Saturday, 5 September 2009

What If G.I. Joe Were Gay?

G.I. Joe is like watching fireworks with a blindfold on: it's deafening and you feel under attack. The story makes no sense — why does the Eiffel Tower topple over after being covered in sparkling slime? And worst of all: Sienna Miller and Channing Tatum, a charismatic guy whom The New York Times once compared to Marlon Brando, have the chemistry of two ice cubes. As my mind wandered, I started to imagine ways for the director to have reinvented the franchise for the 21st century. What if the G in G.I. Joe didn't just stand for "government"? What if it also stood for "gay"?

To many G.I. Joe fans, who grew up collecting the action figures, this might be blasphemy. Who cares? The best summer action movies — The Bourne Identity, The Dark Knight — always come with tortured heroes who carry around deep secrets. Imagine the dramatic possibilities! For starters, we could ditch Sienna Miller, which would be a big improvement right from the start. Duke's (Tatum) new love interest would be a male soldier. The movie would even strike a note of social relevance, given that our troops still adhere to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (i.e., Duke couldn't blab about his love life to any of his friends).

Hollywood likes to cast gay characters in supporting roles, as background scenery, but they still don't anchor movies that often. You can understand the cold feet: the movie business is about selling tickets to teenage boys, and even Brüno tanked. This week, there was a storm of protest online when Robert Downey Jr. suggested his onscreen Sherlock Holmes — scheduled to hit theater screens on Christmas — might have had a gay fling with Watson (Jude Law). Gawker described the "full blown gay panic" from conservative film critic Michael Medved. "Who is going to watch Downey Jr. and Law make out?" he asked. "I don't think it would be appealing to women. Straight men don't want to see it."

Medved's off base — the Sherlock Holmes screenplay doesn't even feature a male kiss, and action heroes have been a little gay since the beginning of the genre. Look at Superman's revealing red tights. Or Batman's "friendship" with Robin. James Bond is such a good dresser, he might as well be gay (at one point, Rupert Everett even wanted to star as a gay James Bond). So maybe it's just a matter of time before we see our first openly gay action hero. At 2 a.m., I'd wasted enough of my time on G.I. Joe. But before I fled, I wanted to check in on an elderly woman who had come to see the movie alone. She looked shellshocked in the lobby, but it turned out that she was only crying tears of joy. Apparently, she couldn't wait for the sequel.

I started to back away, but it was so late that I didn't think it would hurt if I sprang my idea on her. What if, in the next movie, G.I. Joe were gay? Would she still buy a ticket? Her face lit up. "Absolutely!" she said. "Just because you're gay doesn't mean you're not powerful."

Source: Newsweek, What If G.I. Joe Were Gay?


«Oldest   ‹Older   2001 – 2143 of 2143
Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
...(no altered nose...). ;)
September 17, 2009 6:34 AM

This was a sarcasm I hope.
Anne has visibly had rhinoplasty. Hers is not a natural nose.
Keira Knightley(sp?) had an external incision rhinoplasty - nose wings are un-naturally narrower than the upper bridge. Exactly like Anne's! (I'd say Anne's surgeon was better than Keira's though.)

Michelle's incision on the long of the columella can be seen here:
link: She had her tip narrowed. Columella is the flesh between the nostrils.

Don't fall for HW "natural" woman. There isn't any such species.

Anonymous said...

^^If Anne had rhinoplasty, it is very well done. But with Natalie and even Michelle it's quite obvious. Michelle didn't need it IMO, she's still very cute and Anne is the epitome of hotness. :)

Anonymous said...

nose wings are un-naturally narrower than the upper bridge. Exactly like Anne's

But Anne's nose isn't narrow!

Anonymous said...

Natalie before and after. The tip is narrower:


Anonymous said...

^^^ Her "old" nose was very nice.

Anonymous said...

^^She should have left her nose alone, same as Michelle.

Anonymous said...

Michelle as a young teen/kid in Species:


Her nose is obviously wider.

