepfather--that's why. But the thing is those kids HAVE a father--one they seem close with.

Anonymous said...

Matilda is not just another kid, she’s Heath Ledger’s kid. That won’t change no matter who Michelle will date. I doubt she calls Spike "daddy".

Some of you would like Heath to just fade away. Sorry, not gonna happen.

ITA - she certainly won't need any financial support from a stepfather, a masculine figure in her life, possibly yes, and she's got male relatives too, for that. I wouldn't want to confuse a child. It's important for her to have her real father's identity and legacy to identify with, you don't get a "replacement" for that

Anonymous said...

Some of you would like Heath to just fade away. Sorry, not gonna happen.

No way I want Heath to fade away, but if Michelle and Spike are serious and get married and stay together, he'll be her father figure, the only father she'll ever know.

Anonymous said...

Even when Matilda comes of age, she will ALWAYS be known as Heath Ledger's daughter. ALWAYS. It doesn't matter if Michelle marries 10 men by then. Matilda's status as Heath's kid will remain unchanged.

Anonymous said...

The minivan majority wants Jake desperately to be their stepfather--that's why. But the thing is those kids HAVE a father--one they seem close with.

It's confusing for kids, and the rags do a disservice by making it seem so easy. It's nice that they also have Jake in their lives (if true) but he will never replace their real father.

Anonymous said...

It's nice that they also have Jake in their lives (if true) but he will never replace their real father.

Of course not. Ryan seems to be a loving and very involved father.

Anonymous said...

"It's confusing for kids, and the rags do a disservice by making it seem so easy"

It's also very difficult for children to deal with new baby out of new daddy - a double whammy for the boy child, who can feel in jeopardy of losing not only his mom to a new love but to new baby.

I can't imagine Reese wanting to put her kids (as well as her already dumpy body) through this - she seems to have a big investment in her kids. and idenfication with.

Anonymous said...

It's as if he is timing the photo ops to balance them.

^^ all while you continue to watch and complain. Don't know why!

Anonymous said...

"It's as if he is timing the photo ops to balance them."

Id go further than that. I think that he's timing the photo-ops because that's all he has right now, and there's nothing that the gossip rags and CAA can do about it. He's got to maintain some kind of on-going media narrative because the interesting narratives written by other people - ie. great film scripts - aren't making it to his desk anymore.

Anonymous said...

"Some of you would like Heath to just fade away. Sorry, not gonna happen.

Speaking for myself, only, I dont want Heath to fade away, no reason for that to happen, but do find the fantasies surrounding him tedious, esp those involving him and Jake and the child.

Anonymous said...

"^^ all while you continue to watch and complain. Don't know why!"

You don't know why? Because we love him, you dolt. haha fancy that.

Whatcha doin' here, anyway? Can't figure out why!

Anonymous said...

"^^ all while you continue to watch and complain. Don't know why!"

You don't know why? Because we love him, you dolt. haha fancy that.

Whatcha doin' here, anyway? Can't figure out why!

Anonymous said...

^ ^

apologies for that - computer slow'd down

Anonymous said...

:) Yes we do.

Anonymous said...

but do find the fantasies surrounding him tedious, esp those involving him and Jake and the child.

What fantasies do you mean? That Jake maybe had a little crush on Heath? Maybe, maybe not. That Jake is Mat's godfather? Well the latter actually is true, although I find the whole godfather thing overrated (I just speak for myself).

Anonymous said...

speaking of the fantasies that Jake and Heath were close friends, and that Jake being named g'father is a binding relationship. Even that Jake and Michelle might marry! Gimme a break!

Men love their own babies but it's not often they go squee-ing over those not their own.

Altho some gay guys do :)

Anonymous said...

Jake Gyllenhaal Serves Up Global Green

Jake Gyllenhaal lends a helping hand in building a garden during Green Service Day at Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles last month.

He joined Global Green USA President Matt Petersen for the launch of the National Green Schools Initiative.

The 28-year-old actor spoke about his experience, saying, “What I learned is that something like this is possible. There are so many things that I’ve thought of [including making] gardens like this. I had always thought this is possible on a mass scale. This is possible within a massive city like Los Angeles!”

Peep the vid below!


Anonymous said...

:) very nice

Anonymous said...

speaking of the fantasies that Jake and Heath were close friends, and that Jake being named g'father is a binding relationship. Even that Jake and Michelle might marry! Gimme a break!

I think they were friends, maybe not close friends. Jake being named godfather was, I think, timing and symbolic. They seemed quite close during 2005/06 award season and that's when Matilda was born. Also Jake symbolizes BBM, where Heath and Michelle met and Jake was with them a lot during filming. Maybe not so much during their off time, but certainly during filming.