Anonymous said...

^^She was 13/14 during movie shoot.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Michelle had just a small correction :)

Anonymous said...

^^Yes, but I think it wasn't for the better.

Jake 100% Natural Gyllenhaal said...

*they'll skip me, they'll skip me, ...*

Anonymous said...

If you think Anne is the epitome of hotness you need your eyes checked.

Jake said...

They checked our eyes yesterday - Anne looks hot to me!

Anonymous said...

Jake said...
They checked our eyes yesterday - Anne looks hot to me!

Go Jake! ;)

Anonymous said...

Jake 100% Natural Gyllenhaal said...
*they'll skip me, they'll skip me, ...*

Yes Jakey we know you had a little nose job too, but it's very well done. :)

Jake said...


Anonymous said...

Jake the only correction you need to make is to lose the Beard. After you get rid of her, your natural beauty and charm will shine through again.

Anonymous said...


copycats! said...

Page Six

We hear ...

THAT the cast and crew on the "Sex and the City" sequel are shooting in Morocco after they wrap in New York.

Jake Prince of Persia and Morocco Gyllenhaal said...


PoP sex tweet said...

Me: youd turn gay for jake gyllenhaal? Him: I’d let him climb my persian tower, if you know what I mean. Only if he was wearing that outfit.

Jake said...

Jerry, I need my PoP outfits back!

Musto said...

And when I came to, I was wetting my knickers at the gay bash the Cuckoo Club (at Hiro Ballroom), where I'm reminded every week that I'm actually a woman, but where everyone was far more fascinated to spot the co-star of Broadway's A Steady Rain sitting with clubbies on a banquette. No, not Hugh Jackman, surprise, surprise. It was the other co-star, Daniel Craig! I'm sure he was just slumming—like all those models at the library.

Daniel Craig at a Gay Club!

Emma knows better said...

Maggie Gyllenhaal says on the set of Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang, Emma Thompson, "gave me a couple of notes. And she's not directing me, she's acting with me! If some other actor started giving me notes I would tell them to fuck off - there is not one actor I would allow that from. But they were fantastic notes - clear and totally helpful... I just thought to myself, 'She's teaching me and I'd be an idiot not to accept it.' And Emma's what, 50? It would be silly of me not to acknowledge that she knows more than I do." [Female First]

Anonymous said...

No, not Hugh Jackman, surprise, surprise. It was the other co-star, Daniel Craig!

Daniel, next time take your colleague with you!

Anonymous said...

Jake's father is having a nervous breakdoen online, I hope Jake notices.

Stephen is fine :)

Posted on 16 September 2009

Really, what’s the point??

Yes, it’s true. I’m really so terribly upset by where we find ourselves after all the hope of the last election. Yes, I feel completely betrayed. I understand why many still hold out a conviction that things are going to get better, but I don’t think so, not for a while, not for a long while. I see no signs, other than that the powers-that-be are tightening their grip. And that one of those really feeling the squeeze of that grip is our young and articulate president. Will he be able to take on these forces? I don’t believe so. So why not just give up? What’s the point in even trying if a guy as enlightened and together as Obama can’t make a difference? Why even keep writing or making movies or doing anything other than just join the nasty guys, make all the money we can, eat really well, but cool stuff and then die in a soft, big bed?

First of all, I’ve kind of been in that rich and privileged world. I mean, where did Obama summer this summer? Weird, huh? Martha’s Vineyard. I’ve been there (a lot). I’ve done that a lot. I’ve been to mucho Washington parties and socialite events down Park Avenue and to a hell of a lot of stuff in Hollywood and, frankly, much of it is just plain weird and a little boring. It’s boring the way I suspect the royal courts used to be boring because it’s all just pretty much about power. It’s not what Pete White talks about in my little video, “Stuff, Happiness, Special People,” where – as he describes it – people who are on the bottom rung hang with the people they like (because there’s no other reason to be with them). And they avoid the assholes (because there’s no reason like money or power to be around them). What human is becomes clearer near the bottom and near the top it’s all about getting even more on top, which means the human part gets muddier and muddier.