LOL @ Jake and Michelle. No, they will not marry. We don't even know if they are friends/in touch.

Men love their own babies but it's not often they go squee-ing over those not their own.

Altho some gay guys do :)


Anonymous said...

Green Service Day at Manual Arts High School

Feb 19 - March 26 = 34 days ago

Back to the future!

Anonymous said...

My guncle is the best!

Anonymous said...

Jake is contradicting himself. Why does he engage himself for environment, but, otoh, uses private jets? I think it's a bit hypocritical like Brangelina.

Anonymous said...

JJared - Jake Gyllenhaal Serves Up Global Green

Anonymous said...

12:54 sounds like Cantara; I doubt that's true about Maggie either, she doesn't seen snobbish...

Don't insult 12:54.

Cantara would have at he very least left a "you fools" or "you fat homophobic lesbian slash-addicts need to get laid".

12:54 was too polite and well-bred.

Anonymous said...

I think you do what you can - for him, sometimes using a private jet may be unavoidable, or needed for privacy/protection. I think as long as someone tries to make a difference for the environment, it's still a good thing. He's also promoting the issue, which is also a helpful thing.

Anonymous said...

And just how is Gyllenhaal-bashing evidence of good breeding and politeness? It's evidence of Cantara.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why 12:54 sounded like Cantera. I guess that's just a kind of generic insult.

However, Cantera does not seem to name-call, its others who are so vulger: she pretends to be polite and well-bred, amused a la Marie Antoinette, when she is called Cuntera - "let them eat c--t" - and prefers to go for the throat.

The worst variety of toad.

Anonymous said...

She does namecall as well, or has.

Anonymous said...

^^albeit in a polite, and well-bred sort of way. :)

Anonymous said...

Spike Jonze (born Adam Spiegel; October 22, 1969)

Anonymous said...

There's a new movie from Spike coming out. "Where The Wild Things Are". I'm curious how the critics will like it.

Anonymous said...

Spike Jonze (born Adam Spiegel; October 22, 1969)

He's Jewish. I think he should have kept his name.
Why did Natalie Portman's dad change his name "Herschlag" to "Portman"? Because the first sounded too Jewish or what?

Anonymous said...

sometimes using a private jet may be unavoidable, or needed for privacy/protection

oh please!! this is a b-list actor we're talking about, not the president of the US. what going to happen to him on a scheduled flight, someone throw a mini-pretzel at him.

Anonymous said...

I remember when i first heard Spike's name, i thought he was black.

Anonymous said...

Jake is contradicting himself. Why does he engage himself for environment, but, otoh, uses private jets?

Jake was working, private jet was arranged for his beard.

Anonymous said...

^^Me too. But there actually is a black director named Spike Lee. :)

Anonymous said...

Jake was working, private jet was arranged for his beard.

Yes, it most likely was arranged by the PR people who are responsible for promoting the film. But Jake could still have insisted to fly with a reguar plane.

Anonymous said...

Jake was too eager to get back home :)

Anonymous said...

We don't actually know what kind of flying arrangements were made now, do we. Could be all PR, lifestyles of the rich and famous. A lot of fans don't want to see movie stars behaving any other way.

Anonymous said...

5:31 PM, we said the same thing, it was about PR. Private jet was part of the movie promotion cost and Reese used it for Reeke promotion.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert - Tracks Of My Tears

Anonymous said...

Jake explains why he's involved with the Green Schools Initiative :)

Posted on OMG by Special K: Hey - here is the longer version (10:55) of Jake with Globe Green USA. Global Green put this up on You Tube last week.

"Jake Gyllenhaal joined Global Green USA at Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles for a Day of Service. Volunteers, students, and Jake worked on the organic edible garden that students at the High Scool set up themselves by co-opting an alley between two of the school buildings."

Green Schools Initiative: Day of Service with Jake Gyllenhaal

Anonymous said...

^^^ It's good to know that Jake knows the importance of Chris :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday T. R. Knight!

Anonymous said...

Re. Fantasies regarding Jake, Heath etc. I think most fans would have gladly moved on thinking J and H didn't see each other anymore(or hardly) and that Jake was only a symbolic godfather nothing more and everyone would have moved on thinking that. And seperating them once and for all regarding their private lives. It's what Jake said to Ted and Lisa that gave him the benefit of a doubt in regard to his "post Heath's death" behaviour. He described him as close, special friend and again confirmed he was H's daughter's godfather.
If you want to blame someone for fueling "fantasies" it should be Jake. If he hadn't said a word, everyone would have moved on from this topic a long time ago. I'm pretty sure.

Anonymous said...

IHJ gallery

March 26 - Jake shopping in Beverly Hills

Anonymous said...

Jake would like to go bald. Enough with that hat, stupid!

Anonymous said...

^^Very stylish. Our Jake is a fashion victim. ;)

Anonymous said...

Jeans refuse to shrink

Anonymous said...

Nice jake. stupid shirt. I hate the checks.

off mit der hat, bud.

Anonymous said...

I love the checkered shirt! It's like a tablecloth, and my god what I wouldn't give to be able to wipe my mouth on a corner of it after giving him a nice big blowjob.

Anonymous said...

what half the known world wouldnt give.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Matilda will always be Heath's daughter, to Jake and everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I dont get it, why would anyone say she is not Heath's daughter.

I think there are some posters with "Identity Issues" -

(Jake's eyes light up and he says, "oy, I have those, too!")

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What does Jake shop for? Must be sex toys, because it sure ain't for clothes! Does he ever wash his jeans?!

Anonymous said...

ITA 4.10!

Anonymous said...

It's about time someone with half a brain finally spoke the truth - if Jake had just said something...anything... about Heath's passing instead of completely ignoring the issue, none of this shit would still be flying well over a year later.

Combine that with the Reese charade, talk about shooting oneself in the foot. He's a dumbass.

Anonymous said...

2:27 I said that a long time ago. Even if it wasn't Jake himself, if his PR released a simple standard 2 or 3 sentence statement on his behalf, it wouldn't be an issue and a point of contention on every single Jake or Heath forum/blog/fansite. I don't care if PR wanted to do a statement and Jake disagreed, screw him, that's why he pays PR - PR isn't all about setting up coffee pics and mentions in mags, they're there as diplomatic go-betweens and to present their client the best way possible. Jake and/or his PR fucked up big time.

Anonymous said...

The "Jake said nothing" complain again! BORING

Anonymous said...

The complain about the "Jake said nothing" complain again! BORING

Anonymous said...

What does Jake shop for? Must be sex toys, because it sure ain't for clothes!

*I've told him to use mail order*

Anonymous said...

Posted on OMG

Dr. Freud said...
According to a supposed "insider" source I had awhile back, Jake does go to a shrink. This source told me he has a lot of stress, both personal and professional and because of this, goes to a shrink. According to this one source, he even used to go to see this shrink with Austin (take that with a grain of salt).

Special K said...
Therapy can be a very positive thing, and hope it isn't used as a way to speculate about a person.
If he is, then he has an objective listener who has no agenda to talk with.

I have heard that about he and Austin. And while some would say that it shows problems, I tend to think it shows intent and commitment to their relationship.

Anonymous said...

The source told me he has a lot of stress, both personal and professional and because of this, goes to a shrink.

Look What You've Done!

Anonymous said...

I think Jake has always gone to a shrink and also the rest of the family - it's a way of life for many people - and all of Jake's Who Am I What Is Love babble is typical - constant self reflection and talking about feelings - it becomes a habit.

Anonymous said...

If I were Jake's handler or his mother I would have advised him to "say nothing" - fear of career tainting becuz of H's druggie habits and J's homosex.

& Jake's a pussy when it comes to listening to the above.

& he oughtta listen because he's a blabbermouth and a crybaby and he knows it.

Im sure Heath's friends and families and others were not waiting with bated breath to hear from Jake.

Only BBMt "fans" -

Sorry to be boring but the recurring subject is boring as hell.

Anonymous said...

Shrinks Admit: We Treat Patients For 'Gayness'

The only psychologists practicing reparative therapy are, frankly, quacks. Like most competent scientists on earth, there's industry-wide agreement that humans are causing global warming. And like most competent psychologists, there's industry-wide agreement that sexuality is not a choice, and no amount of couch sitting or hand holding is going to get someone to change their orientation. So why are British shrinks — a full one in sex — trying to do it?

"A study of more than 1,400 psychiatrists and therapists in BMC Psychiatry found that 222 (17 per cent) said they had treated at least one client to alter their homosexual feelings at some point. The researchers expected the cases to be concentrated in the past, but the 400 to 500 cases recorded were distributed evenly across the decades. "It is happening up to the present moment," Professor King said. It might only be the "tip of the iceberg".

Why such strong numbers? Not pressure from the psychiatric community, it seems, but clients who want those same-sex urges to stop.

"Many therapists seemed uncomfortable with giving treatment, or admitting to it. When asked if they would attempt to change someone's sexual orientation if requested, only one in 25 (4 per cent) said they would – far fewer than the one in six who reported actually doing so. Pressure from clients demanding help because of bullying or discrimination or family pressures may have pushed the therapists into delivering it, the professor said."