I admit that all that glitzy stuff is exciting and heady at first (like drugs.) But it can get real nasty later on and then you start to feel empty (like you’re not really human.) At best, it’s boring. At worst, you want to jump out a window.

But for me just rummaging around as best I can in what it really is to be human, to try to share it with those around who are interested, whether it’s here on the blog (I’d love to get more comments and I promise I’ll start responding more – I’m just learning how to do this stuff.) And that’s the other thing, venturing into new stuff – for me that’s this blog — it’s walking down the street and just talking to someone like “The Tattoo Lady,” who looked liked if I approached her she’d just stare me down and instead spoke delightedly about someone she loved. Amazing.

So, in short, two or so months into this adventure of a website, on first asking my cat, Sophie: what’s the point, I think I’m beginning to understand what she was trying to tell me.


Atticus said...

Stephen should have asked me!

Anonymous said...

Austin Nichols Journal - Austin's autograph

Stephen said...

Atticus, you talk too much.

Anonymous said...

Papa G is broke and washed up now, of course he will say that that life that he had was boring, he wouldn't say that otherwise.


Atti_Gyllenhaal said...

@petewentz did u send me asshole tree yet

@lancearmstrong u got 4 legged bike?

@ZacharyQuinto i lie down now and dream noah

Anonymous said...

Maybe Papa G is broke, washed up and wiser now :)

Anonymous said...

@petewentz did u send me asshole tree yet


Anonymous said...

Maybe Poppa G. really is happier now that he doesn't have all that, but it took losing it to realize those things won't make you happy. Too bad Jake will probably have to learn that the hard way too.

Anonymous said...

Jake can always open a restaurant with Chris and have that sweet life :)

Anonymous said...

Chris, stop neglecting your blog!

Anonymous said...

Chris already has his own Jake. He doesn't need the spineless JG.

Anonymous said...

Chris already has his own Jake.


BI said...

"This cougar is bragging to everyone about her much younger beau. What everyone doesn't know, is that the handsome younger man has been hired by this washed up old star to hang on her arm whenever she goes out. Our source thinks there's a good chance he doesn't even swing the way of our celeb. Not Demi." [BuzzFoto]

Anonymous said...

Bob, the mailman.

Anonymous said...

Thank God! I was worried for a second! lol

Anonymous said...

Reese is not so old to be called a cougar yet. And Jake is too much younger than her.

I bet that BI is about Reene Zelleswegger (w/e the fuck her name is)

Anonymous said...

Renée Zellweger

Anonymous said...

BTW, Lainey supports Renée and Bradley fauxmance, too:

As for those emails you keep sending about whether or not this is a beard situation because you heard from a girl who goes to the gym with a neighbour of a family friend who walks the dog that Coop is gay.

Look, if there's a hidden homo story, I'm all over it, it's my favourite. But every piece of slamdunk smut I've received about Bradley Cooper involves women, including several one night encounters during The Hangover promotional tour that left several ladies very satisfied.

Said it before, will say it again: Gossip is a buffet. You choose what you want to believe.

Anonymous said...

And Lainey believes something some pr person probably made up and emailed her? LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Cooper and Renée

Cooper and Ryan Reynolds

Anonymous said...

Cooper and Renée

Young and awkward showmance, lol!

Anonymous said...

As weird and sad as it sounds, I'm kind of looking forward to see Anne and Jake on set pictures. I just hope the first pictures won't be of Reeke like in Nailed and PoP. *shudders*.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of looking forward to see Anne and Jake on set pictures.

Me too. Maybe studio will arrange some pictures, a bit of early promotion can't hurt.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe for one moment Jake has any intention to bed Anne. But Chin has a public image to take care of, and no way she is going to let some lazy jornalist put up some "story" about those two hooking up.
Reeke Photo-ops on set of LAOD are being arranged as we type.