Anonymous said...

Although not uncommon, these treatments never became mainstream in Britain. In the US, however, the idea that homosexuality can be cured retains wide support. There is an ex-gay movement, led by right-wing Christian groups, which promotes "reparative" therapy to return people to the heterosexual "norm". Supporters cite findings that depression is two to three times more common among young gay men as evidence that a homosexual orientation is itself harmful – rather than the responses of bullying and discrimination that it engenders.

Professor King, head of the psycho-sexual clinic at University College Hospital in London, said: "We do not have the same attitudes in Europe. But young people go on the internet, they see this stuff and they pop off to see a psychotherapist. If the therapist is not wise enough to say that this is a part of them and there is nothing pathological about it, they may get seduced into trying to change them. Instead, the therapist should be saying that it is very unfortunate they are being bullied and that they can try to help them come to terms with their situation and learn to cope with it."

Anonymous said...

You bet the guy's got "issues" -

He probably just lies on the couch and cries for the whole session.

Anonymous said...

8:33, thanks for the link!

8:39, that's an emasculating comment. :(

Anonymous said...

wah wah wah my hair's falling out, wah wah wah Ive just made seven mil and Im broke again
wah wah wah Ive got crabs

Anonymous said...

"8:39, that's an emasculating comment. :("

Are you serious, or kidding?

Men that cry aren't "masculine"? - not in my books.

Anonymous said...

He probably just lies on the couch and cries for the whole session.

I never just lie there.


Anonymous said...

Thursday, March 26, 2009


We got married in a fever
Hotter than a pepper sprout
We've been talkin' about Jackson
Ever since the fire went out

I'm goin' to Jackson
I'm gonna mess around
Look out Jackson Town

-Rodgers, Wheeler

I feel some connection to the man in black. Johnny Cash.
J.C. Jesus Christo. I usually wear black myself.
Every car I ever owned was black. I like fast cars and
faster women.

Guitars slung around the back.

And women named after months.

Mr. Cash has become incredibly inspirational to
me for Lincoln Booth.

I don't know why.

It doesn't really make sense. And it doesn't have to.
People often ask me why I feel a certain way.

Why? Why? Why? And nowadays, my answer is...


"How do you know?" That's my other favorite
question these days. My answer...


But something about that song JACKSON,
when John and June sang it, there is something in
there that knocks me out. It's like a bolt of lightning
struck my skull and penetrated straight to my heart.

Did a song ever do that to you?

What is it?

Name it.

It makes me want to cry and scream and laugh
and love a woman real real hard. All at once.

It makes me want to scream from the rooftops.
I hope everybody's been doin' some of that lately.

Get to it.

But more and more, people ask me questions and
I have learned to not answer them. Cause I can't
really speak the answer. But I feel it. And I do know it.

When something inspires you, it just does.
You don't have to describe it. In fact, I say, DON'T!!!!!

your faithful servant,

austin nichols


Anonymous said...

Dear Ted:
Saw Reese W. on Leno's couch last week and I was mesmerized. So much so that I realized, when her spot was over, that it was all choreographed, rehearsed and—dare I say—written for her. She managed to get on and off without talking about any personal stuff. Just cute stories and acting out her new movie with action figure dolls. Seriously, she must have rehearsed that four-minute appearance for weeks. Crafty, crafty. Thoughts, Ted?

Dear Witherized:
Oh yeah, I'm sure R's publicist had Leno's whole crew by the balls. Scratch that. Reese probably did!

Anonymous said...

So, she went on Leno, did her promo and left.


Is there some unique aspect to this that I am missing?

And, if Austin ever starts shooting this movie that he is constantly blathering about, I might then become interested.

Talk less, do more.

Anonymous said...

I think Austin is an idiot.

I hope Baby Tile was conceived via Jake's sperm.

Anonymous said...

Is there some unique aspect to this that I am missing?

"it was all choreographed, rehearsed and—dare I say—written for her"

Anonymous said...

"Jake said...
He probably just lies on the couch and cries for the whole session.

I never just lie there."

Oh, that boy! Never could keep his hands outta his pants. Still can't. So adorable!

Anonymous said...

I think Austin is an idiot.


Anonymous said...

10:01, and this was unique, how?

You must not watch Leno much.

Anonymous said...

I think Austin is an idiot.

Oh come on, he may be a tad pretentious, but when you're hung like a horse who cares.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Austin - pretentious, deluded, twit with a big dick.

No wonder Jake keeps him; he must be so easy to manipulate.