Anonymous said...

^^I have to agree 2:37 PM. :(

Anonymous said...

Chris Fischer and Jacob Ferreira formed Beetlebung Farm, LLC in the spring of 2008. Chris and Jake are life-long friends whose shared vision, work-ethic and desire to make a positive impact in their local community inspired them to create their sustainable agricultural business. Growing up on Martha’s Vineyard provided them the necessary foundation for pursuing this venture. Each left the Island after high school and returned nearly ten years later with unique backgrounds and experiences. Beetlebung Farm, LLC has no correlation to the farm stand, besides helping to raise awareness of its important practices. We are privileged to grow on the land and are thrilled to utilize the Beetlebung Farm name for our business in an effort to honor the history of the farm, the traditions of our mentors in the Fischer family and our shared commitment to agricultural stewardship.

Chris grew up in Chilmark, MA on the Island of Martha’s Vineyard enjoying his family’s fresh grown and harvested food. He gained valuable experience and accolades working at well-known restuarants in Europe and at Mario Batali’s famous Babbo in New York City but returned home to be closer to his family and have a stronger connection to the food he was cooking with. Since returning, Chris has committed himself to learning his family’s agricultural traditions and has formed strong ties with the growing community on the Island. Chris is known for growing carrots which have won him awards at the past two Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Fairs.

Jake grew up in Vineyard Haven, MA on the Island of Martha’s Vineyard. He developed his professional business acumen by way of his undergraduate and graduate school studies at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. After college, he volunteered to serve his country as an officer in the United States Coast Guard. Jake’s service included tours as a military aide and as a member of the command cadre for a tactical law enforcement unit frequently deployed to various U.S. ports. In an effort to better serve his local community, he returned to the Vineyard in pursuit of public service initiatives. Jake currently serves as a lieutenent in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve and is also dedicated to becoming a well-known tomato grower.

Anonymous said...

But Chin has a public image to take care of, and no way she is going to let some lazy jornalist put up some "story" about those two hooking up. Reeke Photo-ops on set of LAOD are being arranged as we type.

Jake could film a movie with 100% male cast and crew, and there would still be Reeke movie set photo ops and PR.

Reese can't do anything to prevent "hooking up" stories - she doesn't control the press. What Reese's PR can do is squash such stories and control the "damage".

Anonymous said...

Chris Fischer and Jacob Ferreira formed Beetlebung Farm, LLC in the spring of 2008. Chris and Jake are life-long friends...

So it is true, Chris has another Jake in his life :)

Beetlebung Farm web site

Anonymous said...

What's with the hook-up BS? We didn't get none of thst crap witrh Jake and Natalie on Brothers and you know that they could have since Jake and Nat "dated" back in 2006. They didn't because Natalie I assume wouldn't be apart of it and plus she had a boyfriend at the time. The same with Anne, she has a BF and she won't I should think be apart of such nonsense. If' Jake's PR wants to make Reeke more interesting, it won't be through her. I can see her PR shooting it down ASAP. I was going to throw in Jessica Biel from NAiled but she is "dating" Justin, all of Jake's leading ladies are unavailable including Gemma who hooked up with a stuntman while shooting Pop. Yes Jake and Anne were in BBM but Natalie actually has nmore of a connection and they never went there.

It won't happen.

How ironic that Chris started the farm with a guy named Jake, LOL!

3:43 PM said...

What's with the hook-up BS?

I'm not talking about the hook-up, I'm talking about rags making up hook-up stories.

twitter said...

jake gyllenhaal and anne hathaway are in pittsburgh! i can't find them though...everyone else has seen them!´

Anonymous said...

How ironic that Chris started the farm with a guy named Jake, LOL!

You can't escape your destiny :)

Anonymous said...

Chris Fischer and Jacob Ferreira - partners or just business partners?

Anonymous said...