So Jake has the female friend to help him with the straight when needed, and the dumb dick boyfriend to give him the sex whenever he wants.

Sounds to me like the perfect setup.

Anonymous said...

Check out Southern Gothic Productions blog comments - everybody loves me!

Anonymous said...

Austin - pretentious, deluded, twit with a big dick."

You're just jealous.

Anonymous said...

Jealous of the Giraffe?

Don't think so. At some point, I would have to talk to ... the dick. I couldn't take the blather.

That's okay Jake. He's all yours.
(Tell the truth; you use earplugs, don't you?)

Anonymous said...

Jealous of Austin? Are you kidding? The guy is a total freak.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

British shrinks — a full one in sex

I had to think about that one a minute! :D

Anonymous said...

It shrinks?
Like a frightened turtle!

Anonymous said...

Only BBMt "fans"

I'm sure you meant to say BBMt fans.

Anonymous said...

"I'm sure you meant to say BBMt fans."

Maybe I did. There are different definitions of "what is a 'fan'" -
I walk on eggs when I use the word.

No offense meant.

Anonymous said...

Curious that Jake hooks up with freaky people with odd and unfortunate features and childish ways.

Discuss. :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, Chris, you're the man, we all know that. You and your gorgeous marrow bone. OMG!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I cook, too!

Anonymous said...

So, what's YOUR specialty, honey?

Anonymous said...

Cock in wine with sauce dijonnaise.

Anonymous said...

I got the coq, you bring the vin but

ummm. . . forget the mustard sauce, hon.

Anonymous said...

Weekly Grocery Lists for Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, Summer 1962




Coffee (espresso grind)
2 tubes K-Y

Fresh fava beans
Jasmine rice
Prosciutto, approx. 8 ounces, thinly sliced
Medallions of veal
Porcini mushrooms
1/2 pint of heavy whipping cream
1 Cub Scout uniform, size 42 long
5-6 bottles good Chardonnay
1 large bottle Astroglide

Yukon Gold potatoes
Heavy whipping cream
Asparagus (very thin)
Gruyere cheese (well aged)
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
6 yards white silk organdy
6 yards pale ivory taffeta
Case of Chardonnay
Large tin Crisco

Anonymous said...

How come nobody's yelling at us for trashing Austin and playing the Chris card?

Anonymous said...

Because we know you're only kidding. Who could resist quirky Austin?

Anonymous said...

^ ^ ^

:) :)

Anonymous said...

She´s gotta be lovely,smart,funny,kind,sophisticated as well as a great lover in order to "keep" a man like Jake busy...because obviously he wasn´t searching for looks when he started dating her!For god´sake,look at that...this woman´s UGLY like a street dog!!!
Last Edit: Yesterday at 02:29:06 PM by Marcos

DCF link

Anonymous said...

Want To Be a Gay Icon? Here's How

"Gay Icons", an upcoming exhibit at London's National Gallery opening in July, leaves off the usual suspects– there'll be no Barbara Streisand or Kylie Minogue. Instead, the a group of 10 prominent gays and lesbians, including Ian McKellan, Billie Jean King and Elton John picks personalities like Nelson Mandela, Princess Di and Elton John's lyricist Bernie Taupin. Is this heresy or an enlightened view of what a gay icon is, notwithstanding John's nepotism? Come to think of it, just what exactly makes a gay icon so iconic? For would be gay icons, here's a guide to making it into the queer pantheon.

* Overturn the established system.
The world is full of injustices, great and small. Most of us spend our lives trying to make peace with the way things are, or simply survive the daily grind. Then there are those who see the world not as what it is, but what it could be. Calling out that the monarchy has no clothes cost Princess Di a fairytale life within the walls of Buckingham Palace, but by making herself "the princess of the people", she ultimately saved the monarchy from itself.
Examples: Nelson Mandela, Harvey Milk, Justin Bond

* Make yourself dangerous.
While some get by on charm, a great gay icon isn't afraid to piss people off. When someone pushes you, push back, especially when nobody expects it. Subversion for it's own sake can get tiresome (We're looking at you, Courtney Love) and while gloss and glamor surround many a gay icon, others achieve lasting fame by ripping off the polychrome varnish of our everyday life to expose the messy and vital guts that make life worth living.
Examples: Marlene Dietrich, Oscar Wilde, Larry Kramer

* Move us with poetry and style.
It takes true talent to get others to see the world through their own eyes. Ask Liza Minelli why she's still performing all these years and she'll tell you, "To make people happy." Andy Warhol took tabloid matinee idols, boxes of Brillo and mylar and elevated them to the level of fine art and in doing so, expanded the definition of beauty to include the mundane. Make the world a prettier place and we'll love you for it.
Examples: Walt Whitman, k.d. lang, Dusty Springfield

* Suffer.
Let's face it– a lot of our favorite gay icons are beloved because they leave behind a trail of misery and personal anguish. Frankly, this is the least admirable aspect of our gay icon worship and if we're honest, there's a bit of misogyny at work, since the long-suffering gay icon is almost always a woman. We've spent too many nights at piano bars listening to stories about Judy's pills to make any effort to deny it. Dying before your time might lead to immortality, but it comes at a steep price in the here and now.
Examples: Judy Garland, Gia, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe

* It's not enough to show us your warts; make them beautiful.
In our media age of instant celebrity, being in the public spotlight means having all your dirty secrets out in the open. This alone isn't enough to impress. If it were, there'd be a thousand Lindsay Lohan drag queens by now. It's not enough to expose yourself to the world; you have to own it and make it your own. Dare we say that Britney Spears is the personification of this rule? After all the head shaving, vajay-jay flashing and flabby dance routines, she's kept making music, refusing to let her own mistakes hold her down. That's real courage.
Examples: Madonna, Marianne Faithfull, Rufus Wainwright

* Do not give a fuck.
There are those who seek the spotlight and then there are those who by being themselves, draw the spotlight to them. When you know who you are, you don't have to waste your time being who everyone expects you to be. Take the case of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Love her or hate her, she's never been afraid of being the smart, ambitious and politically shrewd woman she's been her whole life– and she's not going to be baking you any fucking cookies. In fact, it wasn't til she returned to her brash populist bullfighter self that her Presidential bid caught fire– albeit it too late to stop the Obama Kool-Aid flood.
Examples: Tori Amos, Divine, Mae West

Gay icons

Anonymous said...

^^Fanatastic! :)

Anonymous said...

Let's see...

* Move us with poetry and style...check
* Suffer...check
* It's not enough to show us your warts; make them beautiful...check
* Do not give a fuck...check

I'm overqualified gay icon!

Anonymous said...

I like fast cars and faster women. ... And women named after months.
It makes me want to cry and scream and laugh and love a woman real real hard.

Austin, don't over do it.

Anonymous said...

If Austin ever reaches A list film status, do you think he and Jake would stay together? The spotlight would really be on Austin and the possible relationship with Jake then.

And I don't think either one of them could take the scrutiny.

Maybe that's why Austin isn't trying hard enough with his career?

Anonymous said...

Tough question.

Maybe two beards would do the trick? :)

Anonymous said...

Over the top, Austin! Take yr meds.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ted:
Although I'm fairly new to your fab site, I have absolutely adored you and your witty posts from the start. Like everyone else, I'm mesmerized by the mystery of Toothy, but alas, I suspect your lips are pretty tightly sealed (for now). So I'm hoping, instead, you'll give me some info on The Rock (Dwayne Johnson). Any chance he's been the subject of one of your Blind Vices? Or one to come in the future? Call me cynical, but is anyone in Hollywood really that seemingly sweet, without having something shady going on behind closed doors?

Dear Smells Fishy:
No. Though Dwayne is surprisingly close.

Anonymous said...

Jake has lots of secrets. I'm glad that he's talking to a professional who is legally obligated to maintain his privacy. The closet has done wonders for the psychiatric profession. It's like an endless economic stimulus package for post-Freudian shrinks.

Anonymous said...

Well we know he's either gay or bi, in the closet and probably in a relationship with Austin.

What else could there be?

Please don't bring up Baby Tile. I don't think Jake is that stupid.

Anonymous said...

"What else could there be?"

What else? Poppa. Momma. Sis. Toothpaste tube trauma and other horrible Halloween ocassions. Early bottle glasses. Almost fell off a horse, his father saved him, but not right away. He worries about his hair. He is a masochist, or so he says, or so his shrink says. On the other hand, maybe he's a sadist. Has sex dreams about shoes. Has sex dreams about Federico Fellini.

And what about the fuckin' Six Foot Bunny? His girl friend's latest film restimulated alot of stuff about THAT. . .


Anonymous said...

""What else could there be?"

My mommy left my daddy
My daddy clubbers me
My grand'pa is a commie
My grand'ma pushes tea
My mommy doesnt shave her legs
My daddy wears a dress
Goodness gracious, that's why I'm a mess

Anonymous said...