3:55 If the rags didn't do it with Jessica, Nat and Gemma, the sure the hell ain't going to do it now.

Anonymous said...

Rags don't follow the logic :)

Anonymous said...

Jacob Ferreira aka Jake II is cute :)

Anonymous said...

"Rags don't follow the logic :)"

I hope so. (evil laugh).

Yup, you got it right. I can't stand Witherspoon.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Witherspoon.

What?! I'm shocked, shocked to hear something like that!!! Oh wait, wrong blog!

Anonymous said...

^^Ha! ;)

Oy Vey! said...

Mixing Jewish + Gay Stereotypes Is a Recipe for Insta-Camp

You thought Queer Eye Jai Rodriguez was just going to disappear into the ether of irrelevance? And hanging around West Hollywood gay bars? You would be wrong. He's still a working actor, you see.

Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay! will, inevitably, become an instant camp classic. On the level of The Broken Hearts Club? Probably not. But the film — which premiered this month at the Montreal World Film Festival — looks like a gay Big Fat Greek Wedding, and we mean that in the nicest of ways. But guaranteeing this film will hit camp lore? Bruce Vilanch and Carmen Electra co-star.

Plus there's the whole gay adoption storyline to make things prescient, for those who need a news peg.

Queerty + "Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!" trailer

Anonymous said...

I hope Naomi didn't shout 'Oy Vey! My son is gay!'

beard tweet said...

iPhillyChitChat: Someone I know just tipped me that they were in the bathroom w/Reese Witherspoon last nite. she washes her hands; Plus filming done @UT
about 2 hours

Anonymous said...

she washes her hands;



beard tweet said...

Beautiful sunny day in L.A.
about 1 hour ago

On a flight with Reese Witherspoon and @211me
about 8 hours ago

Anonymous said...

New pic to me:

Jake, Heath, Michelle

Aww. :)

Anonymous said...

^^Sorry to annoy. But look how they looked at each other, they obviously all liked each other very much. :(

Anonymous said...

New pic to me

Cyrillic? Looks like you had to go all the way to Russia to find it :)

Love Michelle's dress.

Anonymous said...

^^LOL. I found it thanks to google. ;)

Anonymous said...

It is so obviuos Heath had a drug problem and that's why Michelle left him. Look how perfect they look in the and then a few months later...puffff! The joy was all gone.

I can understand that even the happiests couples of the world split after years of routine and problems but their break up was too sudden and brought lots of comsecuences for both of them to think it was a case of lack of afection

I wonder why Heathens just don't want to see this. Isn't enough he was a wonderful actor and a good father and friend? To me is so more despicable to see Jake bearding than thinking Heath was on drugs.


Anonymous said...

I wonder why Heathens just don't want to see this.

We don't know what happened, and it looks like we are never going to find out.

Michelle: "I can talk about grief, because that's mine; about single parenting; about trying to balance work and kids. But what I don't have to talk about is what happened between Heath and me in our relationship."

Anonymous said...

But what I don't have to talk about is what happened between Heath and me in our relationship."


She did it in Elle magazine shortly before Heath's death....

Anonymous said...

Link, please :)

Anonymous said...

The truth 6:58 PM is that no one knows the whole truth why H/M broke up and whether Heath was addicted to drugs or "just" an occasional user. I guess only Michelle knows and maybe one day she'll decide to write a book and tell what was really going on. And maybe Jake will write a book too and reveal his true sexual orientation and what the deal was with Austin and whether he was in love with Heath. If they do that, I hope I'll be alive to read it. ;)

Anonymous said...

7:07 your link:


Read Sunday, Jan 20.

Anonymous said...

OTOH, That pic of the 3 of them together might seemed cute at that time but lacks of all credibility now of days

Michelle: Acting as if everything is alright when Heath is going to left her in the hotel room while he goes to party in some other room and talk about how much shit he has to endure from her

Heath: He just wants to get the hell out of there and go to some party where he can get some pills and booze

And Toothy: He is making eyes to a man who'se girlfriend is standing right there in front of him, what a shameless ass!! ;D

Jake said...