It's about time someone with half a brain finally spoke the truth - if Jake had just said something...anything... about Heath's passing instead of completely ignoring the issue, none of this shit would still be flying well over a year later.

where have you been? A whole host of somebodys have talked about this subject endlessly. Way too much. The person who just can't seem to get over this and continues to be pissed off with Jake about this may want to seek professional help. If Jake is getting professional help for some reason, all power to him. Of course some will speculate and act as if they know what's the reason and why, all the while complaining about Jake's silence. YOU Need Help.

Anonymous said...

So Jake has the female friend to help him with the straight when needed, and the dumb dick boyfriend to give him the sex whenever he wants.

Sounds to me like the perfect setup.

^^^ love it, love it! I totally agree. There's a lot of hot supposed womanizing men out there who fit this description.

Anonymous said...

Almost fell off a horse, his father saved him, but not right away.

What does "not right away" mean?

Anonymous said...

Has sex dreams about shoes. Has sex dreams about Federico Fellini.

Huh? Why shoes and Federico?

Anonymous said...

"Huh? Why shoes and Federico?"

Hey look - if you can't separate my jokes from what is accepted as Jake Canon by way of his own interviews and babble please don't bother me! Jeeeze! Do yr homework!

Anonymous said...

By Stephen Gyllenhaal

Mr. President, You Must Not Close Gitmo

...because I can't imagine a moment in our history when we've needed it more. I mean Bush and company had some pretty fancy arguments for their use of it, but let's look at some hard realities.

After 9/11 the guys who ended up there haven't done any actual damage to our country (after all, none were convicted of involvement in 9/11 or much else). I assume there were some who wanted to do damage and I suppose under somebody's Constitution you can toss people in jail forever for that. And certainly some of the youngsters who ended up there might have grown up and become extremely dangerous, so point taken -- but now we're in a situation where profound damage actually has been done, maybe fatal damage -- to the Republic, its citizens, possibly to the very soul of the country.

(Now, I want to make clear that I am in no way advocating that we throw into Gitmo all those upstanding gentleman -- and the few token ladies -- who lied to, stole from, and manipulated Wall Street, the banking industry, the corporations, and the governmental oversight agencies that were supposed to protect us against what they did.)

I am completely against this.

These stalwart men and women were only doing what our revered universities and enviable high-powered culture have been advocating for years -- the survival, enrichment and blossoming of those who can achieve it, those who have stood with both feet on that centuries' old tapestry of "survival of the fittest" meets Calvinism, meets any reality show (all of them) with a tough, wily and not altogether honest (ha-ha) winner at the end.

I'd say it's pretty much in our DNA by now, wouldn't you? I mean, didn't most of us play cowboys and Indians when we were kids? What was that about, other than a celebration of the most successful land grab in the history of the planet. And while we're on the subject of Indians, I think it's worth pointing out that Wall Street was purchased (fairly, after all -- both parties agreed) for a handful of beads.

So please don't blame these well-educated, generally well-read and always hard charging folks for stealing, lying and spinning their way into McMansions, BMWs and big pensions funds (well, formerly big pension funds). It's the American way and it's generally worked like gang-busters.

And, lest we forget, no more than six months ago it was all the rage to be one of those hard charging guys or gals. Only now, for instance, these poor AIG guys have been subjected to the rage. But do any of us really have the right to throw the first stone? I mean, how do you think it feels to get gabs of hate mail, even death threats? What's next? A guillotine? And why? Because they're unable to turn off the spigot of their finely-honed business acumen? How many of the rest of us have done any better shifting those life gears in these trying times, in any times? Let's be honest.

Which is my point. Look at history. Have any of the movers and shakers from Rome to the British Empire been able to change their ways? And what has history taught us about what a populace does when it finally sorts out exactly how dreadfully it's been fleeced and manipulated?

Which is where Gitmo comes in, Mr. President.

Because there are people waiting in the wings who just can't wait to stir that populace into a raging mob. And when that happens, heads will roll -- literally -- which will so totally screw up the possibility of this country ever pulling itself back from the brink that it isn't funny.
So I plead with you President Obama, sir, send them all down to Gitmo for their own good. They'll get great tans. I'd suggest giving them great food too, maybe build a Four Seasons Hotel or two, except that the growing millions of out-of-work and homeless might look a bit askance at that. They might start sharpening that blade for you. So probably the better part of valor would be to reuse the cages already in place.

Sadly there appear to be far more of these highly motivated ladies and gentlemen who have bilked our country than the scum we rounded up before and sent to Gitmo, so that while those bad guys were maybe two to a cage, it would probably be necessary to up the number of the new visitors to between ten and fifteen.

I am not in favor of this. At all.

I believe people should be treated humanely. I believe we must never forget this or we are doomed as a culture, as a nation, as a Republic. I just don't think we have the money at the moment but there are a lot of things we're probably not going to have the money for when the dust settles: education, health care, alternative energy, research for almost anything new, you name it, the money won't be there.

And I suspect it won't be there for a long time.

But when it does start to come back, when the nation does begin to rise back onto its formidable feet, then let me be the first to demand that you build them more cages, sir, that you give them more room and better food, let them walk around and enjoy Cuba with its calming white beaches and then...

After the national rage subsides, after (hopefully) no irrational uprising has been set loose on the land, then I say -- forgive, forget and be understanding. Let them go free, because, though I wouldn't dare speak for the rest of you out there -- at least in my case -- I'd have to admit that, if I could have figured out how to do what they did, I might well have done it too.

Lucky for me, I couldn't.

Huffington Post

Anonymous said...

Jeeeze! Do yr homework!

Such agreeable disposition!

Anonymous said...

O gosh what a pompous ass is Poppa.

Anonymous said...

where have you been? A whole host of somebodys have talked about this subject endlessly. Way too much. The person who just can't seem to get over this and continues to be fantasizing about Jake having a love affair with Heath/Michelle/Anne may want to seek professional help. If Jake is getting professional help for some reason, all power to him. Of course some will speculate and act as if they know what's the reason and why, all the while complaining about Jake's not being papped with Michelle and Matilda. YOU Need Help.

Anonymous said...

Dunno, I think a fitting punishment would be to seize all the Wall Street Crook's ill gotten assets (or asses) under RICO and auction them off, the proceeds of which would then go to repay those whose retirement plans and entire life savings were lost in this mess. I don't agree that all of us would have behaved in such a way if given a chance. Believe it or not, there are pockets of DNA that have been unsullied over time. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Poppa rocks!

Anonymous said...

new Reeke


Anonymous said...

The chin wasn't amused.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Daddy Gyllenhaal rocks. Jake has gotten good genes.

Anonymous said...

O Stephen go write a poem, or somethin'

I think the man is manic-depressive. Scando's are like that.

Anonymous said...

Kind of looks like maybe Jakey's got his mojo back.

Tweeny twat looks pissed, indeed.

Anonymous said...

First "Shutter Island" poster. Starring Leo DiCap. and Michelle W.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

^^Yeah, looks creepy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First "Shutter Island" poster.

Those letters reminded me of “Why So Serious?” Dark Knight posters.

Anonymous said...

Someone was joking with Dumbo, too bad we can't see who it was.

tidbit from 2006 said...

Lance's Plan for France -- Off the Bike
Seeking to Overhaul Cycling, Armstrong Played a Part in Talks to Buy the Tour

In fall 2006, at a Manhattan bar, Mr. Armstrong, his agent Mr. Stapleton, and hedge-fund manager David "Tiger" Williams, along with actor Jake Gyllenhaal, discussed how cycling could benefit from central ownership. Mr. Armstrong said no new organization could succeed unless it controlled the Tour de France, say Mr. Stapleton and others familiar with the discussion.

Afterward, Mr. Armstrong rounded up a number of wealthy cycling enthusiasts willing to help fund a potential acquisition of the Tour de France, say Messrs. Stapleton and Weisel. It would have cost about $1.5 billion at the time to buy the Tour, people familiar with the matter say.

The Wall Street Journal

Anonymous said...

Mojo? I looked atthe whole set of pics at x17, Reese spots the paps and is "pissed", Jake finds it amusing and ends up turning his back on the paps before he gets in the car. Tools.

BTW, now we know who ownwed that black Mercedes he was driving.

Anonymous said...

Jake owns black Mercedes, Reese has her own black Mercedes.

Anonymous said...

Jake finds it amusing and ends up turning his back on the paps

I don't think so, Jake's laugh seems sincere.

Anonymous said...

where have you been? A whole host of somebodys have talked about this subject endlessly. Way too much. The person who just can't seem to get over this and continues to be fantasizing about Jake having a love affair with Heath/Michelle/Anne may want to seek professional help. If Jake is getting professional help for some reason, all power to him. Of course some will speculate and act as if they know what's the reason and why, all the while complaining about Jake's not being papped with Michelle and Matilda. YOU Need Help.

^^ A weekend crash course in editing 101 perhaps?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure his grin is sincere, just like he sincerely turned his back and Reese making sour faces and them makig sure they were not in the same frame until in the car so they can "ruin" the pap pics. They have done this before, no wonder he is laughing, I bet she was giggling too as they drove away.

I know Jake owns a mercedes but it's been ages since he drove it.

Anonymous said...

Jake in a car trying to get away as far as possible from stinky Chinormica.

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