You are trashing me all the time and still expect my tell-all book? Think again!

Anonymous said...

Thanks,7:12 PM

I can't link for shit :(

Anonymous said...

7:13 PM - you are very negative and most of what you say most likely ain't the case anyway. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks,7:12 PM

I can't link for shit :(

No prob! ;)

7:07 PM said...

Thanks 7:12 PM!

Anonymous said...

And Toothy: He is making eyes to a man who'se girlfriend is standing right there in front of him, what a shameless ass!! ;D

What's funny, it never seemed to bother Michelle, Jake's man crush on Heath (or whatever that was) that is.

Anonymous said...

Michelle wasn’t bothered because she knew Heath liked pussy. If she had considered Jake a threat she wouldn’t have been so nice about it.

Anonymous said...

7:29 PM - Yes probably. :)

Anonymous said...

Jake said...
You are trashing me all the time and still expect my tell-all book? Think again!

Don't be like that Jake!

Anonymous said...

Michelle wasn’t bothered because she knew Heath liked pussy. If she had considered Jake a threat she wouldn’t have been so nice about it.

Or Michelle is a hardcore m/m slash fan?

Didn't she ask them to make out off camera? ;)

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

And Toothy: He is making eyes to a man who'se girlfriend is standing right there in front of him, what a shameless ass!!

Jake couldn't help himself :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Heath was used to man crushes. He was sex on a stick.

So is the other Jake Chris's boyfriend or just a business partner.

Anonymous said...

Jake II - we'll have to ask Chris ;)

Anonymous said...

Posted on OMG

September 15, 2009

Seriously Constantine, aren't your 15 minutes up yet?

There are few things in life -- dead dogs, clowns and child leashes -- I despise more than "American Idol" loser Constantine Maroulis. There is just something so smarmy about his face that every time I see him, my fists ball up and I wish I knew how to throw a punch. He is my nemesis.

Oh, and seeing him accost Jake Gyllenhaal at The US Open yesterday isn't doing much to quell my rage. Sure Jake's smile helps, but, it's not enough.

Sadly it seems that Jake's all-American good looks were too much for Roger Federer because he lost the match Jakey G attended yesterday to Argentina’s Juan Martin Del Potro. Hopefully Jake offered Roger a shoulder to cry on.

NY Post - with pictures

t said...

DrewChampagne: Jake gyllenhaal was arrested for having sex with another guy haha
about 9 hours ago

Anonymous said...

IHJ - PoP Costumes (Disney's D23 Expo)

Anonymous said...

IHJ - Jake's PoP Action Figure (McFarlane Toys)

Anonymous said...

^^ They changed Jake's / Prince's hair do!

Anonymous said...

Jake's PoP Action Figure

Is photo or lower body off?

Jake said...

Jake's PoP Action Figure

Oy, what happened to my bulge?

Anonymous said...

No balls - no bulge!

Anonymous said...

"American Idol" loser Constantine Maroulis. There is just something so smarmy about his face that every time I see him, my fists ball up and I wish I knew how to throw a punch.

Reader comment:

Jealous much? I see you failed to mention that Constantine was there because he was asked to sing for the Mens Finals..and he did a stellar rendition of "God Bless America" He is also a Tony nominated Leading Actor on a hit Broadway Show called Rock of Ages...he has a list a mile long of his accomplishments...amd just why do you despise him??? His 15 minutes is just getting started.....

old news said...

June 4, 2009

Efron And Gyllenhaal Vying To Lead ROCK OF AGES Film

Hollywood Superstars Zac Efron and Jake Gyllenhaal are both vying to star in the film adaptation of ROCK OF AGES, according to New York Magazine. It is thought that the two stars are contending for the role of "Drew", a character originated onstage by Tony Award Nominee Constantine Maroulis.

The film adaptation of ROCK OF AGES will be produced by New Line Cinema, and will be directed by librettist Chris D'Arienzo, who will also pen the screenplay.

Anonymous said...

Page Six

Haunted by loss of Heath

Coping hasn't been easy for Michelle Williams in the wake of Heath Ledger's fatal drug overdose. And it hasn't been easy for their daughter, Matilda, 3, either. Vogue reports that at her local coffee shop, a little girl asked Michelle, "What's her name?" "Matilda," she answered. According to Vogue, "The girl said to Matilda, entirely innocently, 'What's it like being famous? Are you so sad that your daddy died like Michael Jackson?' . . . 'That girl was 6,' Williams says without rancor." Williams, who was nominated for an Oscar for "Brokeback Mountain," had a romance with director Spike Jonze after her split from Ledger, but they are no longer together. "The timing was impossible," she told the magazine. "I thought falling in love again was the only thing that was going to save me from the pain. This erroneous idea: It just makes things more complicated." And dating when you have a kid? "I obviously don't know how to do it."

Anonymous said...

I think Matilda will have a quite difficult time in school because of what happened to her dad. I hope I'm wrong though.

Anonymous said...

No balls - no bulge!


Anonymous said...

IHJ - Jake's PoP Action Figure (McFarlane Toys)

Not sure I like the action figure.

Ted said...

Dear Ted:
So sorry to hear about your break-up. I hope that things will work out for the best. But, now that you are single, maybe you can tempt Toothy your way. Since you said that Grey Goose wised up, Toothy must be lonely in his closet. Maybe you can help him open the closet door a little and push his life-force draining beard over a cliff.
—Naomi the Matchmaker

Dear Loose Tooth:
Please, Toothy couldn't get this!

Dear Ted:
Is Toothy's beard a double beard?
—Just Wondering

Dear Double Entendre:
Practically speaking, no, and that's not her fault.

The Awful Truth

Anonymous said...

Look at Drunkst biting Jake in the arm.


What a difference to Reeke!

Anonymous said...

Is Toothy's beard a double beard?

Can someone explain?

Anonymous said...

Dear Ted:
So sorry to hear about your break-up. I hope that things will work out for the best. But, now that you are single, maybe you can tempt Toothy your way. Since you said that Grey Goose wised up, Toothy must be lonely in his closet. Maybe you can help him open the closet door a little and push his life-force draining beard over a cliff.
—Naomi the Matchmaker

Dear Loose Tooth:
Please, Toothy couldn't get this!

Is Ted confirming with this that Goose left Toothy? I think it could be. Also considering all the hints to Austin and Robert lately. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

What do you think?

I think from friends with benefits, now they are just friends or not even that. JMO.

Anonymous said...

"double beard"

From Ted:

September 16, 2009

Dear Ted:
I actually found you while I was looking up some info on Jared Padalecki. I've been a fan of Supernatural since the show first started. Two questions: First, what is your definition of a beard (just wanted to make sure I understand that correctly)? And second, what do you think of Jensen Ackles and Daneel Harris' relationship? Is it real? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Dear So Proper:
A beard is a person who knowingly enters into a romantic relationship in order to help reduce speculation into the other person's sexuality. A double-beard is when that partner is simultaneously veiling their own sexuality, as well. Hollywood, as a result, is an incredibly follicle-filled town.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so Reese is not a lezzie. Thought so.

Anonymous said...

The way Ted replied "Practically speaking, no, and that's not her fault." could mean that she likes girls but doesn´t consumate a sexual relationship with them. It fits the Shafterella blind.

Anonymous said...

^^I'm convinced that most in Hollywood are bisexual or at least experimentd. Those artists are much more open-minded and many are so attractive that you can't help but try the forbidden fruit.

Anonymous said...

I never liked Austin that much anyway, he seems prepotent and a famewhore. He and this ditz Sophia faking a romance to promote this stupid show. Puhlease!
I'm curious who'll be Jake's next male fuckbuddy. Boy's probably got to satisfy his homo needs too. ;)

Anonymous said...

Everybody seemed to have moved on (Chris has Jake Ferreira, Austin has Robert) and Toothy chose to remain stuck with his fugly beard.

Anonymous said...

^^Instead of attching himself to more famous and more successful actresses, he should try to establish a respectable career himself w/o these stupid, bottle blondes (and the newest stupid bottle blonde even has baggage). What a fool! He deserves to be stuck with Chin. Sorry to say.

Anonymous said...

Austin the famewhore? ROFLMAO. A couple times out to promote a show is par for the course in HW, even guys paired up in buddy films are often seen out together right before a film to create some buzz. What does that make Reeke. The the Godzilla of whoredom?

Does seem like Ted is not denying Austin is gone, although I think Ted knows shit about TT and GG and often choses to not answer questions hoping people won't notice.

Ted said it'snot Reese's fault re the double-beard, so that wouldn't imply someone not acting on their urges. To me it implies she's just not built that way.

Anonymous said...

Oh please! Reese is not gay, neither is bi

Looking at some pics of her lately, i'm starting to believe she is not even het. She is asexual, like a plant or a fungus.
She bought her children in the Internet, I presume...

Anonymous said...

Fungus - LMAO!

Anonymous said...

The way Ted replied "Practically speaking, no, and that's not her fault." could mean that she likes girls but doesn´t consumate a sexual relationship with them. It fits the Shafterella blind.

Or - there is gay sex, but no gay relationship to hide and no gay rumors?

Anonymous said...

Results of the Chillmark race last year. Check under males 17-29, Chris and Jacob!! Jake was filming Pop then:

Anonymous said...

Chris and Jake II are life-long friends

Jake must know Jake II for a long time, too.

Anonymous said...

Check under males 17-29, Chris and Jacob!!

Jake II Jacob Ferreira is 28 and lives in Vineyard Haven.

Anonymous said...

Are Jake II & Chris an official couple?

Anonymous said...

I'm curious who'll be Jake's next male fuckbuddy. Boy's probably got to satisfy his homo needs too.

I think it's pretty sad that you think all gay men need is a fuck buddy and/or that it is better than having an actual relationship and love.

Without Austin, and with Jake so deep in the closet, it seems likely that he's looking at years of casual hookups or rentboys. Seriously, you really think that is a good thing for Jake?

Anonymous said...

How can we name Chris and Jake II? Maybe they can double date with Buckin and bitch about Toothy.

Anonymous said...

So far there is no reason to believe Jake II & Chris are a couple :)

Anonymous said...

Without Austin, and with Jake so deep in the closet, it seems likely that he's looking at years of casual hookups or rentboys.

If I was the God, Jake would fall in love with a wonderful gay Hollywood hot shot, and would come out because hiding his man would be unthinkable.

Anonymous said...

How can we name Chris and Jake II?

Cake ? :)

Jake said...

Toothy loves cake!

Anonymous said...

Cake is wonderful! Cake and Buckin :)

Anonymous said...


How sweet,
I love it!! :)

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of men, gay or straight, who don't want or need a committed relationship. And it suits them fine. Same goes for women.

I am sure Jake will have no problem getting what he needs; he's been doing it all along.

Anonymous said...

I should add: and/or what he wants.

Jake said...

Duh! Who could resist me?

Anonymous said...

Dear Loose Tooth:
Please, Toothy couldn't get this!

Get what? Get Ted? Ted doesn't want Toothy? I don't understand :(

Anonymous said...

"Please, Toothy couldn't get this!"

I think it means that Toothy couldn´t want Ted or that Toothy couldn´t understand why he has to get rid of the beard.

I noticed that the question is signed "Naomi the matchmaker". It´s Jake´s mother. I think Ted is implying that Toothy is dominated by his mother and beard. Ted implied this too with the "recently whipped" comment.

12:18 PM said...

Thanks 12:24 PM!

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